Journal Series "Avtolegendy USSR"
Fifty - a full and unconditional anniversary. Last week he celebrated magazine series "Avtolegendy the USSR." As often happens - a gift turned out to be worthless: VAZ-2106 brought little joy to collectors. But anniversaries - traditional occasion to sum up and remember the past. The grass was greener, the sun was shining brightly, the girl smiled often and it was almost two years ago - the first Russian magazine series was launched in February 2009. Of the fifty-eight issues - a large-scale copy of the VAZ, 15 - GAS 3 - ZAZ, 7 - ZIL (ZIS), 9 - AZLK (MZMA), 2 - RAF, 3 - SMZ, 2 - a UAZ and one LuAZ. Wipe away the dust that has accumulated over two years, and look at the first ten models released from February to June 2009.
11 ph via diecast43
The first issue of the magazine series "Avtolegendy USSR" was the progenitor of the family car models MZMA: will be released later Moskvich-407, 403, 410, 423N. Model of the Moskvich to access the journal series was unique among regular models IST and caused great interest of collectors, giving a powerful impetus to the entire series of "Avtolegendy the USSR."
GAZ-M20V "Victory"
"Victory" series in a magazine - it is an opportunity to purchase a large number of collectors only slightly simplified model ICT is several times cheaper. In the future, the manufacturer will try to separate the regular model and magazine series for at least the color, if not for modifications.
GAZ-12 (ZIM)
Not a bad model, the new product that has no analogues in the regular series of ICT at the time. The ZIM manifested all the major disadvantages of magazine models on many issues forward, chief among them - overscale wide-bus and the wrong size wheels, lubricants impression even from the good model.
ZAZ-968A "Zaporozhets"
Zaporozhets completed the "pilot" run magazine series in Tver in the summer of 2008, on it the story "Avtolegend USSR" took a break until February 2009. A good model with terrible wheels.
Moskvich 400-420A
In the fight with the Chinese manufacturer fell idea of release in a magazine series Moskvich first closed body, and appeared in a series of modified with Russian advisers convertible. Open car Moskvich 400-420A survived to this day very little, even less among collectors magazine series those who see such cars on the roads (sedan ran until 1980, and continued to rust in the yards in the 2000s).
GAS-21I "Volga"
The most legendary car for the general public is the fifth issue of the journal series. The excitement was great, kioskёry selling issues "Avtolegend USSR" under the counter and weaknesses developed in 2002 form, which served for the vast number of limited and unlimited editions models GAZ-21 were quite visible to most collectors.
VAZ-2103 "Lada"
The first issue of the magazine was a bad series. The model has already been released in the Polish zhurnalke in a regular series of ICT, but for the Russian "avtolegend" has been even more simplified, and the situation has aggravated a poisonous green color model.
IST has done an excellent model UAZ-469 with minor flaws, and for journal series was selected color is not repeated coloring regular series. The model is not greatly simplified. One of the best releases in the series.
GAZ-24 "Volga"
GAZ-24 - another model in a magazine series, made on the basis of existing forms of ICT. All source code defects - on the spot, failed wheels - a tradition, but even simplified model - good.
VAZ-2121 "Niva"
"Field" - the tenth edition of the first model in the series, developed from scratch. Excellent model, bad color, annoying bugs in detailing (the Poles got more "rich" version) and the traditional models of ICT deficiencies. It could be one of the best releases, but could not reach a fraction.
The first ten editions of the magazine series are encouraging, but the model is not zalёzhivalis kiosks - in the capital missed the release was not easy to buy and many collectors bought several copies of each issue for the future. Offbeat format rigidly predetermined frequency output and an abundance of model were a novelty, but pleased seasoned collectors and attracted into the ranks of collectors scale copies as the young recruits, and quite adult uncles, suddenly remembered his childhood sample the 1970s and 1980s.
11 ph via diecast43

The first issue of the magazine series "Avtolegendy USSR" was the progenitor of the family car models MZMA: will be released later Moskvich-407, 403, 410, 423N. Model of the Moskvich to access the journal series was unique among regular models IST and caused great interest of collectors, giving a powerful impetus to the entire series of "Avtolegendy the USSR."

GAZ-M20V "Victory"
"Victory" series in a magazine - it is an opportunity to purchase a large number of collectors only slightly simplified model ICT is several times cheaper. In the future, the manufacturer will try to separate the regular model and magazine series for at least the color, if not for modifications.

GAZ-12 (ZIM)
Not a bad model, the new product that has no analogues in the regular series of ICT at the time. The ZIM manifested all the major disadvantages of magazine models on many issues forward, chief among them - overscale wide-bus and the wrong size wheels, lubricants impression even from the good model.

ZAZ-968A "Zaporozhets"
Zaporozhets completed the "pilot" run magazine series in Tver in the summer of 2008, on it the story "Avtolegend USSR" took a break until February 2009. A good model with terrible wheels.

Moskvich 400-420A
In the fight with the Chinese manufacturer fell idea of release in a magazine series Moskvich first closed body, and appeared in a series of modified with Russian advisers convertible. Open car Moskvich 400-420A survived to this day very little, even less among collectors magazine series those who see such cars on the roads (sedan ran until 1980, and continued to rust in the yards in the 2000s).

GAS-21I "Volga"
The most legendary car for the general public is the fifth issue of the journal series. The excitement was great, kioskёry selling issues "Avtolegend USSR" under the counter and weaknesses developed in 2002 form, which served for the vast number of limited and unlimited editions models GAZ-21 were quite visible to most collectors.

VAZ-2103 "Lada"
The first issue of the magazine was a bad series. The model has already been released in the Polish zhurnalke in a regular series of ICT, but for the Russian "avtolegend" has been even more simplified, and the situation has aggravated a poisonous green color model.

IST has done an excellent model UAZ-469 with minor flaws, and for journal series was selected color is not repeated coloring regular series. The model is not greatly simplified. One of the best releases in the series.

GAZ-24 "Volga"
GAZ-24 - another model in a magazine series, made on the basis of existing forms of ICT. All source code defects - on the spot, failed wheels - a tradition, but even simplified model - good.

VAZ-2121 "Niva"
"Field" - the tenth edition of the first model in the series, developed from scratch. Excellent model, bad color, annoying bugs in detailing (the Poles got more "rich" version) and the traditional models of ICT deficiencies. It could be one of the best releases, but could not reach a fraction.
The first ten editions of the magazine series are encouraging, but the model is not zalёzhivalis kiosks - in the capital missed the release was not easy to buy and many collectors bought several copies of each issue for the future. Offbeat format rigidly predetermined frequency output and an abundance of model were a novelty, but pleased seasoned collectors and attracted into the ranks of collectors scale copies as the young recruits, and quite adult uncles, suddenly remembered his childhood sample the 1970s and 1980s.
