The most spectacular circus world
Going to the circus for many people this is the best opportunity to feel like a kid again and experience the atmosphere of fun. Funny clowns, acrobats and bright decorations are able to give hours of pleasure and spend a few hours at the viewer in a special fairy-tale world. This collection is for you collected the best circus troupes of the world are capable to impress anyone.
Cirque du Soleil
Canadian "Cirque du Soleil" brought the genre to a new level. Mystical stories, crazy costumes, incredible acrobatics and the best music in the world. Impressive, even those who do not like the circus.
Chinese circus
China is the oldest circus troupe in the world. Known incredible numbers that can not be repeated, no circus, and an enormous capacity for work. Their ideas are always on the brink of human capabilities.
Fujian Acrobatic Troupe
Mama Africa
Their advertising says: "Come to the tent - and we will hit you. We will amaze you. You will fidget in his chair and grasp at heart. We will make you laugh. You are waiting for the thrill and you will never forget our idea! ". This circus feeling, animal energy and incomprehensible to us, the Europeans, the joy of life - unless it can be humble?
Oz Circus
Founders of the Circus "Oz," created a completely new style: presentation with elements of rock and roll, popular theater and satire. They wanted to make their show funny, daring and entertaining, and most importantly - they did not want to take themselves too seriously. And they succeeded - full presentation live music (often actors play themselves, involving the audience in the process) and bright (sometimes too hard) jokes.
Ringling Brothers And Barnum & Bailey
American Circus Ringling Brothers And Barnum & Bailey came to the organization of representations with the American scale. Spectators can watch at the same time for the family amusement exhibited in three arenas. Not only can you move from site to site during the performance, but if you come in advance - you can pet the animals and watch as artists applied makeup.
Le Cirque Invisible
"The Invisible Circus," Jean-Baptiste and Victoria Chaplin Thierry. Yes, daughter of Chaplin himself. Together with her husband they are all part of the troupe. Circus true to its name, it is invisible and mysterious, with fabulous costumes and rich traditions.
Snow Show Slava Polunin
Fairy tale, which tells us a favorite Slava Polunin. For some, this show will be a lyrical memories of childhood, for whom it will be a piercing story about loneliness. "It's all a dream. The deep, sweet sleep on the snowy fairy tale. It snowed - white, fluffy, thick snow. They filled up all the scene, the entire floor, spectator seats for themselves and the audience. All the spectators were sitting right in fluffy snowdrifts! ».
Source: www.adme.ru

Cirque du Soleil
Canadian "Cirque du Soleil" brought the genre to a new level. Mystical stories, crazy costumes, incredible acrobatics and the best music in the world. Impressive, even those who do not like the circus.

Chinese circus
China is the oldest circus troupe in the world. Known incredible numbers that can not be repeated, no circus, and an enormous capacity for work. Their ideas are always on the brink of human capabilities.
Fujian Acrobatic Troupe

Mama Africa
Their advertising says: "Come to the tent - and we will hit you. We will amaze you. You will fidget in his chair and grasp at heart. We will make you laugh. You are waiting for the thrill and you will never forget our idea! ". This circus feeling, animal energy and incomprehensible to us, the Europeans, the joy of life - unless it can be humble?

Oz Circus
Founders of the Circus "Oz," created a completely new style: presentation with elements of rock and roll, popular theater and satire. They wanted to make their show funny, daring and entertaining, and most importantly - they did not want to take themselves too seriously. And they succeeded - full presentation live music (often actors play themselves, involving the audience in the process) and bright (sometimes too hard) jokes.

Ringling Brothers And Barnum & Bailey
American Circus Ringling Brothers And Barnum & Bailey came to the organization of representations with the American scale. Spectators can watch at the same time for the family amusement exhibited in three arenas. Not only can you move from site to site during the performance, but if you come in advance - you can pet the animals and watch as artists applied makeup.

Le Cirque Invisible
"The Invisible Circus," Jean-Baptiste and Victoria Chaplin Thierry. Yes, daughter of Chaplin himself. Together with her husband they are all part of the troupe. Circus true to its name, it is invisible and mysterious, with fabulous costumes and rich traditions.

Snow Show Slava Polunin
Fairy tale, which tells us a favorite Slava Polunin. For some, this show will be a lyrical memories of childhood, for whom it will be a piercing story about loneliness. "It's all a dream. The deep, sweet sleep on the snowy fairy tale. It snowed - white, fluffy, thick snow. They filled up all the scene, the entire floor, spectator seats for themselves and the audience. All the spectators were sitting right in fluffy snowdrifts! ».

Source: www.adme.ru