Transformation of smart phones, or convenient to call via tablet
IBM Simon (officially considered the first smartphone - the concept was introduced in 1992) and Apple iPhone 4S. I>
Display size smartphone - is the criterion by which the model A will always be different from the model B. Even if one day the market will be the perfect smartphone, "the final killer of all", competitors will only copy it and release with a different size of the display. Moreover, identical in functionality between the smartphone will not be any competition when there is a difference in the screen diagonal. There will always be buyers who want a screen larger or smaller, or the average for all parameters.
The ideal screen size does not exist in nature. All models of the three-inch to six-inch (and more) are in demand. The question is, what size is more popular there such a diagonal screen smartphone that most buyers prefer? In a poll on the site PhoneArena.com were 7 300 people (источник) and for 29, 45% of users are the perfect size screen smartphone was 5 & quot ;. In second place with a score of 23, 43% of the votes, 4.7 & quot ;. However, if you add up the votes of those who chose the display is less than 5 inches, you get 33, 12%. The overwhelming majority chooses really big smartphones.
One can agree with the opinion that the ideal dimensions are between 4.5 & quot; and 5.5 & quot ;, or remain in the minority, but the fact remains - the market reacts to the trend occurred. Smartphones with a screen size of less than 4 & quot; in diagonal and more than 5, 7 & quot ;, receive little support. Rumors that the size of the display iPhone 6 will equal 4, 7 & quot ;, as well as 5, 5 & quot ;, only reinforce the confidence of Western publications that outside of this range, "there is no life».