Three slave Marion Sims (text and 17 ph)
With a certain regularity of the fair sex have to attend a special doctor. That is a gynecologist. I do not need to explain that women's diseases significantly more than men, and they are often fraught with very unpleasant consequences.
However, gynecology as a science to the XIX century has been developed very posrestvenno, to say "no." One of the people who owe the coffin of life, modern woman, was an American physician, one of the pioneers of gynecology James Marion Sims (James Marion Sims).
In the novel "The laws applied euthanasia", which will hit stores by the end of June (the week and I'll show you the cover), one of the major social problems is the ethical side of staging experiments on humans for the benefit of science. What conclusion comes my heroes, you know, reading the book And I'll tell you a story that now seems terrible, but for the XIX century was completely normal. Moreover, no progress without such a history of being simply could not. This is the story of how Dr. James Marion Sims has invented a number of devices, and are now used in gynecology (eg expanders), and first learned how to deal with a number of severe diseases affecting women, vaginal and recto-vaginal fistula vesico-in particular.
Sims came from a family quite successful and prosperous. He was born in 1813 in the town of Hengin Rock (Western Carolina), where he studied in school, and in 1825 the family moved to Lancaster County, where his father Sims was elected sheriff. Marion continued his education at the Academy of Franklin (in principle, an ordinary high school with a great name). By the way, the school exists to this day (her website www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=23836 < / a>), is one of the oldest schools in the United States.
Then he studied at the college of South Carolina (Columbia), and then the doctor Churchill in Lancaster, and then at the Medical College of Charleston, and finally, in 1835 he graduated with a degree in Jefferson Medical College (Philadelphia).
In general, a lot of Sims studied diligently and carefully. To practice, he came to his home in Lancaster, but the first two of his patients died happily, and he escaping partly from shame, partly from himself, moved to Alabama. In Lancaster, he returned just once more, to marry Theresa Jones, his high school love. Later, they organized (1845) women's section of the hospital in Montgomery, Alabama. There were developed and the tragic events that laid the foundation of modern gynecology. Sims House in Alabama:
But his first clinic / office:
Vesico-vaginal fistula - a gesture. In fact, it is a physical injury, a direct opening between the bladder and vagina. In general, gynecologic fistula - it is most often the result of too much labor. The woman appears a hole between the vagina and bladder and / or rectum. Fistula involves the prevention and treatment through surgery. The main symptom of fistula - a rigid and permanent incontinence and pain. In general, a very unpleasant thing.
At the time, these operations do not know how. Therefore, women who suffer from such dirty tricks, was the sea. This was especially true of black slaves and all - Africans are prone to such injuries much more than whites.
Gynecologists first half of the XIX century of fistulas knew, but could not do anything. Moreover, gynecologists of the time were not allowed to look at naked women, so research like this place (engraving 1822):
Sims just set myself the task: there is a disease that can not be treated. Need to find a method of treatment.
And he did just - bought three black slaves - anarchy, Betsy and Lucy suffering from fistulas to experience them in theory his method. He conducted his experiments four years - from 1845 to 1849 years. The first and primary patient was anarchy, which he operated on 30 (!) Times, with not all of these operations were necessary to cure. All slaves were voluntarily operations - they've seen them at least some chance to recover. The last surgery was deemed successful anarchy. On this picture here is preparing to carry out the operation Sims Lucy (artist Robert Tom, the best quality not found):
Do not forget that it was in the 1840s, medicine was making its first steps in the pathetic anesthesia. Tried chloroform, cocaine, diethyl ether; mostly advanced anesthesia investigators were dentists. In the surgery, she came later. Therefore, in any operation Sims did not use anesthetics.
But the main thing is that the four-year experiments on slaves brought to success. Sims technique honed to perfection and learn to eliminate various types of fistulas. When the series of experiments ended, Sims operated a dozen slaves suffering from fistula, which bought specifically for this purpose, and healed them.
By the year 1850 there was some no anesthesia, and in the early 1850s Sims held the first operation on a white woman, not a slave. Operation was successfully completed. Here engraving of medical book written and published by Sims with a description of its methodology:
During the experiments, the Sims not only developed surgical techniques cures physical injuries of the vagina. He has developed a number of tools used in gynecology today. In particular, he invented the extender (Sims Speculum) and vaginal mirror, and a number of catheters (for example, enterotsistostomichesky catheter). Here it is, the expander Sims - XIX century and modern:
In gynecology is used so-called "status Sims" (it is also "crocodile posture"). It applies, for example, in cases of suspected cord presentation at birth: to reduce the risk of compression of the umbilical cord woman in childbirth is asked to lie in it. At the same time some women pelvis elevated due planted pillow or cushion. In fact, it is intermediate between the position of "lying on his stomach" and "lying on its side."
It was the first time he began to use in gynecology surgical instruments of silver and disinfect them with alcohol (in 1852 he published a pamphlet on gynecology disinfection).
Already well-known and successful physician, in 1853 he moved to New York, and in 1855 founded the first American women's gynecological hospital (Woman's Hospital). Today it is one of the largest hospitals in the United States, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center.
In 1862, during the Civil War, Sims moved to Europe, where he successfully worked in London and Paris. From 1863 to 1866, he was the personal physician of the Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III.
He conducted successful operations in many countries, treated the common people and queens, has earned numerous awards - orders and medals. Under the patronage of Napoleon III Sims organized the Anglo-American Medical Corps, who was involved in the rehabilitation of soldiers in England, France and the United States after the various conflicts.
In family life, he was happy - he and Theresa had nine children, and had no problems with their birth did not arise.
By the way, to complete the picture gynecological chair the second half of the XIX century (the construction of Cleveland). Since 1871 at the Sims, a new "hobby" - cancer. He founded the New York second hospital - one of the world's first specialized cancer centers, which successfully led until his death in 1883. Since 1876, he has also been president of the American Medical Association.
His statue near Central Park, at the intersection of 5th Avenue and 103 th Street was the first monument in the US doctor.
Besides the already mentioned tools and techniques, Sims invented the postcoital test (used to diagnose infertility, cervical mucus taken after 6-24 hours after sexual intercourse, is subjected to microscopic study). And he invented a sigmoidoscopy (visual inspection of the rectal mucosa and, in some cases, the distal portions of the sigmoid colon).
And he held the first in the history of a successful surgery to remove stones from the gall bladder (in 1878) by dissecting the bladder and called her cholecystendysis - the name is used to this day.
And he invented a method of laparoscopic stop internal bleeding and extraction in the case of bullet wounds without cutting. After the tragic assassination of US President Garfield was recognized that in the case of applying the method to Sims, President survived.
Now weigh the "pros" and "cons". What on one scale, which is different. After all, he was a great man. Without such as Sims, there would be no science, there would be no progress, thousands of people have suffered and died. On the other side - three slaves who had to move a lot. But it is their way, let go, all three of them, in 1849, healthy, very healthy. Anarchus then still give birth, and Lucy, too.
Now a lot of controversy regarding the ethics of research Sims and American feminists even offer to give up all that he has developed. That is, by itself gynecology. Flag in their hands, let them suffer.
It seems to me, to hell with it, with ethics. He was right.
P.S. The story of Dr. Sims is detailed in his own memoirs, published after his death. Today, you can buy them from Amazon in the publication Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2007
taken from © nostradamvs
However, gynecology as a science to the XIX century has been developed very posrestvenno, to say "no." One of the people who owe the coffin of life, modern woman, was an American physician, one of the pioneers of gynecology James Marion Sims (James Marion Sims).
In the novel "The laws applied euthanasia", which will hit stores by the end of June (the week and I'll show you the cover), one of the major social problems is the ethical side of staging experiments on humans for the benefit of science. What conclusion comes my heroes, you know, reading the book And I'll tell you a story that now seems terrible, but for the XIX century was completely normal. Moreover, no progress without such a history of being simply could not. This is the story of how Dr. James Marion Sims has invented a number of devices, and are now used in gynecology (eg expanders), and first learned how to deal with a number of severe diseases affecting women, vaginal and recto-vaginal fistula vesico-in particular.

