How to charge the batteries of smart phones and laptops, so they last longer?
As smartphones and laptops are mostly used lithium-ion batteries. There are different opinions about how well their charge. Someone thinks that the device should always be charged at 40-80% and it must be recharged regularly, and someone thinks that we should wait for the unit to fully discharge, then charge it to 100%.
This confusion stems from the fact that had often been used nickel batteries, which was attended by "memory effect". Such devices are needed to discharge to zero. Lithium-ion batteries are a few years old, and still is to understand how properly you should use lithium-ion batteries to maximize their lifespan.
1. Recharge the device regularly
Prevent your device is discharged to 0%. Better to regularly recharge it. Below you can see a table depending on the number of charge cycles (battery life) on the depth of discharge. Having considered this table we can see that even better not to lower the charge to 50% and recharge every time the battery is dead percent to 10-20%.
2. Do not place the device on the charging
Lithium-ion batteries do not require constant charging to 100%. Better if your device will be charged in the range of 40-80%. So if possible keep the charge in this framework. If you charge the device to 100%, do not leave it plugged in charging! Many do so, but that it leads to a reduction in battery life. If you set your device to charge at night, use специальныеэнергосберегающие outlet that disable your charger after a set number chasov.3. Once a month, fully discharge the battery and then charge up to 100%
This statement may seem contradictory, given that we are told in the beginning. But now we have to explain everything. Full cycle charge-discharge once a month is needed to calibrate the device. On your phone or laptop battery remainder is usually specified as a percentage or hours and minutes, after which the device is fully discharged. After a large number of small charges, this function begins to operate properly, and therefore should be performed once a month calibration device (full charge-discharge cycle) to the testimony remained tochnymi.4. Store in a cool place
High temperatures adversely affect the life of your battery. The following plate, you can see the dependence of the loss of battery power on the temperature in which it was located. So, take care of their devices from overheating and not working with laptop on her knees.
Using these guidelines, you can extend the life of your battery. But do not get too hung up on it. If it happened that you have at hand was not the charger, then do not worry that your gadget is discharged to zero. And there is nothing wrong to charge it completely if you are going on a long road. Lithium-ion battery will still last for no more than 2-3 years, as if you did not care about it, and even if your device simply will lie all the time on the shelf. In general, do not overdo it, use the unit as you wish. But if you have the opportunity to apply these recommendations, do not neglect them.
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This confusion stems from the fact that had often been used nickel batteries, which was attended by "memory effect". Such devices are needed to discharge to zero. Lithium-ion batteries are a few years old, and still is to understand how properly you should use lithium-ion batteries to maximize their lifespan.
1. Recharge the device regularly
Prevent your device is discharged to 0%. Better to regularly recharge it. Below you can see a table depending on the number of charge cycles (battery life) on the depth of discharge. Having considered this table we can see that even better not to lower the charge to 50% and recharge every time the battery is dead percent to 10-20%.
2. Do not place the device on the charging
Lithium-ion batteries do not require constant charging to 100%. Better if your device will be charged in the range of 40-80%. So if possible keep the charge in this framework. If you charge the device to 100%, do not leave it plugged in charging! Many do so, but that it leads to a reduction in battery life. If you set your device to charge at night, use специальныеэнергосберегающие outlet that disable your charger after a set number chasov.3. Once a month, fully discharge the battery and then charge up to 100%
This statement may seem contradictory, given that we are told in the beginning. But now we have to explain everything. Full cycle charge-discharge once a month is needed to calibrate the device. On your phone or laptop battery remainder is usually specified as a percentage or hours and minutes, after which the device is fully discharged. After a large number of small charges, this function begins to operate properly, and therefore should be performed once a month calibration device (full charge-discharge cycle) to the testimony remained tochnymi.4. Store in a cool place
High temperatures adversely affect the life of your battery. The following plate, you can see the dependence of the loss of battery power on the temperature in which it was located. So, take care of their devices from overheating and not working with laptop on her knees.
Using these guidelines, you can extend the life of your battery. But do not get too hung up on it. If it happened that you have at hand was not the charger, then do not worry that your gadget is discharged to zero. And there is nothing wrong to charge it completely if you are going on a long road. Lithium-ion battery will still last for no more than 2-3 years, as if you did not care about it, and even if your device simply will lie all the time on the shelf. In general, do not overdo it, use the unit as you wish. But if you have the opportunity to apply these recommendations, do not neglect them.
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