Circus on Tsvetnoy - Heritage Nikulin

Yesterday, blogger yellow-reporter «Rossiyskaya Gazeta" was invited to shoot behind the scenes of the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and chat with Maxim Nikulin - director and artistic director of the famous circus.

This is it - Maksim Nikulin. And he told an amazing thing: it turns out that there is a free museum Maroseika circus! Free, wow. Sure I'll go.

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And this is - a part of his father's office. Maxim said that the collection of clowns from around the world happened to his father by accident. Just everyone who came to Yuri Nikulin - gave him the figure of the clown.

Yuri Nikulin most loved here that his medal, it is in the center, silver-colored. He gave it to the veterans of the circus. Each brought from home that anyone could: an earring, a spoon, a pin ... - all melted here in this medal to Yuri Nikulin. "For goodness and moloserdie." In an instance of a single.

Well, not much of this in his office!

More Maksim Nikulin told amazing things:

- The last leader of the country's highest, is visited by the circus was Brezhnev. Like this. With musicians meet with clowns and do not want. On the other hand, everything is clear: they are not a circus see every day in the hallways of his power.

- It turns out, circus acts are not protected by copyright. You can safely steal.

- Average acrobat gets 4, 5000 for the presentation. Such statements per month goes up to 30.
