They beat, beat - not finished off
Igor G. Atamanenko - writer, historian of special services, security reserve lieutenant colonel.
November 8, 1939 in the Munich beer "Bürgerbräukeller" someone Georg Elser, a resident of Berlin, a cabinetmaker by trade, tried to kill the Führer by a homemade bomb. 20 people were injured, five of them were killed, but the attempt did not reach the goal - Hitler left the pub for half an hour before the explosion.
Gestapo quickly got on the trail of a terrorist, and he is under the sentence of the court-martial was executed.
The same fate befell Colonel Hans Oster Reichswehr, November 8, 1940 laid the bomb still in the same beer. However, this time because of employment Hitler did not come to "Bürgerbräukeller." The victims were about 30 people, including seven were blown to shreds.
Secondary unsuccessful attempt extraordinarily strengthened in Hitler's confidence in its own destiny, and all the radio stations of Germany gave his voice hoarse with excitement: "Now I am perfectly calm! I will die only when my mission in this world will be done! »
Why assassination were arranged in the same place and in the same day? The fact that the November 8, 1923 was in the "Bürgerbräukeller" Hitler gathered his supporters. Devil's idea of the superiority of the German race over all other was not born in the pub and in the minds of the audience. In "Bürgerbräukeller" it took shape in the column pretty pumped up beer minded Hitler, who under his leadership that November night moved to Oden-plyatts to capture government institutions of Bavaria, but were fired upon and dispersed by the police, and the instigator of "Beer Hall Putsch" and his closest accomplices They were sent to prison for four years. In 1927, Hitler was released, and since then "pub supper" Adolf and his supporters began to celebrate each year on November 8 in "Bürgerbräukeller."
In 1943, among the senior officers and generals of the Wehrmacht there was a resistance movement, whose goal was the physical elimination of Hitler. During the year it was made 7 (!) Attacks, but they were unsuccessful. Only with the advent of this movement charismatic personality - a war hero Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, the conspirators were the chances of success. However, July 20, 1944 a carefully planned attempt once again, as in the past, failed. It happened because just before a bomb planted by Colonel Stauffenberg, Hitler had no apparent reason crossed the oak table at which the meeting was held in his headquarters, "Wolf's Lair" in East Prussia. This move brought the Fuehrer from the zone of complete defeat.
The fact that this time, Hitler had survived, was interpreted by him in his usual manner - he was even more strengthened in its belief in the chosenness and special protection of Providence. Referring to his personal physician, Dr. Morell, Fuhrer said with emotion: "I am invincible, I am immortal!»
Immediately after the failed, the tenth attempt, Hitler was in a euphoric state, as a relatively painless escape the underworld, and again confident of his earthly mission. However, from a medical point of view, the consequences of this assassination does not seem harmless: paralyzed because of a concussion left hand, on the face of many minor cut wounds, the hair on the back of his head burned out of his ears were bleeding, the right ear is completely lost the hearing of Hitler's body recovered about 200 wooden chips.
The conspirators, and there were about a hundred, immediately neutralized, and soon those who did not shoot himself, were executed.
Igor Miklashevskii.
Photos from the archives of the author
PLAN Sudoplatova
The idea to organize the action on the physical destruction of Hitler appeared in the autumn of 1941, when the Nazis came close to Moscow. The Soviet leadership did not preclude the ability to capture the enemy capital, in connection with which the Office of the NKVD in Moscow and 2nd (subversive) department of the NKVD was commissioned to create the Moscow underground and undermine the main administrative and commercial facilities of the city. To execute the order, the head of the 2nd Department Pavel Sudoplatov set for future members of the underground problem: in the case of the capture by the Germans in Moscow and Hitler's arrival in the city to try to organize the attempt on his life, for example, during the expected Nazi parade on Red Square. The experience of similar operations in the Soviet intelligence was. Since September 21, 1941 in Kiev, it was blown up in advance mined observation deck of the Upper Monastery, which resulted in the destruction of tens of staff officers. A task force on November 3 NKVD under the command of Captain Lutin blew radiofugas inherent in the Assumption Cathedral of Kiev. As a result of this action, killing about 20 senior officers and generals, and Gauleiter Erich Koch of Ukraine and President of the Slovak Bishop Josef Tiso seriously injured.
