10 incredible discovery, who can not explain Historians
These findings are made at different times, in different places of the Earth. They are united by one thing: they contradict everything they know about humanity historians. Perhaps when these mysteries can be explained, they turned over all historical science, revealing to mankind the shocking truth about himself.
Stone wheels Drop
In 1938, in one of the mountain ridges of the Himalayas, in the territory of modern China, archaeologists discovered ancient burial cave. They were buried representatives of humanoid races other than the representatives of any of the people living on Earth. The representatives of this race, called Drop scientists were little more than a meter tall, had long limbs and a huge head. The walls of the caves were painted with pictures depicting the sky. Radiocarbon analysis showed that people Dropa were buried in a cave about 11 thousand years ago. However, the 716 stone discs found in the cave, were clearly made the race more advanced than the humanity of that era. These disks of different sizes were neatly dressed stone and kept carefully made records were located in a spiral. According to Chinese archaeologists, they have managed to decipher ancient texts: they tell about the race, flown from the stars and settled on Earth. Check their version, however, is difficult: the Chinese do not allow the discs scientists from other countries
London hammer
In 1936, a married couple traveling in the vicinity of London, in the state of Texas, found a strange piece of rock from which protruded a surprisingly smooth piece of wood. On closer inspection, it turned out to be the handle of the iron hammer. The find was revealed to scientists, which it has supplied to a standstill. The fact that the age of the stone, the results of radiocarbon analysis, was about 500 million years. How it was to take this hammer? Archaeologists have determined that it was made of iron with minor impurities of chlorine and sulfur. Surprisingly, in all these years to hammer no trace of rust appeared. Had he is as old as the mountains of North America? Then, it turns out there is humanity on this planet much longer than is commonly believed.
Piri Reis Map
In the year 19513, Istanbul, Ottoman Admiral Piri Haji Muhiddin, better known as Piri Reis, being a great lover of cartography, created a map based, apparently, on the experience of sea travel. Four centuries later, in 1929, part of the map was discovered in a private collection. She immediately became a sensation in the scientific world. The document is a piece - about a third of the world map. He was extraordinary for that time accuracy describes the west coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and, what is most striking, the northern coast of Antarctica, which scientists of the statement, in that era for thousands of years was covered with a solid layer of ice. Determine the exact coastline of the southern continent, scientists were able to not so long ago, and only using the technologies of the twentieth century. According to the cartographers, the creation of such detailed maps impossible without satellite images of the Earth. How could achieve a similar result Turkish admiral, who lived in the XVI century? This question science has no answer.
Tribe Dogon and Sirius B
In the 1930s, anthropologists have discovered in West Africa in Burkina Faso, a small tribe called the Dogon themselves. The Dogon live, cut off from the world for their ancient laws. The history of it is stored in the myths and legends. One of the myths of the Dogon was that once, in ancient times, a tribe of aliens visited amphibian from the star system Sirius told them of their distant homeland. All this could be mistaken for an ancient story, but, as it turned out, the Dogon really have extensive knowledge about the star Sirius B, which they called Paul Tolo, and its neighboring star - a white dwarf. They knew the length of the orbit of Sirius B, its shape, that accompanies its white dwarf consists of dense matter ... Sirius B can not be seen from Earth with the naked eye, but the Dogon pinpoints its location in the sky. Where did they get this knowledge, scientists have not found out.
Voynich Manuscript
In the twentieth century, scientists have been able to decipher some ancient tongues. But the language in which the document is written, throws them into a stupor. Voynich manuscript is named for the rare books dealer Wilfred Voynich, in whose hands it was in 1912. It - 240 pages of text with intricate illustrations and diagrams. It consists of several chapters, judging by the pictures, dedicated to different sciences: herbs, astronomy, biology, cosmology and pharmaceuticals. But what exactly is it is impossible to say, because the language in which the manuscript was written, not unlike any Earth language. Judging by the results of radioisotope analysis, the document was drawn up between 1404 and 1438 years. But who and what he's written - a mystery
Antikythera Navigator
This device, which can rightfully be called the ancient analog computer, was discovered in an ancient shipwreck off the coast of Greece, in 1900. A complex system assembled from bronze disks, able to determine the astronomical cycles and show the location of the stars in the sky. Studies have shown that it has been collected in about 100 BC - a thousand years before the appearance of how a complex of devices of this kind and for 16 centuries before Galileo's discoveries in the field of celestial mechanics. Who in those ancient times, could muster such a complex device? And who was able to understand it well before mankind has acquired the necessary knowledge in astronomy and physics? Nobody knows.
Dinosaurs - contemporaries of people
? In May 2012, during excavations in Dawson County, Montana, archaeologists discovered the triceratops horn. Giving it to the University of Georgia on radiocarbon analysis, they were shocked by the result. It turned out that they found the horn - the whole 35 thousand years! Until now it was believed that dinosaurs finally died out at least 65 million years ago. That is why the fossils of dinosaurs never subjected to radiocarbon analysis: in fact it is effective only if the object is not more than 55 thousand years. Scientists from Georgia has called on colleagues to review their existing fragments of bodies of ancient dinosaurs. However, the scientific world is in no hurry to abandon the usual views. However, if the findings of American archaeologists are confirmed, it will surely turn all historical science.
American tribes speaking in the ancient Japanese
Zuni tribe aborigines living in present-day New Mexico more than 4,000 years. Zuni speak their own, zuniyskom language, which is not similar to any of the local dialect, but it is very close to the Japanese - so much so that modern Japanese people easily understand zuniytsev. Additionally, some blood group with the same frequency are found in Japanese people and Zuni, whereas other Aboriginal they meet all. The representatives of this tribe manifested a rare kidney disease, it is not characteristic of Native Americans, but frequent in Asia. This similarity is still a mystery to scientists.
Ancient Roman statue in Mexico City
In 1933 archaeologists excavated an ancient cemetery in the Mexican Toluca valley, came across a small fragment of the statue - the human head of baked clay. Having carefully considered the discovery, scientists have found that it is fully consistent with the style of Roman statues II century ery.Verdikt scientists was unequivocal: it is - a part of ancient Roman statues. Radiocarbon analysis showed that it was made between the IX century BC and XIII century AD. The cemetery, where it was discovered, appeared much later. Archaeologists still could not think of any reasonable explanation to the way ancient Roman statue came to Mexico.
Hebrew Inscription on a rock in New Mexico
This amazing discovery called the Stone of the Covenant of Los Lunas. 90-ton boulder on which the ancient Hebrew Ten Commandments written Christian, was found on a hillside near the town of Los Lunas, New Mexico. This mysterious tablet found in 1933 by a university professor Hibben. Although covered the stone moss, he saw in it the letters of the ancient Jewish language. Scientific studies have shown that the inscription on the stone - from 500 to 2000 years. But who did it and why? It is still not known by anybody.
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Stone wheels Drop
In 1938, in one of the mountain ridges of the Himalayas, in the territory of modern China, archaeologists discovered ancient burial cave. They were buried representatives of humanoid races other than the representatives of any of the people living on Earth. The representatives of this race, called Drop scientists were little more than a meter tall, had long limbs and a huge head. The walls of the caves were painted with pictures depicting the sky. Radiocarbon analysis showed that people Dropa were buried in a cave about 11 thousand years ago. However, the 716 stone discs found in the cave, were clearly made the race more advanced than the humanity of that era. These disks of different sizes were neatly dressed stone and kept carefully made records were located in a spiral. According to Chinese archaeologists, they have managed to decipher ancient texts: they tell about the race, flown from the stars and settled on Earth. Check their version, however, is difficult: the Chinese do not allow the discs scientists from other countries