Sims came from a family quite successful and prosperous. He was born in 1813 in the town of Hengin Rock (Western Carolina), where he studied in school, and in 1825 the family moved to Lancaster County, where his father Sims was elected sheriff. Marion continued his education at the Academy of Franklin (in principle, an ordinary high school with a great name). By the way, the school exists to this day (her website www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=23836 < / a>), is one of the oldest schools in the United States.

Then he studied at the college of South Carolina (Columbia), and then the doctor Churchill in Lancaster, and then at the Medical College of Charleston, and finally, in 1835 he graduated with a degree in Jefferson Medical College (Philadelphia).
In general, a lot of Sims studied diligently and carefully. To practice, he came to his home in Lancaster, but the first two of his patients died happily, and he escaping partly from shame, partly from himself, moved to Alabama. In Lancaster, he returned just once more, to marry Theresa Jones, his high school love. Later, they organized (1845) women's section of the hospital in Montgomery, Alabama. There were developed and the tragic events that laid the foundation of modern gynecology. Sims House in Alabama:

But his first clinic / office:

Vesico-vaginal fistula - a gesture. In fact, it is a physical injury, a direct opening between the bladder and vagina. In general, gynecologic fistula - it is most often the result of too much labor. The woman appears a hole between the vagina and bladder and / or rectum. Fistula involves the prevention and treatment through surgery. The main symptom of fistula - a rigid and permanent incontinence and pain. In general, a very unpleasant thing.