After the Germans were driven from Moscow and more about the parade on Red Square did not think, in the 2nd division in 1942 transformed into the 4th Reconnaissance and Sabotage NKVD of the USSR, intent to destroy Hitler continued to develop.
4th control, carefully tracking the movement of the Fuhrer, found that Hitler periodically and long field is in its rate of "Werewolf", fitted near Vinnitsa. There was immediately thrown partisan group "winners" under the command of Dmitry Medvedev in June 1942 in force in the area of Rivne. In autumn 1943 the legendary intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov managed to obtain documents, including a detailed plan for the field was the Führer's headquarters.
However, the operation had to be abandoned, since October 1943 object ceased to appear in the "Werewolf".
Head of the 4th Department Sudoplatov and his deputy Eitingon decided that a fatal blow to Hitler should apply it in Germany. But for this it was necessary to find someone who could, without arousing suspicion from the Gestapo to assassinate. And such a man was found.
Igor Miklashevskii was the son of the famous artist of chamber theater Augusta Miklashevskaya. Augusta's husband, dancer Lev Lashchilin, had a sister Inna, who married a well-known actor Vsevolod Blumenthal-Tamarin. In the fall of 1941, when the Germans approached Moscow, Blumenthal went over to their side. Soon, the Germans began to use it for propaganda operations. Speaking at a special loudspeakers across the forefront, he urged the Red Army to surrender. Later, he was in Berlin, where he became one of the leaders of the anti-Soviet "Russian Committee" engaged in recruiting captured Soviet soldiers and officers for the German "eastern legions."
Head of the 4th Department Sudoplatov decided to use a betrayal Blumenthal-Tamarin to implement in Germany, Igor Miklashevsky recruited by the NKVD in the winter of 1941 as a secret agent of the liquidator.
In January 1942, during a night battle Miklashevskii, performing a task, I surrendered to the Germans, saying that long-cherished intention to move to their side. Inadvertently mentioned the name of his uncle Blumenthal-Tamarin. However, the word did not believe him. We start the test during which the Gestapo tucked his cell provocateurs, and once even held a mock execution.
Miklashevskii passed the test. He began to trust, and the spring of 1942, was released from a concentration camp and was enrolled in the "Legion of the East." Blumenthal-Tamarin, learning that his nephew sided with the Germans immediately took him to Berlin, where Igor began to work in "Russian Committee".
Once in Berlin, Igor contacted the Center, said he was ready to begin preparations for the operation. Soon he arrived from Yugoslavia a group of three experienced intelligence officers, former officers of the White Army, who had experience of the underground and sabotage activities. They led Miklashevsky were, according to the Sudoplatova, to assassinate the Fuhrer. In order to get insight into Hitler's inner circle, Miklashevskii established contact with the famous German actress Olga Chekhova, a woman of unearthly beauty, bright talent and unusual destiny.
In 1922, having left Russia for Germany in order to get theater education, it has achieved stunning success. She starred in dozens of films in Germany, France, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Hollywood. In 1936 she was awarded the highest theater title - the state actress of Germany. But, having won the Western theatrical Olympus, Olga remained a patriot of their historical homeland - sometimes assisted Soviet intelligence. Therefore, in accordance with a plan developed by Paul Sudoplatov, she and the Polish prince Radziwill (a secret agent of the NKVD) had to provide Miklashevsky group access to Hitler. However, in 1943, Stalin abandoned his original intention of the physical removal of Hitler, because he was afraid that as soon as the Fuhrer is gone, the Nazis and the German generals will try to conclude a separate peace with Britain and the United States without the participation of the Soviet Union.