London hammer
In 1936, a married couple traveling in the vicinity of London, in the state of Texas, found a strange piece of rock from which protruded a surprisingly smooth piece of wood. On closer inspection, it turned out to be the handle of the iron hammer. The find was revealed to scientists, which it has supplied to a standstill. The fact that the age of the stone, the results of radiocarbon analysis, was about 500 million years. How it was to take this hammer? Archaeologists have determined that it was made of iron with minor impurities of chlorine and sulfur. Surprisingly, in all these years to hammer no trace of rust appeared. Had he is as old as the mountains of North America? Then, it turns out there is humanity on this planet much longer than is commonly believed.

Piri Reis Map
In the year 19513, Istanbul, Ottoman Admiral Piri Haji Muhiddin, better known as Piri Reis, being a great lover of cartography, created a map based, apparently, on the experience of sea travel. Four centuries later, in 1929, part of the map was discovered in a private collection. She immediately became a sensation in the scientific world. The document is a piece - about a third of the world map. He was extraordinary for that time accuracy describes the west coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and, what is most striking, the northern coast of Antarctica, which scientists of the statement, in that era for thousands of years was covered with a solid layer of ice. Determine the exact coastline of the southern continent, scientists were able to not so long ago, and only using the technologies of the twentieth century. According to the cartographers, the creation of such detailed maps impossible without satellite images of the Earth. How could achieve a similar result Turkish admiral, who lived in the XVI century? This question science has no answer.

