How not to fall asleep?
There is always a chance that you will not need to sleep a certain time. Night two. And in the dream tends crazy - her eyes stick together, keep the neck muscles refuse potyazhelevshy head and thoughts are confused and stumble over one another.
What to do? Coffee does not help, and the work is urgent? So, you've come to the address.
With my way of life (so I drove), sometimes it was necessary to stay up to 40 or even 60 hours. Agree, it's pretty hard.
I hope you never have to repeat my experience.
I classified the methods of the "easiest" to "very heavy." At the end you will find a small anatomical reference. Let's go.
(6 Picchu)
But, to begin with, that in no case can not be done so as not to fall asleep.
* Do not load heavy food. Carbohydrates, high fat foods and just fried food - your enemies in this matter. Chips, bread, sour cream - forget it. You will be much more difficult to fall asleep with a nice weight in the stomach.
* If you want to spend the night on the couch and did not sleep - it is a cruel mistake. The best position in this case - on a chair behind the desk. The situation in any case should not cause a sense of comfort, but can not be numb.
* Concerning the music - you do not listen to familiar compositions, what format they would not be. The only exception - if the composition is connected with memories of extreme events in your life. Otherwise - best suited rhythmic, loud music with powerful drums, are not familiar to you earlier. Headphones much preferred speakers.
* Do not turn off the light. In the dark it is easy to sleep, especially if your work requires high concentration. If the light annoys you - so much the better. Table lamp should illuminate not only a workspace, but also, partly, your face.
* Remove far away things distract you. Especially - fetish objects. Beer, photography lover, flowers on the window - it is possible that most of the time you will sit without taking his eyes from them. It is best to put in front of him remind you to not sleep thing - watch, record book, a contract with the company on the date of issue of materials.
* Do not play. Neither. Klondike, yo-yos, chess, Goo and other cute things so heart - remove them until better times. However, if you simply do not sleep, do nothing at the same time, MMO-games - the best solution.
* Do not sit in the stuffy atmosphere! The brain does not have to starve from lack of oxygen. Open the box, run out to the balcony, go out to walk - you need it. Also in the area should not be hot. It is better to dress warmly and to open the window at least.
* Do not drink alcohol. Then you fall asleep in the morning.
In fact, compliance with all of the above should already ensure that you hang on tenaciously to 3-4 in the morning. However, if this does not help you or you are not satisfied with such a short time - proceed to the methods described below.
I must warn you once again - most of them are connected with the artificial production of adrenaline, which is not the best way affects the cardiovascular system. A lack of sleep - on the psyche.
We continue on your own risk.
The simplest methods.
These methods are characterized in that they actually physically harmless, and usually are very short time. However, the frequent repetition of them will pass the night (in some cases also the day). They are commonplace these methods are obvious, but very effective and useful. I highly recommend staying at them.
1. Seeds. Do not laugh. This is one of the most effective ways that I know of. Unfortunately, the seeds are very distracting, so their use is extremely limited.
2. Chocolate, caramel, peanuts, sugar, marshmallows - very helpful. In particular - peanuts in caramel. Try to have one every three minutes. Similarly, every three minutes. Finally, reaching the automatism in the action you do not have time to see how the night passed.
3. Essential oils. Mint, rosemary, citrus, pine needles - very, very, very effective tool. At your service - oil burner, a special pendant with a notch (I have such a pitcher), handkerchiefs and gender. Really - wash the floor with essential oil during the break - sleep fly off.
4. Water. Drink a lot. Lots of. Desirable - hot. Liquid, burning throat and stomach the most effective method. Coffee, coffee, coffee ... drink diuretic at night - masochism, but it works. Together, these two methods provide a sleepless night.
5. infusions of various herbs. Licorice, ginseng, chamomile - always hot. However, these recipes are always individual, so you need to pick up a set for infusion of herbs for myself.
6. Spices. Mustard, horseradish, hot peppers. My grandfather escaped from a dream so - in between stupidly rubbing fresh grated horseradish. A smell of chilly to the bone. However, if you can not stand acute, better abstain.
7. Hunger. Do not eat. Even if you strongly want. Hunger - the most spectacular facility that I know.
This concludes the simple methods. Did not help? Then let's move on to the next item.
Methods of average complexity.
