Where did the growth Schwarzenegger?
"I'm here Conducted small research anropologicheskie: gone somewhere a foot leg length Arnie. In Russia. Well, if otrastёt back ...
Now California should join a military alliance with Belarus and co-teach the gnomes from Moscow Disneyland for the humiliation of the governor.
Jokes, jokes, but this figure the state of society. Even Sevkoree, in my opinion, this is not observed podzhopnichestva. Scoops, sir. Sea cucumber in red sauce ... mushrooming of their kind under the sea cucumber red sauce ... »
p.s. taken here
Now California should join a military alliance with Belarus and co-teach the gnomes from Moscow Disneyland for the humiliation of the governor.
Jokes, jokes, but this figure the state of society. Even Sevkoree, in my opinion, this is not observed podzhopnichestva. Scoops, sir. Sea cucumber in red sauce ... mushrooming of their kind under the sea cucumber red sauce ... »
p.s. taken here
