Several major reasons to get outside
Do not forget at least occasionally otdyhat
After a long and cold winter, spring always comes. And if so, it's time to go out and relax, ideally - in nature. Nature has a positive impact on your mental and physical well-being. For example, because:
1. Improves short-term pamyat
The University of Michigan conducted a study: students were asked to pass a short test on the memory, and then divided into two groups.
One group went for a walk in the woods, and the second - on the streets. When all the participants returned and again passed the test, those who walked among the trees to the results of almost 20% better than last time. Those who inspected the city attractions, the memory has not improved.
Other studies also confirm that the nature walks affect memory better than a walk around the city.
2. Restores mental energiyu
You know the feeling when in the brain if there is heavy sucking void, and any deal goes wrong? Researchers call it mental fatigue.
To help relax the brain is able to fresh air. However, studies have shown that mental energy is restored, even if one just looks at the pictures, or pictures with nature. Photos from the urban landscapes do not give such an effect.
Natural beauty is a sense of awe, and it is one of the surest ways to experience a mental impulse.
3. Removes stress
Tension? Stress? Walk among the trees. And the best profit on the nature, at least not for long. The study showed that students who lived in the woods for two nights, decreased levels of cortisol (a stress hormone), and those who are vacationing in the city - no.
Other research confirms this: those who are vacationing in the woods, down the heart rate and cortisol levels. Conclusion: The forest can cure stress.
Office workers note: even look out the window at the green park while working to reduce tensions and help to work with great pleasure.
4. Removes vospalenie
Inflammation - is a natural process: the body tries to respond to threats such as damage (eg bruised knee) and pathogens (eg influenza). But when the inflammation persists for a long time, it is associated with many diseases. These may include autoimmune disorders, bowel disease, depression or cancer. Nature also helps to keep the disease under control.
In one study of Vacationing in the forest students showed that the level of inflammation are lower than those who spent time in the city. In another study of elderly patients went for a week in the woods, and inflammation have decreased significantly. They also found evidence that walking through the woods with the help of hypertension.
5. Improves zrenie
Children - exactly. This is supported by numerous studies: outdoor activities have a protective effect on the eyes and reduce the risk of developing myopia.
The two-year Australian study, which was attended by nearly 2,000 students, found that the more time a child spends outdoors, the less he has the chance to become myopic. It is not a physical activity: children who play sports on the premises, wear glasses more often.
The researchers studied two are close to each other schools where equally common myopic children. They asked children from one school to play in the street and the children from another school just watched. After a year of observations in the "control schools" short-sighted was 17, 65%, but in the school where children played in the street, there were 8, 41%.
6. Improves kontsentratsiyu
We are all aware of the healing power of nature. In particular, a walk in the woods can help you improve your ability to concentrate on the task and to be more attentive. In one study, researchers worked with people almost unable to concentrate. Some of the subjects went for a walk in the woods, others - in the city, and the third was simply asked to relax.
The best results on his return showed a "natural" group. To help focus may even view of the nature of the window.
The healing effect of nature is so strong that even helps children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. They were able to focus after a 20-minute walk in the park.
7. Increases sharpness of thought and kreativnost
"Imagine therapy without any side effects, easily accessible and free of charge, but with absolute probability improves cognitive abilities," - it was the introduction to this article of the year 2008, tells of a so-called natural therapies.
After a walk on the nature of the students much more accurately remember number sequences. This conclusion was based on earlier studies showing that nature can restore attention and memory.
Another study showed that after four days in the nature (that is slightly longer than a walk at lunch time), people have become more creative in solving their problems - in fact, as much as 50%. However, while it is not clear whether the effect on the nature of creative thinking as such, or as shown a decrease of anthropogenic impact.
8. Possible prevention raka
So far, the study of the relationship between cancer and the outdoors at an early stage. However, preliminary results show that the time spent outdoors (especially in the forest) can stimulate the production of anti-cancer proteins. Elevated levels of these proteins in the body there is another week after a trip into the woods.
Conducted in Japan, studies have also shown that in areas where there are more forests, fewer cancer patients, even taking into account what percentage of the population smokes, and some people have socio-economic status. So far inconclusive failed, too many factors, but it is a promising direction for future research.
9. Improves immune sistemu
From the preceding paragraph it follows that the cellular activity is not only a possible anti-cancer effect, but in general, improves the immune system. The body is easier to fighting off frivolous ailments - colds, flu and other infections.
Review of 2010 related research noted that "all the findings show that the forest has a beneficial effect on the immune system," but acknowledged that more research is needed.
10. Improves mental zdorove
Anxiety, depression and other mental health problems can be much less if you spend time outdoors. Especially effective is the combination of nature with exercise. This is logical - both nature and exercise reduces stress.
One study found that walking through the woods are closely linked with lowering levels of anxiety and bad temper. In another study says that outdoor exercise can "become an additional therapy to existing treatments for anxiety and depressive disorders».
11. Reduces the risk of early smerti
The impact on forest health can not be overestimated. Although research is still unable to establish the cause of this effect, but the access to nature is closely linked to a long and healthy life.
The Dutch study, based on observation of the 250,782 people concluded that "the amount of greenery in the place clearly has a positive relationship with the health of the people».
In the cities, the presence of trees is especially important. These researchers suggest that the differences in the health of urban and rural residents are enormous, and this can largely be explained by the presence of a number of greens.
via factroom.ru