Here - on the different. The preceding paragraph talking about the most simple and obvious things. Now - about the chemistry, psychology and life.
1. Walking on the balcony. And the best - on the roof. Cool, fear of heights and fear of the night. Admire the moon, count the stars - and back again for work.
2. A good debate or trolling. It is advisable to take part in the intervals between work, waiting for the response of the opponent. On the art of trolling the dispute and wrote a lot - but few where it is said that it leads to a sharp rise in pressure, the influx of adrenaline into the blood and improve brain function. However - we must be able to behave in hands, waiting for the reaction of the opponent - remember you while away the night with the aim first and foremost need to fulfill the very purpose, and only your participation in the debate - not just a way to get to sleep. If you do not have Internet - suitable radio, TV or newspaper. Find a topic with which you disagree and begin to participate in the discussion mentally - leads their arguments, think about what your opponent may present counterarguments. And best of all read about bastards, bastards, cops and officials, what they are media. From surging sense of injustice can be mad. The benefit of such stories - dozens a day.
3. Soccer, racing, horse racing and other sports. You will need a radio. If you have the opportunity - football game download torrents or look online "back background", that is, listen to the sound from the match at the time of operation, turning the player. If this is the race horse racing - Participate in a sweepstakes to medium-sized amount. Interest appears very much alive in the process. Insomnia guarantee.
4. Chemistry. There are hundreds of ways to kill yourself and your heart. For example bright - the jaguar. This is quite an energy drink would keep you overnight (alcohol contributes to the rapid absorption of various chemicals in the body). But Byrne is completely useless (his advice when physical fatigue). Speaking about his recipes, here are known to each student: Cola + Coffee + "succinic acid". Kills. There are less radical: mineral water + honey + lemon. You can try to prevent the natural stimulators with carbonated beverages: Hawthorn + cream soda. And the classic version - a thermos, a third - coffee, one third - sugar, a third - water with lemon juice. Remember - for your heart once you answer.
5. Exercise. Tired mentally? Running on a turnstile! Push-ups, sit-ups. Tired physically? Next do the job! Very strongly strains the heart and can lead to the bursting of blood vessels (the night).
6. Play with alarm. Set the alarm so that it rang an hour later. Wait. Start again. Wait. Start again. Fly by night.
7. Fear. Very effective, but sadly for the psyche - artificially causes a sense of fear and anxiety. Ask "and not whether someone behind me, and not whether someone behind?". Look terrible short films on the theme of ghosts - believe me, at night they do not seem quite so funny. Do you have a phobia? Excellent - get the picture with the image of your fears - bees, spiders, insects, parasites. Photos of the "tin" is also recommended - a dream is removed as a hand. Guts, open wounds ... However, and this is not acting at all. With frequent use causes a syndrome pofigizma. An excellent method of dealing with their phobias.
Did not help? Then we move on to the most brutal methods.
Sophisticated techniques.
1. stimulants. Phenotropil, Eleuterakok, Dёppelgerts and hundreds of others in the side effects indicated: "pressure increase, insomnia, anxiety." The problem is that they cost a lot and without a doctor's recommendation not to use them better (hypertension fenotropilom quite possible to burn the heart).
2. Pain. Yes, the pain. Buy medical syringes (or drug needles) and try to pierce a piece of skin on the arm. Take her "pinch". If you are not woken up by the very fact that you do - try the same puncture. Once the bleed, you're not that bed ... I advise you to keep a number of cotton wool soaked in alcohol for prevention. There is also a variety of drag - knife cuts (puts close and slowly drive), severe burns (the most effective and radical method), self-flagellation (belt, nettle) and all invent your consciousness, and you are ready to endure physically. However, for the most part it helps wake the thought of the possibility of such an act.
3. Shame. Remember the moment of greatest shame in your life. Scroll down his head. All you need nothing more. The problem is that it requires a certain mental preparation.
4. "Comic calls" - three nights, terribly want to sleep and do the job you want? Arrange joke - call someone nibul a stupid question. Threats to your address violence - just endless adrenaline rush. The problem that may be found.
5. Put a plastic bag over his head. Minutes 2-3. Sleep no.
6. Be patient on the need. How can. When you need a strong will never fall asleep.
7. Permanent, very loud music on headphones. This, incidentally, one of the methods of torture in Guantanamo.
That's all I wanted to say. All I remember now ever used in my life. There were some things about which is better to remain silent. Do not repeat my experience people just sleep better health.
