Make tiny Christmas trees to the New Year with their hands! Miniature ornaments to favorite holiday.
Little cute ornaments - indispensable attributes of the New Year holidays. The smaller and neater details, the better they look in the design of the room, or a festive table. You can create beautiful tiny tree itself, using available materials. Trifle, but nice! Bring to engage in such an entertaining and children can be - they will help you with admiration to do Christmas ornaments for Thumbelina. Let's start!

- tissue paper (out of a shoe box, tracing paper, thin scrap paper)
- pin (the longer pin - the more herringbone)
- glue glitter suitable color
- a piece of cork
- Scissors
The process works:
1. The paper should be cut into strips of varying widths - from the thinnest, about 0, 3 cm, with equal intervals of increasing the width of about 1 cm.
2. Everyone got stripes we shall cut into squares.
3. Gradually, skalyvaya with 3-5 squares strung them on bulavochku.
4. between the tiers can be run various beads - so herringbone is lush and interesting.
5. After assembly to slide the pin into the tube to fishbone has not collapsed. All irregularities trim scissors to trim the tree was.
6. Do I need a piece of cork cover in the appropriate color, glitter decorate the Christmas tree itself. The bottom of the stand can be sprinkled with beads.
Here are some tiny beauty you get! This can serve as a Christmas tree ornament of a table, a large tree, if tied to her lace, and even a gift - the dimensions make it easy to place it on the big box. Be creative, complementing the easiest way to create a herringbone their ideas. Preparing for the holidays - always a joy, let your mood be fabulous!
Herringbone is small but very cute! Show your friends how to do this - New Year coming soon.
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