Fears of Stalin were not unfounded. Information that Soviet intelligence agencies reported to the leader, testified that in the summer of 1942 the Vatican's representative in Ankara at the initiative of Pope Pius XII had a long conversation with the German Foreign Minister Papen, urging him to use his influence to sign a separate peace between Britain and the United States and Germany. In addition to this message from our resident in Ankara, Soviet agents in Rome gave the meeting the Pope and Myron Taylor, Roosevelt's envoy to the Vatican to discuss specific theses conversation Cardinal Roncalli (later he became Pope by John XXIII) with Papen. This separate agreement would limit our influence in Europe, excluding the Soviet Union from the European future of the alliance.
It should be noted that Stalin never fully trusted the intelligence that came from foreigners - agents of the NKVD. But after the victory on the Kursk Bulge its relation to the information from the agency zakordonnoy changed radically. Background is as follows.
In late 1942, the German engineers have managed to improve the diesel engine mounted on a heavy tank "Panther". Now, the new engine can not move 46 tons of armor, which was put in a tank "Panther", but all the 62 tons of new heavy tank "Tiger". And the weight of the "Tiger" does not affect its agility and speed. Due to what has been achieved difference of 16 tons? Due to the thickening of the frontal and side armor. None of the Soviet weapons, and especially those who were armed with our tanks could not penetrate their shells 130 mm Krupp armor. The tanks "Tiger" and self-propelled artillery units (SAU) "Ferdinand" with reinforced armor Hitler was going to use the summer campaign at the turn of the Eagle-Belgorod-Kursk. Of course, the new achievements of German designers, as well as the place of their use as a state secret. However, in May 1943, John Cairncross, a member of the "Cambridge group" managed to obtain information about "Tiger" and "Ferdinand." He immediately informed Moscow. Stalin's reaction was instantaneous. According to the instructions of and under the supervision of Lavrenty Beria our specialists as soon as possible was created by a shell pierced the armor of 150 mm! Thus, the fascist surprise - "Tigers" and "Ferdinands" - we in July 1943, met head-on.
In 1944 the People's Commissar of the NKGB and Sudoplatov Merkulov again raised the question of Stalin to murder Hitler, but this time received a categorical refusal. As a result of the attempt on Hitler did not take place, even though, according to Sudoplatova developed Miklashevsky operation had every chance of success ...
November 8, 1939 in the Munich beer "Bürgerbräukeller" someone Georg Elser, a resident of Berlin, a cabinetmaker by trade, tried to kill the Führer by a homemade bomb. 20 people were injured, five of them were killed, but the attempt did not reach the goal - Hitler left the pub for half an hour before the explosion.
Gestapo quickly got on the trail of a terrorist, and he is under the sentence of the court-martial was executed.
The same fate befell Colonel Hans Oster Reichswehr, November 8, 1940 laid the bomb still in the same beer. However, this time because of employment Hitler did not come to "Bürgerbräukeller." The victims were about 30 people, including seven were blown to shreds.
Secondary unsuccessful attempt extraordinarily strengthened in Hitler's confidence in its own destiny, and all the radio stations of Germany gave his voice hoarse with excitement: "Now I am perfectly calm! I will die only when my mission in this world will be done! »
Why assassination were arranged in the same place and in the same day? The fact that the November 8, 1923 was in the "Bürgerbräukeller" Hitler gathered his supporters. Devil's idea of the superiority of the German race over all other was not born in the pub and in the minds of the audience. In "Bürgerbräukeller" it took shape in the column pretty pumped up beer minded Hitler, who under his leadership that November night moved to Oden-plyatts to capture government institutions of Bavaria, but were fired upon and dispersed by the police, and the instigator of "Beer Hall Putsch" and his closest accomplices They were sent to prison for four years. In 1927, Hitler was released, and since then "pub supper" Adolf and his supporters began to celebrate each year on November 8 in "Bürgerbräukeller."
In 1943, among the senior officers and generals of the Wehrmacht there was a resistance movement, whose goal was the physical elimination of Hitler. During the year it was made 7 (!) Attacks, but they were unsuccessful. Only with the advent of this movement charismatic personality - a war hero Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, the conspirators were the chances of success. However, July 20, 1944 a carefully planned attempt once again, as in the past, failed. It happened because just before a bomb planted by Colonel Stauffenberg, Hitler had no apparent reason crossed the oak table at which the meeting was held in his headquarters, "Wolf's Lair" in East Prussia. This move brought the Fuehrer from the zone of complete defeat.
