Descendants of Yuri Nikulin
Most of the children of artists eager to follow his parents. Maxim Nikulin - exception. While in the movie, he still "light up" - in the comedy "The Diamond Arm", where he played the boy walking on the water. But it is not worried that experience ... For seventeen years, he manages the firm hand brainchild of his father - Circus Nikulin.
Actually Maxim Nikulin circus liked, but bind him his destiny was not going to make a successful career in a variety of media, was a journalist, presenter on radio and television. For the soul - played drums and guitar quartet, sometimes giving concerts. Twice married badly, and the third time found the same happiness. And everything went on as usual, until the event of force majeure ...
Maxim Nikulin fate decided case. Miserable. Killed Managing Director circus on the colored Boulevard, and Maxim in this difficult moment came to his father to help matters. And stayed. His sons also work in the circus. Photographs, old and not so allow better get accustomed to this creative family. Going through the pictures, Nikulin recalled happy moments spent with my dad, and the Scottish romantic tale princess who cooked pasta.
13 ph and text
"My father and next to our house on Malaya Bronnaya. I am a high school student, has already started smoking. But no one in the family that's not my fault. There were, of course, talk that "resin" is bad, but some lingering. Because all around smoked. And it would somehow illogical - do it yourself and scold me. With my father I've always had a good relationship. He never raised me on purpose, except by example. "
"September 3, 2000, the opening of a monument to his father. In the photo - my mother, my wife and I with his sons. The father comes out of the gig, known for the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus." Earlier at the wheel of a vehicle stolen "skusyvali" hydraulics. Apparently, someone needed a "souvenir" from Nikulin. "
"Yura was twenty-two years old when he married Anastasia. The wedding took place in the Moscow mayor's office, and it was an accident. This day was a great Orthodox holiday - Red Hill - and each registry office took one pair. Jura and Anastasia were among the "elite".
"Red Square. Dad first took me to demonstrate. It was such a holiday - somewhere to go with it! I've seen parents infrequently - basically raised me Grandma. Sometimes I even called himself "son of my grandmother's." But understand that mom and dad this work, but they still love me. "
"When I first took the hand of his grandson, I just tear proshibla. It was a real shock! Quite a different feeling compared to when you hold her sons - a strong and touching. In the role of grandparents feel natural and easy - after all the trouble lies with the parents, and I admire how Stanislav growing. "
"We are his sons. Elder (he pictured right) was named in honor of Yuri grandparents and younger - Maxim, just liked the combination of first name and patronymic. Both graduated from Moscow Art Theatre School named. Chekhov: Jura specialty theatrical manager, and Maxim - producer. Both of them are now working in our circus, so decided themselves. Jura - a good organizer, Maxim is engaged in international projects, touring. "
"I'm with my wife in Edinburgh. We Masha together for twenty-eight years. On our silver wedding anniversary we went to Scotland. Tale! Fantastic trip. Struck by the beauty and cleanliness around. You look out of the wagon train on huge spreading tree, which three hundred years, and a feeling that their trimmed yesterday - so they look well groomed. "
"Fishing - this is not my hobby, and probably on the occasion. While traveling through Europe, I had the opportunity to go fishing on the beautiful lakes, but the big catch failed. We have seen how the trout swim, but she stubbornly refused to bite. Apparently, it is well fed before us. "
"Most of our family gathering - my father, my wife and children. It Hotshots telecast "White parrot". My father was one of the authors, and subsequently leading the program. The force of his charm all united. With grandchildren at that time he had already begun to fully communicate - played with them in the country, telling stories. "
"We just moved into a new apartment. All sad because recently died Yuri. Housewarming was related one story. At the time, the Pope appealed to the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov to to build a house with apartments for circus performers. Built. And dad did not even know that one apartment was meant for him. "
"I'm going to cross the Greek border in the" antique "helmet. It looks massive, but really easy, tin. Typical souvenir. The fact that the aircraft could take only one item of baggage. And I was still except for the bag and the helmet. I had to put it on. And in this form, dark and strange, I was standing in line. Extra questions nobody asked me. "
"With the Princess Stephanie, we met when I worked in the jury at circus festival in Monte Carlo. In the Prince's Palace of Monaco has not yet had a chance to visit, but I was staying in the apartment of the princess. She cooked pasta. Stephanie has always been a rebel - left the house, twisted love affairs, his father twice deprived of her inheritance. "
And finally, my favorite photo of this man! I finished!
Actually Maxim Nikulin circus liked, but bind him his destiny was not going to make a successful career in a variety of media, was a journalist, presenter on radio and television. For the soul - played drums and guitar quartet, sometimes giving concerts. Twice married badly, and the third time found the same happiness. And everything went on as usual, until the event of force majeure ...
Maxim Nikulin fate decided case. Miserable. Killed Managing Director circus on the colored Boulevard, and Maxim in this difficult moment came to his father to help matters. And stayed. His sons also work in the circus. Photographs, old and not so allow better get accustomed to this creative family. Going through the pictures, Nikulin recalled happy moments spent with my dad, and the Scottish romantic tale princess who cooked pasta.
13 ph and text