What to do? Coffee does not help, and the work is urgent? So, you've come to the address.
With my way of life (so I drove), sometimes it was necessary to stay up to 40 or even 60 hours. Agree, it's pretty hard.
I hope you never have to repeat my experience.
I classified the methods of the "easiest" to "very heavy." At the end you will find a small anatomical reference. Let's go.
(6 Picchu)

But, to begin with, that in no case can not be done so as not to fall asleep.
* Do not load heavy food. Carbohydrates, high fat foods and just fried food - your enemies in this matter. Chips, bread, sour cream - forget it. You will be much more difficult to fall asleep with a nice weight in the stomach.
* If you want to spend the night on the couch and did not sleep - it is a cruel mistake. The best position in this case - on a chair behind the desk. The situation in any case should not cause a sense of comfort, but can not be numb.
* Concerning the music - you do not listen to familiar compositions, what format they would not be. The only exception - if the composition is connected with memories of extreme events in your life. Otherwise - best suited rhythmic, loud music with powerful drums, are not familiar to you earlier. Headphones much preferred speakers.
* Do not turn off the light. In the dark it is easy to sleep, especially if your work requires high concentration. If the light annoys you - so much the better. Table lamp should illuminate not only a workspace, but also, partly, your face.
* Remove far away things distract you. Especially - fetish objects. Beer, photography lover, flowers on the window - it is possible that most of the time you will sit without taking his eyes from them. It is best to put in front of him remind you to not sleep thing - watch, record book, a contract with the company on the date of issue of materials.
* Do not play. Neither. Klondike, yo-yos, chess, Goo and other cute things so heart - remove them until better times. However, if you simply do not sleep, do nothing at the same time, MMO-games - the best solution.
* Do not sit in the stuffy atmosphere! The brain does not have to starve from lack of oxygen. Open the box, run out to the balcony, go out to walk - you need it. Also in the area should not be hot. It is better to dress warmly and to open the window at least.
* Do not drink alcohol. Then you fall asleep in the morning.
In fact, compliance with all of the above should already ensure that you hang on tenaciously to 3-4 in the morning. However, if this does not help you or you are not satisfied with such a short time - proceed to the methods described below.
I must warn you once again - most of them are connected with the artificial production of adrenaline, which is not the best way affects the cardiovascular system. A lack of sleep - on the psyche.
We continue on your own risk.

The simplest methods.
These methods are characterized in that they actually physically harmless, and usually are very short time. However, the frequent repetition of them will pass the night (in some cases also the day). They are commonplace these methods are obvious, but very effective and useful. I highly recommend staying at them.
1. Seeds. Do not laugh. This is one of the most effective ways that I know of. Unfortunately, the seeds are very distracting, so their use is extremely limited.
2. Chocolate, caramel, peanuts, sugar, marshmallows - very helpful. In particular - peanuts in caramel. Try to have one every three minutes. Similarly, every three minutes. Finally, reaching the automatism in the action you do not have time to see how the night passed.
3. Essential oils. Mint, rosemary, citrus, pine needles - very, very, very effective tool. At your service - oil burner, a special pendant with a notch (I have such a pitcher), handkerchiefs and gender. Really - wash the floor with essential oil during the break - sleep fly off.
4. Water. Drink a lot. Lots of. Desirable - hot. Liquid, burning throat and stomach the most effective method. Coffee, coffee, coffee ... drink diuretic at night - masochism, but it works. Together, these two methods provide a sleepless night.
5. infusions of various herbs. Licorice, ginseng, chamomile - always hot. However, these recipes are always individual, so you need to pick up a set for infusion of herbs for myself.
6. Spices. Mustard, horseradish, hot peppers. My grandfather escaped from a dream so - in between stupidly rubbing fresh grated horseradish. A smell of chilly to the bone. However, if you can not stand acute, better abstain.
7. Hunger. Do not eat. Even if you strongly want. Hunger - the most spectacular facility that I know.
This concludes the simple methods. Did not help? Then let's move on to the next item.

Methods of average complexity.
Here - on the different. The preceding paragraph talking about the most simple and obvious things. Now - about the chemistry, psychology and life.