After a long and cold winter, spring always comes. And if so, it's time to go out and relax, ideally - in nature. Nature has a positive impact on your mental and physical well-being. For example, because:
1. Improves short-term pamyat

The University of Michigan conducted a study: students were asked to pass a short test on the memory, and then divided into two groups.
One group went for a walk in the woods, and the second - on the streets. When all the participants returned and again passed the test, those who walked among the trees to the results of almost 20% better than last time. Those who inspected the city attractions, the memory has not improved.
Other studies also confirm that the nature walks affect memory better than a walk around the city.
2. Restores mental energiyu

You know the feeling when in the brain if there is heavy sucking void, and any deal goes wrong? Researchers call it mental fatigue.
To help relax the brain is able to fresh air. However, studies have shown that mental energy is restored, even if one just looks at the pictures, or pictures with nature. Photos from the urban landscapes do not give such an effect.
Natural beauty is a sense of awe, and it is one of the surest ways to experience a mental impulse.
3. Removes stress

Tension? Stress? Walk among the trees. And the best profit on the nature, at least not for long. The study showed that students who lived in the woods for two nights, decreased levels of cortisol (a stress hormone), and those who are vacationing in the city - no.
Other research confirms this: those who are vacationing in the woods, down the heart rate and cortisol levels. Conclusion: The forest can cure stress.
Office workers note: even look out the window at the green park while working to reduce tensions and help to work with great pleasure.
4. Removes vospalenie

Inflammation - is a natural process: the body tries to respond to threats such as damage (eg bruised knee) and pathogens (eg influenza). But when the inflammation persists for a long time, it is associated with many diseases. These may include autoimmune disorders, bowel disease, depression or cancer. Nature also helps to keep the disease under control.
In one study of Vacationing in the forest students showed that the level of inflammation are lower than those who spent time in the city. In another study of elderly patients went for a week in the woods, and inflammation have decreased significantly. They also found evidence that walking through the woods with the help of hypertension.
5. Improves zrenie

Children - exactly. This is supported by numerous studies: outdoor activities have a protective effect on the eyes and reduce the risk of developing myopia.
The two-year Australian study, which was attended by nearly 2,000 students, found that the more time a child spends outdoors, the less he has the chance to become myopic. It is not a physical activity: children who play sports on the premises, wear glasses more often.
The researchers studied two are close to each other schools where equally common myopic children. They asked children from one school to play in the street and the children from another school just watched. After a year of observations in the "control schools" short-sighted was 17, 65%, but in the school where children played in the street, there were 8, 41%.
6. Improves kontsentratsiyu

We are all aware of the healing power of nature. In particular, a walk in the woods can help you improve your ability to concentrate on the task and to be more attentive. In one study, researchers worked with people almost unable to concentrate. Some of the subjects went for a walk in the woods, others - in the city, and the third was simply asked to relax.
The best results on his return showed a "natural" group. To help focus may even view of the nature of the window.
The healing effect of nature is so strong that even helps children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. They were able to focus after a 20-minute walk in the park.
7. Increases sharpness of thought and kreativnost

"Imagine therapy without any side effects, easily accessible and free of charge, but with absolute probability improves cognitive abilities," - it was the introduction to this article of the year 2008, tells of a so-called natural therapies.
After a walk on the nature of the students much more accurately remember number sequences. This conclusion was based on earlier studies showing that nature can restore attention and memory.
Another study showed that after four days in the nature (that is slightly longer than a walk at lunch time), people have become more creative in solving their problems - in fact, as much as 50%. However, while it is not clear whether the effect on the nature of creative thinking as such, or as shown a decrease of anthropogenic impact.
8. Possible prevention raka

So far, the study of the relationship between cancer and the outdoors at an early stage. However, preliminary results show that the time spent outdoors (especially in the forest) can stimulate the production of anti-cancer proteins. Elevated levels of these proteins in the body there is another week after a trip into the woods.
Conducted in Japan, studies have also shown that in areas where there are more forests, fewer cancer patients, even taking into account what percentage of the population smokes, and some people have socio-economic status. So far inconclusive failed, too many factors, but it is a promising direction for future research.
9. Improves immune sistemu

From the preceding paragraph it follows that the cellular activity is not only a possible anti-cancer effect, but in general, improves the immune system. The body is easier to fighting off frivolous ailments - colds, flu and other infections.
Review of 2010 related research noted that "all the findings show that the forest has a beneficial effect on the immune system," but acknowledged that more research is needed.
10. Improves mental zdorove

Anxiety, depression and other mental health problems can be much less if you spend time outdoors. Especially effective is the combination of nature with exercise. This is logical - both nature and exercise reduces stress.
One study found that walking through the woods are closely linked with lowering levels of anxiety and bad temper. In another study says that outdoor exercise can "become an additional therapy to existing treatments for anxiety and depressive disorders».
11. Reduces the risk of early smerti

The impact on forest health can not be overestimated. Although research is still unable to establish the cause of this effect, but the access to nature is closely linked to a long and healthy life.
The Dutch study, based on observation of the 250,782 people concluded that "the amount of greenery in the place clearly has a positive relationship with the health of the people».
In the cities, the presence of trees is especially important. These researchers suggest that the differences in the health of urban and rural residents are enormous, and this can largely be explained by the presence of a number of greens.
via factroom.ru
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