The device is a camp in the woods
Bivouac - this is a temporary dwelling man caught in an unexpected situation. Therefore, on the basis of this situation, and to approach the arrangement of a camp. But no matter what, if you can, you need to build a solid, permanent structure, retains heat and protects a person from any bad weather. Well, for example, if you are stranded on a desert island or in the taiga after the accident aircraft or ship.
In the forest, build a temporary shelter is very simple. There is enough material required, you need only your desire and patience. So, build a camp together:
1. Choose a fallen tree at an angle.
14 photos via odnagdy.com
2. Harvested branches required length. Tolstoy did not take, they are heavy, if you will fall, it will be unpleasant. Thin also did not take, can not withstand the weight of twigs and break.
3. Set harvested branches at an angle to the tree.
4. The angle is chosen so that could fit under buduyuschim canopy. It will be too sharp - be little room under the roof, too stupid, can get wet in the rain, or fall under the weight of snow.
5. Harvest lapnikom (thin branches of spruce, fir or pine).
6. Begin to lay the bottom, as the tiles to the next row was overlap at the bottom. This will allow water droplets to roll along the branches without falling into the bivouac.
7. The branches should be laid so that the edges of branches with needles looked down, a position for maximum rolling water.
8. Continue laying rows.
9. Slowly take the form pent hut.
10. If you are lucky and you have at hand proved fir spruce branches, it is better to give preference to him. Firstly, it is easier to break threads firs, second, fir needles wider than spruce therefore will soak through less.
11. Almost done, go directly to the manufacture of couches.
12. If fir catches little of its branches can be topsheet, something in the form of a peak.
13. Using the same spruce branches. The thicker the better.
14. But on the couch better break spruce spruce branches. The needles of spruce tougher rumpled difficult as a result create a layer of air between the ground t body. A bunch of fir branches can be put at the head. Fir resin is considered to be curative, it facilitates breathing, runny nose heals.
Basically there are often situations when a person needs to spend in nature just a few days (nights). Bivouac - the best solution.
In the forest, build a temporary shelter is very simple. There is enough material required, you need only your desire and patience. So, build a camp together:
1. Choose a fallen tree at an angle.
14 photos via odnagdy.com

2. Harvested branches required length. Tolstoy did not take, they are heavy, if you will fall, it will be unpleasant. Thin also did not take, can not withstand the weight of twigs and break.

3. Set harvested branches at an angle to the tree.

4. The angle is chosen so that could fit under buduyuschim canopy. It will be too sharp - be little room under the roof, too stupid, can get wet in the rain, or fall under the weight of snow.

5. Harvest lapnikom (thin branches of spruce, fir or pine).

6. Begin to lay the bottom, as the tiles to the next row was overlap at the bottom. This will allow water droplets to roll along the branches without falling into the bivouac.

7. The branches should be laid so that the edges of branches with needles looked down, a position for maximum rolling water.

8. Continue laying rows.

9. Slowly take the form pent hut.

10. If you are lucky and you have at hand proved fir spruce branches, it is better to give preference to him. Firstly, it is easier to break threads firs, second, fir needles wider than spruce therefore will soak through less.

11. Almost done, go directly to the manufacture of couches.

12. If fir catches little of its branches can be topsheet, something in the form of a peak.

13. Using the same spruce branches. The thicker the better.

14. But on the couch better break spruce spruce branches. The needles of spruce tougher rumpled difficult as a result create a layer of air between the ground t body. A bunch of fir branches can be put at the head. Fir resin is considered to be curative, it facilitates breathing, runny nose heals.
Basically there are often situations when a person needs to spend in nature just a few days (nights). Bivouac - the best solution.