The fact that this time, Hitler had survived, was interpreted by him in his usual manner - he was even more strengthened in its belief in the chosenness and special protection of Providence. Referring to his personal physician, Dr. Morell, Fuhrer said with emotion: "I am invincible, I am immortal!»
Immediately after the failed, the tenth attempt, Hitler was in a euphoric state, as a relatively painless escape the underworld, and again confident of his earthly mission. However, from a medical point of view, the consequences of this assassination does not seem harmless: paralyzed because of a concussion left hand, on the face of many minor cut wounds, the hair on the back of his head burned out of his ears were bleeding, the right ear is completely lost the hearing of Hitler's body recovered about 200 wooden chips.
The conspirators, and there were about a hundred, immediately neutralized, and soon those who did not shoot himself, were executed.
Igor Miklashevskii.
Photos from the archives of the author

PLAN Sudoplatova
The idea to organize the action on the physical destruction of Hitler appeared in the autumn of 1941, when the Nazis came close to Moscow. The Soviet leadership did not preclude the ability to capture the enemy capital, in connection with which the Office of the NKVD in Moscow and 2nd (subversive) department of the NKVD was commissioned to create the Moscow underground and undermine the main administrative and commercial facilities of the city. To execute the order, the head of the 2nd Department Pavel Sudoplatov set for future members of the underground problem: in the case of the capture by the Germans in Moscow and Hitler's arrival in the city to try to organize the attempt on his life, for example, during the expected Nazi parade on Red Square. The experience of similar operations in the Soviet intelligence was. Since September 21, 1941 in Kiev, it was blown up in advance mined observation deck of the Upper Monastery, which resulted in the destruction of tens of staff officers. A task force on November 3 NKVD under the command of Captain Lutin blew radiofugas inherent in the Assumption Cathedral of Kiev. As a result of this action, killing about 20 senior officers and generals, and Gauleiter Erich Koch of Ukraine and President of the Slovak Bishop Josef Tiso seriously injured.
After the Germans were driven from Moscow and more about the parade on Red Square did not think, in the 2nd division in 1942 transformed into the 4th Reconnaissance and Sabotage NKVD of the USSR, intent to destroy Hitler continued to develop.
4th control, carefully tracking the movement of the Fuhrer, found that Hitler periodically and long field is in its rate of "Werewolf", fitted near Vinnitsa. There was immediately thrown partisan group "winners" under the command of Dmitry Medvedev in June 1942 in force in the area of Rivne. In autumn 1943 the legendary intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov managed to obtain documents, including a detailed plan for the field was the Führer's headquarters.
However, the operation had to be abandoned, since October 1943 object ceased to appear in the "Werewolf".
Head of the 4th Department Sudoplatov and his deputy Eitingon decided that a fatal blow to Hitler should apply it in Germany. But for this it was necessary to find someone who could, without arousing suspicion from the Gestapo to assassinate. And such a man was found.
Igor Miklashevskii was the son of the famous artist of chamber theater Augusta Miklashevskaya. Augusta's husband, dancer Lev Lashchilin, had a sister Inna, who married a well-known actor Vsevolod Blumenthal-Tamarin. In the fall of 1941, when the Germans approached Moscow, Blumenthal went over to their side. Soon, the Germans began to use it for propaganda operations. Speaking at a special loudspeakers across the forefront, he urged the Red Army to surrender. Later, he was in Berlin, where he became one of the leaders of the anti-Soviet "Russian Committee" engaged in recruiting captured Soviet soldiers and officers for the German "eastern legions."
Head of the 4th Department Sudoplatov decided to use a betrayal Blumenthal-Tamarin to implement in Germany, Igor Miklashevsky recruited by the NKVD in the winter of 1941 as a secret agent of the liquidator.
