40 wonderful cards for the New year, which can be made from what is at hand

In stores today you can find Christmas cards for every taste. But the editors of the Website believes that homemade is much warmer. After all, when we do for someone thing with your own hands, you invest in her love.
Below we have collected ideas beautiful, original and, most importantly, a "quick" Christmas cards, which require no rare materials, beautiful paper, cardboard, Yes, lying around in the house with motley ribbons and buttons.
Bulk Christmas trees

Bulk Christmas trees white and colored paper is so simple in execution that you can make them at the last moment. Read more in the blog Bog&ide.

A 3D Christmas tree to make even faster. You only need a ruler, sharp scissors and cardboard. This blog shows how to cut them.

We loved this penguin, successfully invented. You will need a black and white cardboard (or white paper), the triangle from the orange paper and 2 miniature snowflakes, which we all know how to cut. Eyes is, of course, the highlight of the card, and they will have to look into the hobby shop (or tear off from unnecessary children's toys, with the consent of the children, of course).

For this cute and simple cards need 2 sheets of cardboard, ruler, scissors and glue. As well as pieces of wrapping paper that you have from the gift wrapping, ribbon and ribbon. The principle of the manufacture is very simple, but for those who want more details, take a look at this blog.
Santa Claus

Friendly Santa Claus (or Santa Claus) can make literally half an hour. Red hat and pink face is strips of paper, pasted on a card or gift package. The fur hat and beard be that you need to take a drawing paper and just tear off strips of the desired shape, to produce jagged edges. Stick the postcard on top of the red and pink stripes. And then you draw two squiggles — mouth and nose — two dots — eyes.

Simple drawings

Irresistible in its elegance idea is to draw a black gel pen Christmas balls with patterns. The main thing — to draw correct circles and mark lines for patterns. Everything else is not working — stripes and zagagulina that you draw when you are bored.

The same principle that underlies the cards with black and white balls. Simple silhouettes, painted with simple patterns, this time color — this is best done with markers. Warm and very cute.
Lots and lots of trees

A couple of ideas from the blog Bog&ide. First you will need decorative tape or colored cardboard (with glitter or without glitter — now these you can easily buy at an office supply store or stores for Hobbies). For the second — dressy straws for drinks and good glue.

Here you will need paper or cardboard with a picture left over from childhood craft projects, or wrapping paper for gifts. Christmas trees sewn on the center — it's not necessarily possible to stick. But if you really want, you need to first make holes with a thick needle on a ruler, and then flash the string 2 rows up and down, so as not to leave gaps. Snow paint white gouache.

Simple and stylish the idea of a grove of trees, one of which is glued on the foam double-sided tape (and therefore towers above the other) and is decorated with a star.

For this card need 4 or 3 layers of cardboard (you can do without the red). As a color layer can be used not cardboard, and paper. At the top, white, cut out a Christmas tree (well can handle an x-ACTO knife) and stick it on double-sided tape for volume.

Dance of the Christmas trees of various residues cardboard, paper for scrapbooking, wrapping paper tied with a simple ribbon and decorated with buttons. Try to play with colors and textures — here you can find an incredible number of variants using different colors of ribbon, paper and even fabric.

Wonderful watercolor, so in the spirit of New year and Christmas! Simple watercolor sketch for everyone, even those who were last painted colors in high school. First you need to outline the patterns with a pencil, to paint them and when dry, they carefully wipe pencil sketches and complement the patterns with a Sharpie.
Winter landscape

For this card it is better to use a structured cardboard, but you can do a normal, smooth — still work effectively. Cut with sharp scissors a snowy landscape and moon, and glue on black or dark blue background.