"My father and next to our house on Malaya Bronnaya. I am a high school student, has already started smoking. But no one in the family that's not my fault. There were, of course, talk that "resin" is bad, but some lingering. Because all around smoked. And it would somehow illogical - do it yourself and scold me. With my father I've always had a good relationship. He never raised me on purpose, except by example. "

"September 3, 2000, the opening of a monument to his father. In the photo - my mother, my wife and I with his sons. The father comes out of the gig, known for the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus." Earlier at the wheel of a vehicle stolen "skusyvali" hydraulics. Apparently, someone needed a "souvenir" from Nikulin. "

"Yura was twenty-two years old when he married Anastasia. The wedding took place in the Moscow mayor's office, and it was an accident. This day was a great Orthodox holiday - Red Hill - and each registry office took one pair. Jura and Anastasia were among the "elite".

"Red Square. Dad first took me to demonstrate. It was such a holiday - somewhere to go with it! I've seen parents infrequently - basically raised me Grandma. Sometimes I even called himself "son of my grandmother's." But understand that mom and dad this work, but they still love me. "

"When I first took the hand of his grandson, I just tear proshibla. It was a real shock! Quite a different feeling compared to when you hold her sons - a strong and touching. In the role of grandparents feel natural and easy - after all the trouble lies with the parents, and I admire how Stanislav growing. "

"We are his sons. Elder (he pictured right) was named in honor of Yuri grandparents and younger - Maxim, just liked the combination of first name and patronymic. Both graduated from Moscow Art Theatre School named. Chekhov: Jura specialty theatrical manager, and Maxim - producer. Both of them are now working in our circus, so decided themselves. Jura - a good organizer, Maxim is engaged in international projects, touring. "

"I'm with my wife in Edinburgh. We Masha together for twenty-eight years. On our silver wedding anniversary we went to Scotland. Tale! Fantastic trip. Struck by the beauty and cleanliness around. You look out of the wagon train on huge spreading tree, which three hundred years, and a feeling that their trimmed yesterday - so they look well groomed. "

"Fishing - this is not my hobby, and probably on the occasion. While traveling through Europe, I had the opportunity to go fishing on the beautiful lakes, but the big catch failed. We have seen how the trout swim, but she stubbornly refused to bite. Apparently, it is well fed before us. "

"Most of our family gathering - my father, my wife and children. It Hotshots telecast "White parrot". My father was one of the authors, and subsequently leading the program. The force of his charm all united. With grandchildren at that time he had already begun to fully communicate - played with them in the country, telling stories. "

"We just moved into a new apartment. All sad because recently died Yuri. Housewarming was related one story. At the time, the Pope appealed to the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov to to build a house with apartments for circus performers. Built. And dad did not even know that one apartment was meant for him. "

"I'm going to cross the Greek border in the" antique "helmet. It looks massive, but really easy, tin. Typical souvenir. The fact that the aircraft could take only one item of baggage. And I was still except for the bag and the helmet. I had to put it on. And in this form, dark and strange, I was standing in line. Extra questions nobody asked me. "

"With the Princess Stephanie, we met when I worked in the jury at circus festival in Monte Carlo. In the Prince's Palace of Monaco has not yet had a chance to visit, but I was staying in the apartment of the princess. She cooked pasta. Stephanie has always been a rebel - left the house, twisted love affairs, his father twice deprived of her inheritance. "

And finally, my favorite photo of this man! I finished!