Tribe Dogon and Sirius B
In the 1930s, anthropologists have discovered in West Africa in Burkina Faso, a small tribe called the Dogon themselves. The Dogon live, cut off from the world for their ancient laws. The history of it is stored in the myths and legends. One of the myths of the Dogon was that once, in ancient times, a tribe of aliens visited amphibian from the star system Sirius told them of their distant homeland. All this could be mistaken for an ancient story, but, as it turned out, the Dogon really have extensive knowledge about the star Sirius B, which they called Paul Tolo, and its neighboring star - a white dwarf. They knew the length of the orbit of Sirius B, its shape, that accompanies its white dwarf consists of dense matter ... Sirius B can not be seen from Earth with the naked eye, but the Dogon pinpoints its location in the sky. Where did they get this knowledge, scientists have not found out.

Voynich Manuscript
In the twentieth century, scientists have been able to decipher some ancient tongues. But the language in which the document is written, throws them into a stupor. Voynich manuscript is named for the rare books dealer Wilfred Voynich, in whose hands it was in 1912. It - 240 pages of text with intricate illustrations and diagrams. It consists of several chapters, judging by the pictures, dedicated to different sciences: herbs, astronomy, biology, cosmology and pharmaceuticals. But what exactly is it is impossible to say, because the language in which the manuscript was written, not unlike any Earth language. Judging by the results of radioisotope analysis, the document was drawn up between 1404 and 1438 years. But who and what he's written - a mystery

Antikythera Navigator
This device, which can rightfully be called the ancient analog computer, was discovered in an ancient shipwreck off the coast of Greece, in 1900. A complex system assembled from bronze disks, able to determine the astronomical cycles and show the location of the stars in the sky. Studies have shown that it has been collected in about 100 BC - a thousand years before the appearance of how a complex of devices of this kind and for 16 centuries before Galileo's discoveries in the field of celestial mechanics. Who in those ancient times, could muster such a complex device? And who was able to understand it well before mankind has acquired the necessary knowledge in astronomy and physics? Nobody knows.

Dinosaurs - contemporaries of people
? In May 2012, during excavations in Dawson County, Montana, archaeologists discovered the triceratops horn. Giving it to the University of Georgia on radiocarbon analysis, they were shocked by the result. It turned out that they found the horn - the whole 35 thousand years! Until now it was believed that dinosaurs finally died out at least 65 million years ago. That is why the fossils of dinosaurs never subjected to radiocarbon analysis: in fact it is effective only if the object is not more than 55 thousand years. Scientists from Georgia has called on colleagues to review their existing fragments of bodies of ancient dinosaurs. However, the scientific world is in no hurry to abandon the usual views. However, if the findings of American archaeologists are confirmed, it will surely turn all historical science.

American tribes speaking in the ancient Japanese
Zuni tribe aborigines living in present-day New Mexico more than 4,000 years. Zuni speak their own, zuniyskom language, which is not similar to any of the local dialect, but it is very close to the Japanese - so much so that modern Japanese people easily understand zuniytsev. Additionally, some blood group with the same frequency are found in Japanese people and Zuni, whereas other Aboriginal they meet all. The representatives of this tribe manifested a rare kidney disease, it is not characteristic of Native Americans, but frequent in Asia. This similarity is still a mystery to scientists.

Ancient Roman statue in Mexico City
In 1933 archaeologists excavated an ancient cemetery in the Mexican Toluca valley, came across a small fragment of the statue - the human head of baked clay. Having carefully considered the discovery, scientists have found that it is fully consistent with the style of Roman statues II century ery.Verdikt scientists was unequivocal: it is - a part of ancient Roman statues. Radiocarbon analysis showed that it was made between the IX century BC and XIII century AD. The cemetery, where it was discovered, appeared much later. Archaeologists still could not think of any reasonable explanation to the way ancient Roman statue came to Mexico.

Hebrew Inscription on a rock in New Mexico
This amazing discovery called the Stone of the Covenant of Los Lunas. 90-ton boulder on which the ancient Hebrew Ten Commandments written Christian, was found on a hillside near the town of Los Lunas, New Mexico. This mysterious tablet found in 1933 by a university professor Hibben. Although covered the stone moss, he saw in it the letters of the ancient Jewish language. Scientific studies have shown that the inscription on the stone - from 500 to 2000 years. But who did it and why? It is still not known by anybody.

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