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Transformation of smart phones, or convenient to call via tablet

IBM Simon (officially considered the first smartphone - the concept was introduced in 1992) and Apple iPhone 4S. I>

Display size smartphone - is the criterion by which the model A will always be different from the model B. Even if one day the market will be the perfect smartphone, "the final killer of all", competitors will only copy it and release with a different size of the display. Moreover, identical in functionality between the smartphone will not be any competition when there is a difference in the screen diagonal. There will always be buyers who want a screen larger or smaller, or the average for all parameters.

The ideal screen size does not exist in nature. All models of the three-inch to six-inch (and more) are in demand. The question is, what size is more popular there such a diagonal screen smartphone that most buyers prefer? In a poll on the site PhoneArena.com were 7 300 people (источник) and for 29, 45% of users are the perfect size screen smartphone was 5 & quot ;. In second place with a score of 23, 43% of the votes, 4.7 & quot ;. However, if you add up the votes of those who chose the display is less than 5 inches, you get 33, 12%. The overwhelming majority chooses really big smartphones.

One can agree with the opinion that the ideal dimensions are between 4.5 & quot; and 5.5 & quot ;, or remain in the minority, but the fact remains - the market reacts to the trend occurred. Smartphones with a screen size of less than 4 & quot; in diagonal and more than 5, 7 & quot ;, receive little support. Rumors that the size of the display iPhone 6 will equal 4, 7 & quot ;, as well as 5, 5 & quot ;, only reinforce the confidence of Western publications that outside of this range, "there is no life».

But with this opinion, we do not agree h4> The evolution of smartphones are usually just so, but now the picture becomes a mirror image. I>

Several years ago, the market was dominated compact smartphone. Apple enjoyed fashion and many years defined the "ideal" size of the screen of the smartphone in the 3.5-4 inches. In a survey among active users of smartphones, this range is also dominated by the display size. Nevertheless, the actions of other brands - for example, Samsung - changed the perception of the optimal size of the device. The success of the iPad in some way predetermined the process of falling demand for "perfect screen" - strong growth in sales of tablet computers has spurred manufacturers to increase the screen size of phones. At the same time, the plates were actively conquering new market began to decrease in size. Sooner or later, all the players in the market had to meet certain srednedyuymovoy point.

Analytical Center "The Messenger" has prepared the following statistics. In 2013, the Russian market was dominated by smartphones with 3-4 inches diagonal - half of all sold a year ago, "smart" phones had such a display size. In the first half of 2014 the pace of implementation of such devices have decreased by 11%. Their share in total sales of smartphones accounted for less than a third. In 2014, the market is growing only a segment of gadgets with a screen size of 4 inches and above.
The most dynamic show Phablet - smartphones with a screen size of more than 5 inches. They have become the fastest growing category in the market of "smart" phones, outpacing the growth rate devices that support LTE and mnogosimochnye smartphones. For 6 months of sales rose 283% to 911,000 units and a market share in units reached 9%, an increase of 3 times. Today the market "Phablet" is present for more than 250 models of gadgets.

The phone should be a phone, not a "shovel» h4> Smartphone Fly Q200 Swivel. 2, 2 inches for aesthetes. I>

Remember the joy a few years ago caused a smartphone, quietly puts in a narrow pocket? Who has not said that smartphones like 5 inches only a narrow layer of fans' more gadgets. " Now the situation has changed dramatically, so only the transformation of the gadgets are still not completed. Phablet continue to grow in size. The highest growth in six months in 2014 showed planshetofony with screen sizes of more than 6 inches - their sales have increased by 760%, which exceeds the overall pace of implementation Phablet more than 2, 5 times.

It seems incredible, given the fact that the share of the owners of two or more mobile devices is growing every year. It would seem that all the extra inch screen tablet should meet the needs of the user. But the smartphone screen to push the growth of several factors: the development of various types of content, for example, HD-format video, which conveniently viewed on the big screen; launch of 3G and 4G-networks allowing to consume content via mobile devices; increase in importance (and quality) of the camera for users of smartphones and the emergence of additional photographic functions. 5-inch smartphone is still superior mobility tablet that adds to his points.

Call from 7 inches? Seriously?! H4> The expression on their faces says that happiness lies in size. I>

Meanwhile, the market of tablet computers in recent years there is a trend opposite to the trend of smartphones - reducing diagonal displays. Increasingly, the new model was referred to as "the tablet and phone in one device."

The share of tablets with a screen less than 8 inches in the first six months in 2014 reached 60% (in the first half of 2013 was 45%). Sales of compact tablet computers grew by 83%, which is 2, 3 times more than the increase in sales of such devices in general. At the same time the tablet market with a diagonal of 10 inches increased by only 5%. The average size of the screen of the tablet in the past year was 7, 1 inch, and even the year before - 7, 8 inches.

We are witnessing an amazing process - the gradual merging of the two categories of gadgets. According to our estimates in the future tablets and smartphones become unified view of multifunction devices, divided into 3 categories. First - compact smartphone with a diagonal of up to 5, 5 inches. The second - the tablet with a large screen 8, 9 inch, topical for watching videos and playing games. The most significant changes will occur in the third sub - segment of multifunctional gadgets with a screen diagonal of 6.9 inches.

What do they become? H4> If you do not like the question, "What you choose the size of the display?", Answer the counter: «Google glass or smart watch?» I>

New subcategory devices combine the most important features of smartphones and tablet computers. In the vast majority of gadgets in this subcategory will be presented to GSM-module, which today is not all compact plates. Obviously, this can lead to a decrease in the percentage of those who use several mobile devices.

But let's not forget that the users do not evolve as quickly as gadgets. Ultimately, the use of new devices rests on ergonomics restrictions. We have reached a certain limit usability of smartphones and tablets, and try to overcome it with the help of additional devices. "Smart" watches and "smart" glasses are not only extend the functionality of smartphones, but also facilitate our interaction with gadgets different form factors.

Height diagonal display and trend on "smart" gadgets that facilitate the use of smart phones is not too convenient, once again shows how far we are from a single occurrence of a fully functional device. The market remains so diverse that it is ready to meet the needs of almost any user (unless you're a fan of push-button phones). Well this is bad? In an era when computer microchips will be implanted directly into the brain, such questions will no longer have to worry, as long as we continue to monitor domestic and global market. Maybe even a few years global trends will surprise again.

Source: habrahabr.ru/company/svyaznoy/blog/234821/