How did "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" 5 surprising facts about the main Christmas song

main misconception about the "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" - that's what folk song. Although it is quite possible to assign the title as a badge of honor. The song, which has been popular for a century, deserves it. < Website offers you learn where did this song, which sings at Christmas elkah generation after generation.
With the "Tree" is a case where all the music was clear from the start, but the authorship of the poems, which, as it turned out, were written before the music had long to find out. And the music and lyrics were originally Christmas, it's already in the times of Soviet power "Christmas tree" is first banned and then allowed, but as the New Year. But first things first. In 1903 the magazine "Baby", which was issued in Moscow, published a poem called "Christmas tree". The author was listed as "AE". Under this pseudonym publish their works Raisa Gidroits - she started to write poetry when still at school. Username she used as her passion for poetry parents did not approve, and then her husband. Gidroits after grammar school worked as a governess-Prince widower Kudasheva and then married him. The poem "Christmas tree" saw in a magazine amateur musician, Capital nobleman Leonid Beckman. In the yard was in 1905, Beckmann wife bore him a second daughter, and a happy father tried to shift attention from the family of revolutionary events to something more positive. Born on 30 October and now known to every Russian motif. From a long and broken into several large New Year's poems were selected lines, written in simple iambic tetrameter. Recorded song Leonid Beckman's wife, a professional pianist, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory Elena Beckman Shcherbina. Beckman himself, despite the fact that knew how to play the piano and sing, afraid to make mistakes when writing, because they do not know notes. So, we can say that "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree," three of the author. Although some experts have some claim to the authorship of the music. The fact is that the melody is very similar to the popular tune in Sweden song "Lit thousands of Christmas candles," which Amy Keller wrote in 1898. Soon the children's song became popular. However, during World War I Christmas is not celebrated, and then the Soviet government abolished it as a religious holiday. "Tree" was banned, as well as Santa Claus with the slogan: "Only those who are one of the priests, the Christmas tree is ready to celebrate." Returned "Herringbone" Only with the return of the New Year celebrations - ie after 1935. But the song, as well as many other Christmas characters, retrained in the New Year. That poem was written for her music, Raisa Kudasheva learned only in 1921, when she accidentally heard her singing on the train a little girl. Later, her authorship of poems was officially established.
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree h2>
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
In the forest it grew,
Winter and summer slim,
Green was.
Snowstorm she sang a song:
"Sleep, herringbone, bye-bye!»
Frost snow wrapped up:
"Look, do not freeze!»
Coward hare gray
Under the Christmas tree galloping.
Sometimes a wolf, angry wolf
Trot ran.
Hark! Snow in the woods frequent
Creaks under the runners,
Horse Upland
Rushing runs.
Lucky horse drovenki,
A wood-sledge old man,
He cut down a Christmas tree with our
At the very root.
Now she, well-dressed,
Ha festival came to us
And much, much joy
I bring the kids!
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