Today is the memory of Yuri Nikulin

On the film "Business people»
During the filming of "Business people" incident occurred, which tells the actor himself:
"Drove me" Mosfilm "(ibid make up and dressed) for night shooting to
Central House of Writers. In the hands I held a massive "Colt". Our
car sped along the waterfront. I like playing the scene, pulled on
his hat, put a "Colt" to the driver's head and commanded: "Right.
Forward ... Left! Do not look back! »
On the streets deserted, night.
When approached the Arbat, the road suddenly blocked the nude black
passenger cars. Of the cars jumped by armed men in civilian clothes and
rushed to us. We were frightened. It turns out that when I held the "Colt" in
the driver's head, we saw a policeman-adjuster and reported
what he saw duty in the city.
Of course, members of the Task Force have chauffeured released, but asked
continue to mislead the police not to enter ».

Fruits of popularity
Very often the audience identify the actors and their characters. In the picture
"Business people" Yuri Nikulin played a thief. After the film was released on
screens with actor amusing incident occurred.
Once Yuri Nikulin was the colored Boulevard, when suddenly in front of him
stopped people. He is somewhere very much in a hurry, clutching two bottles of
wine, but seeing the famous artist, stood rooted to the spot.
- Yura, you're doing wrong - the stranger asked the artist. - You need to be sure
teach. I can do it.
- What to teach? - Genuinely surprised Nikulin.
- How in the apartment to climb! You're in the movie doing it wrong.
- What are you - a thief?
- Yup. Once was. Now, however, tied up, but the experience is not spend on drink. I
Now Kant mirror factory. I ran here to buddies, you want to us?
We'll teach you how to "Sonia" take.
- What is Sonia?
- Well, the apartment. We're even during the day can go. You're an artist. If bedrooms,
I will say that, they say, the actor teaching, and we will be nothing. Come on?
Citing a lack of time, our Yury Nikulin hurried retreat,
but remember this meeting for a long time.

On the film "When the trees were big».
On the very first day of shooting, when the episode was filmed in furniture
store, Nikulin was an amusing episode. He came to the set
area in makeup and costume Iordanova and wanted to enter the store.
However, its director suddenly barred his passage. Stubble and
crumpled suit our hero made him an appropriate impression.
- Where are you, citizen? - Sternly asked the director.
- I'm in the store - said Nikulin.
- Nothing you do there! - Even more frowned director.
- Yes, I'm an actor, starring - floated last argument is our hero.
- We know these artists! In the morning my eyes flooded, and go, "performances" play!
Go away, while I did not call the police!
At this point, went to the scene himself and stood up for Kulidzhanov
his ward. From the words of the director at the director's eyes widened even
more. A director rejoiced:
- Well, if people perceive you so, then you are logged into the image perfectly.
On the set of the movie "The Diamond Arm»
And on the "Diamond Hand" Yuri Nikulin buried ... It was like this. How
the reader will recall, at the end of the movie hero Nikulin Semen Semenovich Gorbunkov
falls out of the trunk of the car flying through the air. For this
scene made a special mannequin, very similar to the actor.
Then one day the cleaner, cleaned the studio, lifted the sheet and saw
This mannequin. And on the same day in the Afternoon (where the film was shot in the summer of '68)
rumor that actor Nikulin died. These rumors even reached Moscow,
and our hero had to urgently call to the capital to appease
his own mother.