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Dismantling garages joined the looting

On Tuesday, in the territory of garage cooperative society "Parnas-1" in St. Petersburg buses arrived and the workers continued to file down the gates to the garage, said activists for the rights of motorists "Tiger».

Dismantling garages began on Monday. Early in the morning on the territory of the cooperative riot police arrived, which blocked the access to the garages. After that, workers were able to smoothly start the file down the door.

6 ph via dp.ru

"The workers began to file down garage doors, to choose and to make of them valuables in car shipping and export. The seizure of property not prepared ", - writes in" Live Journal "user lojso.

The remaining items in the garage open to all who wish to looting, to ascertain the Tigers. This is evidenced by photos taken by activists of

The problem is garages on Parnassus emerged after the site was placed under the construction of "Glavstroy." Garage cooperative refused to rent, compensation to the owners of garages, according to them, did not receive. Garazhniki held protests and tried to protect society from demolition. On Monday, they actually defeated.

Online "Tiger" appeared garazhnikov open letter to President Dmitry Medvedev:

Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!

We, the owners of concrete garages, in 1986, was allocated a plot of land in the residential area of ​​Parnas industrial zone construction is reinforced concrete garages. Garages were built according to agreed with the administration of the project, involving construction machinery. Initially the site was an abandoned peat and wetlands. The owners of garages on personal earnings vytorfovku made to a depth of 3 meters, brought the ground and build a garage. The cost at the time amounted to 1250 rubles per person. Then, every year for the maintenance of roads, we were forced to spend 200 000. As a result, each garazhnik put into the ground about 120 000 rub.

Reinforced concrete garage is a folding design, standing on a monolithic foundation. According to paragraph 1 of Article 130 of the Civil Code refers to a structure of the property. According to the building regulations concrete garage is a third category of capital structures. We pay taxes for their garages, in addition, in the "Certificate for garage" issued PIbom, indicated ACCOUNT (cadastral) the number of the garage. What is an indirect confirmation of the status of the property at the concrete garage. Despite this, we denied the state registration in the established order of their property and the right to the privatization of land under the garage. The motivation for the refusal was the statement that the concrete garage is a movable object. That is contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation.

On the territory of our parking garage are transmission lines of 330 kV and 110 kV. As a result, 2/3 of the territory of the park is located in the buffer zone of transmission lines, according to the decision of the government of the Russian Federation №160 from 24.02.2009 And according to the sanitary norms parking fully in the Exclusion Zone transmission line 330. According to the geological survey under the garages at a depth of 4 meters underground river flows. On the other side of the parking pass pipelines protected zones which are also part of the captured territory garages. For this reason, no major construction on the territory of our garage parking is impossible.

Despite this, in 2007 the St. Petersburg City Property Management Committee unilaterally terminated the lease on the land with our association and garage in the same year sold at auction our site as part of the total area Glavstroy St. Petersburg for the construction of "the Valley of the North." To our surprise, garages, for some reason, were not included in the charges to the investor. Therefore, the leadership of St. Petersburg Glavstroy not going to solve the issue of compensation to the owners of demolished garages. On the contrary, the investor requires the administration to give him purified from the garage site. The administration is now engaged in the Vyborg district. November 11, 2009 Vyborg District Court of St. Petersburg issued pretsendentnoe decision by one of the owners of garages: the claim of the Administration of the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg to Yefimkova NV exemption unauthorized occupation of land and dismantling located on land Garage refuse. Grounds for all owners of garages on the same Parnassus. Consequently, the above-mentioned judgment applies equally to all garazhnikam. However, the Administration of the Vyborg district, cloaked the city administration, is trying to survive by any means citizens of their property. Since early October garages systematically set on fire. Garage owner terrorizing phone calls. October 12, 2010 representatives of the Administration of the Vyborg district, provide a list of the owners of allegedly refused to garages, tried to enter the territory of GSK 'Parnassus 1 "to tamper garages. But there were removed from the territory of the owners of garages. In practice, the list was tampered with, none of the owners of garages refused. October 18 administration try again, but this time under the guise of riot police. During tamper owners garages to their property were not allowed by the police. Works were supervised by Head of Public Works and Roads Artemov and 1st Deputy Head of Administration of the Vyborg district Myasnikov. It was opened 80 garages. Dismantled gate loaded onto a Kamaz truck and taken to an unknown destination. 2 were taken as "Gazelle" with a decent car wheels and tools. And the Internet there were ads in a lot of garage doors, b / y wheels and tools. Despite the blatant lawlessness committed by the authorities, the duty prosecutor to arrive on the scene refused.

Based on the above, we demand:

1. Introduction to St. Petersburg direct presidential rule.

2. Bring to justice and punish the representatives of the Administration responsible for violations of the Law

3. moratorium on the demolition of the garage to pay compensation for the market value of the owners had demolished garages and develop mechanisms for the protection of constitutional rights of citizens in St. Petersburg.