In January 1942, during a night battle Miklashevskii, performing a task, I surrendered to the Germans, saying that long-cherished intention to move to their side. Inadvertently mentioned the name of his uncle Blumenthal-Tamarin. However, the word did not believe him. We start the test during which the Gestapo tucked his cell provocateurs, and once even held a mock execution.
Miklashevskii passed the test. He began to trust, and the spring of 1942, was released from a concentration camp and was enrolled in the "Legion of the East." Blumenthal-Tamarin, learning that his nephew sided with the Germans immediately took him to Berlin, where Igor began to work in "Russian Committee".
Once in Berlin, Igor contacted the Center, said he was ready to begin preparations for the operation. Soon he arrived from Yugoslavia a group of three experienced intelligence officers, former officers of the White Army, who had experience of the underground and sabotage activities. They led Miklashevsky were, according to the Sudoplatova, to assassinate the Fuhrer. In order to get insight into Hitler's inner circle, Miklashevskii established contact with the famous German actress Olga Chekhova, a woman of unearthly beauty, bright talent and unusual destiny.
In 1922, having left Russia for Germany in order to get theater education, it has achieved stunning success. She starred in dozens of films in Germany, France, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Hollywood. In 1936 she was awarded the highest theater title - the state actress of Germany. But, having won the Western theatrical Olympus, Olga remained a patriot of their historical homeland - sometimes assisted Soviet intelligence. Therefore, in accordance with a plan developed by Paul Sudoplatov, she and the Polish prince Radziwill (a secret agent of the NKVD) had to provide Miklashevsky group access to Hitler. However, in 1943, Stalin abandoned his original intention of the physical removal of Hitler, because he was afraid that as soon as the Fuhrer is gone, the Nazis and the German generals will try to conclude a separate peace with Britain and the United States without the participation of the Soviet Union.
Fears of Stalin were not unfounded. Information that Soviet intelligence agencies reported to the leader, testified that in the summer of 1942 the Vatican's representative in Ankara at the initiative of Pope Pius XII had a long conversation with the German Foreign Minister Papen, urging him to use his influence to sign a separate peace between Britain and the United States and Germany. In addition to this message from our resident in Ankara, Soviet agents in Rome gave the meeting the Pope and Myron Taylor, Roosevelt's envoy to the Vatican to discuss specific theses conversation Cardinal Roncalli (later he became Pope by John XXIII) with Papen. This separate agreement would limit our influence in Europe, excluding the Soviet Union from the European future of the alliance.
It should be noted that Stalin never fully trusted the intelligence that came from foreigners - agents of the NKVD. But after the victory on the Kursk Bulge its relation to the information from the agency zakordonnoy changed radically. Background is as follows.
In late 1942, the German engineers have managed to improve the diesel engine mounted on a heavy tank "Panther". Now, the new engine can not move 46 tons of armor, which was put in a tank "Panther", but all the 62 tons of new heavy tank "Tiger". And the weight of the "Tiger" does not affect its agility and speed. Due to what has been achieved difference of 16 tons? Due to the thickening of the frontal and side armor. None of the Soviet weapons, and especially those who were armed with our tanks could not penetrate their shells 130 mm Krupp armor. The tanks "Tiger" and self-propelled artillery units (SAU) "Ferdinand" with reinforced armor Hitler was going to use the summer campaign at the turn of the Eagle-Belgorod-Kursk. Of course, the new achievements of German designers, as well as the place of their use as a state secret. However, in May 1943, John Cairncross, a member of the "Cambridge group" managed to obtain information about "Tiger" and "Ferdinand." He immediately informed Moscow. Stalin's reaction was instantaneous. According to the instructions of and under the supervision of Lavrenty Beria our specialists as soon as possible was created by a shell pierced the armor of 150 mm! Thus, the fascist surprise - "Tigers" and "Ferdinands" - we in July 1943, met head-on.
In 1944 the People's Commissar of the NKGB and Sudoplatov Merkulov again raised the question of Stalin to murder Hitler, but this time received a categorical refusal. As a result of the attempt on Hitler did not take place, even though, according to Sudoplatova developed Miklashevsky operation had every chance of success ...