Compare smartphones: who has the best screen?

Currently, the smartphone Samsung Galaxy S IV many consider the best among other Android smartphones in higher price categories. Who knows how good the new 4,99-inch display type Super AMOLED smartphone Galaxy S IV in comparison with the iPhone 5, Xperia Z, One, Galaxy S III and Lumia 920. Let's try to understand this such a difficult issue.
Brightness and visibility

Despite many improvements in proprietary technology Samsung called Super AMOLED, in terms of the brightness of the display Galaxy S IV is a little behind from the others. Liquid crystal displays of the iPhone 5, One, Xperia Z and Lumia 920 look more vivid in comparison with the novelty of the South Korean giant.
The lack of brightness also affect the viewability. Display Galaxy S IV, of course, is not unfit, but the text on it reads much harder than the same Apple iPhone 5 and HTC One in terms of this indicator.
It should be noted that most manufacturers provide many options to adjust the brightness level. Reducing the brightness can make the display more suitable for eyes in the dark. Display Samsung Galaxy S IV can do comfortable for eyes in the dark but not in daylight. Here, Samsung has to go.
Viewing angles

Almost all the smartphones have good viewing angles, but as they say, in every ointment there is a fly in the ointment. The worst viewing angles of all six Guinea pigs has the Sony Xperia Z. unfortunately, at the moment it is unknown why the display of Sony smartphones still suffer this problem. Second and third place finish in this indicator received a Galaxy S IV and Galaxy S III, which "sin" have a bluish tint when viewing at a slight angle. But the picture quality on the displays of the Apple iPhone 5 and HTC One are approximately on the same level, they only retain the natural color balance when tilted. The viewing angles of the display Nokia Lumia 920 more like Sony Xperia Z than iPhone 5 or HTC One.

In 2013, the majority of smartphone manufacturers of the first echelon entered the race for high-resolution displays. First place this year went to HTC One. At a diagonal screen of 4.7 inches and resolution of 1080p, a density of the HTC One is 468 pixels per inch. Second place is shared between Xperia Z and Galaxy S IV with 5-inch displays (density of 441 dots per inch). The third is Lumia 920 with 4.5-inch display, which has a density of 332 points per inch. The smartphone iPhone 5, this figure stands at 326 pixels per inch. Last finishes of the Galaxy S III with a display density of 306 dpi.

If you evaluate the rate of reproduction, here the palm belongs again to the Apple iPhone 5 and HTC One. Their LCD displays can boast the bright and vivid colors. Display smartphone Nokia Lumia 920 looks in this light is also very good. About Sony Xperia Z we can not say anything good as bad. Samsung continues to achieve more realistic rendering in the type of AMOLED panels that have always distinguished more cold tones. It is recognized that color reproduction the Galaxy S IV is much better than its predecessor. On the comparative image above it is easy to see the dark blue shade from the Galaxy S III.
Despite the majority opinion of skeptics, technology does not stand still, and manufacturers of smartphones from year to year manage to bring the picture quality to a new level. According to the results of the comparative analysis, we can safely say that the owners of the best displays at the moment are the Apple iPhone 5 and HTC One. It is also worth noting that with each new model, Galaxy Samsung makes noticeable leaps forward. The AMOLED displays have gone grainy, and the blue shades become almost invisible. Most analysts predict that the panels such as AMOLED bright future, but that Samsung remains a lot of work.
Source: /users/104