1. Walking on the balcony. And the best - on the roof. Cool, fear of heights and fear of the night. Admire the moon, count the stars - and back again for work.
2. A good debate or trolling. It is advisable to take part in the intervals between work, waiting for the response of the opponent. On the art of trolling the dispute and wrote a lot - but few where it is said that it leads to a sharp rise in pressure, the influx of adrenaline into the blood and improve brain function. However - we must be able to behave in hands, waiting for the reaction of the opponent - remember you while away the night with the aim first and foremost need to fulfill the very purpose, and only your participation in the debate - not just a way to get to sleep. If you do not have Internet - suitable radio, TV or newspaper. Find a topic with which you disagree and begin to participate in the discussion mentally - leads their arguments, think about what your opponent may present counterarguments. And best of all read about bastards, bastards, cops and officials, what they are media. From surging sense of injustice can be mad. The benefit of such stories - dozens a day.
3. Soccer, racing, horse racing and other sports. You will need a radio. If you have the opportunity - football game download torrents or look online "back background", that is, listen to the sound from the match at the time of operation, turning the player. If this is the race horse racing - Participate in a sweepstakes to medium-sized amount. Interest appears very much alive in the process. Insomnia guarantee.
4. Chemistry. There are hundreds of ways to kill yourself and your heart. For example bright - the jaguar. This is quite an energy drink would keep you overnight (alcohol contributes to the rapid absorption of various chemicals in the body). But Byrne is completely useless (his advice when physical fatigue). Speaking about his recipes, here are known to each student: Cola + Coffee + "succinic acid". Kills. There are less radical: mineral water + honey + lemon. You can try to prevent the natural stimulators with carbonated beverages: Hawthorn + cream soda. And the classic version - a thermos, a third - coffee, one third - sugar, a third - water with lemon juice. Remember - for your heart once you answer.
5. Exercise. Tired mentally? Running on a turnstile! Push-ups, sit-ups. Tired physically? Next do the job! Very strongly strains the heart and can lead to the bursting of blood vessels (the night).
6. Play with alarm. Set the alarm so that it rang an hour later. Wait. Start again. Wait. Start again. Fly by night.
7. Fear. Very effective, but sadly for the psyche - artificially causes a sense of fear and anxiety. Ask "and not whether someone behind me, and not whether someone behind?". Look terrible short films on the theme of ghosts - believe me, at night they do not seem quite so funny. Do you have a phobia? Excellent - get the picture with the image of your fears - bees, spiders, insects, parasites. Photos of the "tin" is also recommended - a dream is removed as a hand. Guts, open wounds ... However, and this is not acting at all. With frequent use causes a syndrome pofigizma. An excellent method of dealing with their phobias.
Did not help? Then we move on to the most brutal methods.

Sophisticated techniques.
1. stimulants. Phenotropil, Eleuterakok, Dёppelgerts and hundreds of others in the side effects indicated: "pressure increase, insomnia, anxiety." The problem is that they cost a lot and without a doctor's recommendation not to use them better (hypertension fenotropilom quite possible to burn the heart).
2. Pain. Yes, the pain. Buy medical syringes (or drug needles) and try to pierce a piece of skin on the arm. Take her "pinch". If you are not woken up by the very fact that you do - try the same puncture. Once the bleed, you're not that bed ... I advise you to keep a number of cotton wool soaked in alcohol for prevention. There is also a variety of drag - knife cuts (puts close and slowly drive), severe burns (the most effective and radical method), self-flagellation (belt, nettle) and all invent your consciousness, and you are ready to endure physically. However, for the most part it helps wake the thought of the possibility of such an act.
3. Shame. Remember the moment of greatest shame in your life. Scroll down his head. All you need nothing more. The problem is that it requires a certain mental preparation.
4. "Comic calls" - three nights, terribly want to sleep and do the job you want? Arrange joke - call someone nibul a stupid question. Threats to your address violence - just endless adrenaline rush. The problem that may be found.
5. Put a plastic bag over his head. Minutes 2-3. Sleep no.
6. Be patient on the need. How can. When you need a strong will never fall asleep.
7. Permanent, very loud music on headphones. This, incidentally, one of the methods of torture in Guantanamo.
That's all I wanted to say. All I remember now ever used in my life. There were some things about which is better to remain silent. Do not repeat my experience people just sleep better health.