Another, white and green, version of the winter landscape that will require a bit more time. If you find a velvety cardboard (remember, back in school from do crafts) would be great, if not, you can just color the tree with a Sharpie. Snow peas disassembled into the foam. You can also hole punch to make circles out of cardboard and glue them to the card.
Hugging snowman

The author of the blog My kid craft did this snowman with the children. Snowman happily holds his hands up, when you open the card. Wishes you can write in. Children will be interesting to make the application (and the arms and the hood to paint), but for those who wants everything to be fast, the blog is a finished part that can be printed on a color printer and just glued.
Even snowmen

The snowmen, inquisitive peering into the starry sky, will look more advantageous if you manage to find a bright ribbon for the scarf.

For the cards that left, need unpainted cardboard, white paper for drawing and foam tape, which you stick snowman. Drifts are done just need to tear off the drawing paper to get torn wavy edge. Fill it with a blue pencil and blend anything, even a finger or piece of paper. Also touch up the edges of the snowman for volume. For the second you will need buttons, a piece of cloth, eyes, glue and colored markers.

This card will want to keep for a long time. And it's just the right circles of cardboard, the nose and sprigs of coloured paper. All that is necessary to assemble with double sided tape surround. Black paint draw eyes and buttons, and white gouache or watercolor — snow.

Balls — one of the main symbols of New year and Christmas. These are made of a velvety colored paper and ribbons. But the balls — so a win-win, what can I afford to dream: to make balls of paper patterned wrapping paper, tissue, lace, cut from a newspaper or glossy magazine. And the strings can simply draw.

Another option is to stick a paper pattern on the inside of the cards, and on the outside cut a sharp hobby knife circles.
Bulk balls

For each of these balls will need 3-4 of the same circle in different colors. Fold each in half and attach the halves to each other, and two outer halves — to paper. Another option — the colored stars or Christmas trees.
Colored balls

Wonderful translucent balls obtained using a conventional eraser on a pencil. Is to begin to outline with pencil the outlines of the globe. Then dip the eraser in paint and leave prints on the paper. Fun and beautiful.
Cards with buttons

Bright buttons to add to the cards capacity, and and evoke subtle Association with childhood.

The main thing — to find buttons interesting colors, but otherwise have your case — "hang" them on the tree, on a branch cute owl newspaper or on the cloud.

What could be easier and cuter than a snowman out of buttons? The second card will require more effort, but the result is worth it.
Cards with decorative tape

Postcards for real girls who know how warmly in the cold to hide the nose in a fluffy scarf. Made is very simple: glue on decorative tape in the form of a scarf, top dorisovyvaet hair and eyes. From the masters Molly Moo's possible to check the details.
A family of snowmen from palm prints

A little family of snowmen is to do with the children — even the youngest love to smear the fingers with paint and attach them to the postcard. Twigs and buttons dorisovyvaet marker, and hats and scarves cut out of paper.
Magic ball

It seems that to make this card very difficult. But it just seems. Yeah, I'll Tinker a bit longer than with other from this collection. But the result is spectacular — see details here.
Postcards from your own photos

In many countries there is a tradition to make Christmas cards from your own photos are very pleasant to relatives and close friends. A stylish solution — the black-and-white photos with bright accents. Not necessarily to hire a professional photographer that will require the simplest processing in any photo editor.
Cool birthday card for girl

This card, of course, will not make half an hour, but the idea is so brilliant that we could not pass up. Please note: the girl on the left wearing a dress, and it is removed. Girls will just love this postcard, because all the outfits can be cut out and play long after the New year. Read more about the idea you can read in the blog Kirsty Neale.
Charming bears

Dear bear won't take much time — just need to cut the silhouette out of white paper, glue (or draw) a black nose and eyes. Snow — paper circles.

Enough to cut out a silhouette of a bear, and then with a pen or marker to draw on his sweater simple patterns, which we usually bring to a meeting or when I talk on the phone.
The easiest and fastest card in the world

If you forgot to buy postcards, and pressed for time, you can build a little thing like this just a couple of minutes. The main thing — just cut a stencil, and then put it on a folded in half white piece of paper and boldly stroke. Get a card with stylish graphics.
See also
40 Christmas cards, which can be done in half an hour
15 tricks that will make this New year unforgettable
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