At the time, these operations do not know how. Therefore, women who suffer from such dirty tricks, was the sea. This was especially true of black slaves and all - Africans are prone to such injuries much more than whites.
Gynecologists first half of the XIX century of fistulas knew, but could not do anything. Moreover, gynecologists of the time were not allowed to look at naked women, so research like this place (engraving 1822):

Sims just set myself the task: there is a disease that can not be treated. Need to find a method of treatment.
And he did just - bought three black slaves - anarchy, Betsy and Lucy suffering from fistulas to experience them in theory his method. He conducted his experiments four years - from 1845 to 1849 years. The first and primary patient was anarchy, which he operated on 30 (!) Times, with not all of these operations were necessary to cure. All slaves were voluntarily operations - they've seen them at least some chance to recover. The last surgery was deemed successful anarchy. On this picture here is preparing to carry out the operation Sims Lucy (artist Robert Tom, the best quality not found):

Do not forget that it was in the 1840s, medicine was making its first steps in the pathetic anesthesia. Tried chloroform, cocaine, diethyl ether; mostly advanced anesthesia investigators were dentists. In the surgery, she came later. Therefore, in any operation Sims did not use anesthetics.
But the main thing is that the four-year experiments on slaves brought to success. Sims technique honed to perfection and learn to eliminate various types of fistulas. When the series of experiments ended, Sims operated a dozen slaves suffering from fistula, which bought specifically for this purpose, and healed them.
By the year 1850 there was some no anesthesia, and in the early 1850s Sims held the first operation on a white woman, not a slave. Operation was successfully completed. Here engraving of medical book written and published by Sims with a description of its methodology:

During the experiments, the Sims not only developed surgical techniques cures physical injuries of the vagina. He has developed a number of tools used in gynecology today. In particular, he invented the extender (Sims Speculum) and vaginal mirror, and a number of catheters (for example, enterotsistostomichesky catheter). Here it is, the expander Sims - XIX century and modern:


In gynecology is used so-called "status Sims" (it is also "crocodile posture"). It applies, for example, in cases of suspected cord presentation at birth: to reduce the risk of compression of the umbilical cord woman in childbirth is asked to lie in it. At the same time some women pelvis elevated due planted pillow or cushion. In fact, it is intermediate between the position of "lying on his stomach" and "lying on its side."

It was the first time he began to use in gynecology surgical instruments of silver and disinfect them with alcohol (in 1852 he published a pamphlet on gynecology disinfection).
Already well-known and successful physician, in 1853 he moved to New York, and in 1855 founded the first American women's gynecological hospital (Woman's Hospital). Today it is one of the largest hospitals in the United States, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center.

In 1862, during the Civil War, Sims moved to Europe, where he successfully worked in London and Paris. From 1863 to 1866, he was the personal physician of the Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III.

He conducted successful operations in many countries, treated the common people and queens, has earned numerous awards - orders and medals. Under the patronage of Napoleon III Sims organized the Anglo-American Medical Corps, who was involved in the rehabilitation of soldiers in England, France and the United States after the various conflicts.
In family life, he was happy - he and Theresa had nine children, and had no problems with their birth did not arise.
By the way, to complete the picture gynecological chair the second half of the XIX century (the construction of Cleveland). Since 1871 at the Sims, a new "hobby" - cancer. He founded the New York second hospital - one of the world's first specialized cancer centers, which successfully led until his death in 1883. Since 1876, he has also been president of the American Medical Association.
His statue near Central Park, at the intersection of 5th Avenue and 103 th Street was the first monument in the US doctor.

Besides the already mentioned tools and techniques, Sims invented the postcoital test (used to diagnose infertility, cervical mucus taken after 6-24 hours after sexual intercourse, is subjected to microscopic study). And he invented a sigmoidoscopy (visual inspection of the rectal mucosa and, in some cases, the distal portions of the sigmoid colon).
And he held the first in the history of a successful surgery to remove stones from the gall bladder (in 1878) by dissecting the bladder and called her cholecystendysis - the name is used to this day.
And he invented a method of laparoscopic stop internal bleeding and extraction in the case of bullet wounds without cutting. After the tragic assassination of US President Garfield was recognized that in the case of applying the method to Sims, President survived.
Now weigh the "pros" and "cons". What on one scale, which is different. After all, he was a great man. Without such as Sims, there would be no science, there would be no progress, thousands of people have suffered and died. On the other side - three slaves who had to move a lot. But it is their way, let go, all three of them, in 1849, healthy, very healthy. Anarchus then still give birth, and Lucy, too.

Now a lot of controversy regarding the ethics of research Sims and American feminists even offer to give up all that he has developed. That is, by itself gynecology. Flag in their hands, let them suffer.
It seems to me, to hell with it, with ethics. He was right.
P.S. The story of Dr. Sims is detailed in his own memoirs, published after his death. Today, you can buy them from Amazon in the publication Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2007
taken from © nostradamvs
