The story of the supercar from Peter (30 photos)
There are in St. Petersburg, a man who registered with our website under the name kostyasam. They call this man Constantine Minty and for two decades (since the early 90s), he is engaged in the construction of the original self-made cars. These things hobby regularly administers mid-engined supercar (but the details of it, of course, at the end of the story)
Next will be used quotes from the story of the author about his "child».
№1 The first machine. It was originally an Opel Rekord '72. First, the engine died and was replaced by the engine of the GAZ-24. Then, during the operation were covered brake and I changed the entire suspension Bridge at volgovskih. I did aero bumper and plastic. Introduced lights and foot by 2108.
№1 car in completed form:
№2 second homemade made on the same basis from the Volga, but still attach the door from 2109. From the former Opel (the same) were the hood, roof and trunk lid. Lights and feet are still on the 2108. The wheels of American and wheels of UAZ with overcooked dishes. Body Styles inspired by the Audi-barrel 80.
№3 The third option - to upgrade to the same base. The hood, trunk lid and roof (much altered) by Opel (former). Plastic made new bumpers. The doors of the VAZ-2109 with reworked side glasses. The shape of the body close to the sport and has retractable headlights.
№4 The fourth machine was made on a different base - Opel Commodore 2.5 liter. In 1995 there was already quite a lot of cheap cars and spare parts from Germany.
№4 This body is made entirely of iron. Plastic bumper. Side strut cut and welded at an angle, to lower the roof. Completely redesigned frame doors and windows. Lowered suspension and again adapted for American wheels
№4 went to her 4 years until entered in the ass. After receiving the money for the accident, he immediately began to build a new car.
№4 Later I regained it by the order have sold, but the guy otezdil month and finally broke.
№5 Made in 2000 on the basis of a Mercedes 126 with a 5-liter dviglom. Body - Coupe, embedded frame made of pipes and makeshift roof. Inserted into the same American wheels.
№5 During construction:
№5 All external panels are made of iron. It was made in haste for everyday driving.
№5 Already in the process of construction I realized that design is not the one and dviglo better in the center of the body. Hence, the speed of construction and sloppy execution.
№5 great experience in building the original body!
№5 Otezdil himself on her 7 years until almost rotted polnostyu.Potom sold guy, but he did not pull. Now he resold to another, and it even looks like we will see anywhere.
№6 (Srednemotor !!!) I do the car for 4 years. This time, try to make friends with quality. And less and less time. I want to ride, not walk around it.
№6 It's on the knee, hand in his garage. Each piece is fitted with a burner. Then do the other side of the mirror, welded, and farther.
№6 V8 engine from Mersa base in the center of the box and the rear axle of the AZLK-2141 (Soviet construction designed with a margin), and therefore from the same rear suspension. More under development had an idea for turning the rear wheels polnoupravlyaemogo chassis. They can spin the electric motor. Hosh - there he likes - back. On the move has not yet tried it, but I think to get a buzz.
№6 Has finished turning mechanism rear wheels. Gears red-hot - ring the whole garage. I did starter to spin in both directions. From the center to the end position for 5 seconds. Reducer 1:60 and more as an engine starter with planetarkoy: main gear breakage not collapse, and the indicator is, of course, will be. It is now ready to control with trailer and left only the joystick bungled. The center also caught trailer.
№6 It will be necessary to change the grip on gazelevskoe and then volgovskih stalled. It is possible that the pedals are tight will not win - probably with the amplifier will decide.
№6 About design: I always wanted to form a Lambo, but was too lazy to carry the engine. Still, I gave up and started to "create" a purely Lambo. Frankly always lazy, and the project with the central dviglom very complicated and long for me. But the appearance of a collective: face-a mixture of Bugatti and Carera GT, side simply painted "on the fence" sketch, but got something even lower (sought it) side intake should be one at the bottom and wing round, but I saw in the journal of Ferrari made to order with an incredibly large air intakes on the wings of thought, I want the same!
Next will be only photographs from the archives of Constantine Myatnikova without numbers and signatures. By the way, to see "live" and listen to the supercar Constantine Myatnikova possible here: photo.qip.ru/users/kostiasam/video/ < / a>
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Next - the final series of shots with the most unreported at this moment a body.
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Next will be used quotes from the story of the author about his "child».
№1 The first machine. It was originally an Opel Rekord '72. First, the engine died and was replaced by the engine of the GAZ-24. Then, during the operation were covered brake and I changed the entire suspension Bridge at volgovskih. I did aero bumper and plastic. Introduced lights and foot by 2108.

№1 car in completed form:

№2 second homemade made on the same basis from the Volga, but still attach the door from 2109. From the former Opel (the same) were the hood, roof and trunk lid. Lights and feet are still on the 2108. The wheels of American and wheels of UAZ with overcooked dishes. Body Styles inspired by the Audi-barrel 80.

№3 The third option - to upgrade to the same base. The hood, trunk lid and roof (much altered) by Opel (former). Plastic made new bumpers. The doors of the VAZ-2109 with reworked side glasses. The shape of the body close to the sport and has retractable headlights.

№4 The fourth machine was made on a different base - Opel Commodore 2.5 liter. In 1995 there was already quite a lot of cheap cars and spare parts from Germany.

№4 This body is made entirely of iron. Plastic bumper. Side strut cut and welded at an angle, to lower the roof. Completely redesigned frame doors and windows. Lowered suspension and again adapted for American wheels

№4 went to her 4 years until entered in the ass. After receiving the money for the accident, he immediately began to build a new car.

№4 Later I regained it by the order have sold, but the guy otezdil month and finally broke.

№5 Made in 2000 on the basis of a Mercedes 126 with a 5-liter dviglom. Body - Coupe, embedded frame made of pipes and makeshift roof. Inserted into the same American wheels.

№5 During construction:

№5 All external panels are made of iron. It was made in haste for everyday driving.

№5 Already in the process of construction I realized that design is not the one and dviglo better in the center of the body. Hence, the speed of construction and sloppy execution.

№5 great experience in building the original body!

№5 Otezdil himself on her 7 years until almost rotted polnostyu.Potom sold guy, but he did not pull. Now he resold to another, and it even looks like we will see anywhere.

№6 (Srednemotor !!!) I do the car for 4 years. This time, try to make friends with quality. And less and less time. I want to ride, not walk around it.

№6 It's on the knee, hand in his garage. Each piece is fitted with a burner. Then do the other side of the mirror, welded, and farther.

№6 V8 engine from Mersa base in the center of the box and the rear axle of the AZLK-2141 (Soviet construction designed with a margin), and therefore from the same rear suspension. More under development had an idea for turning the rear wheels polnoupravlyaemogo chassis. They can spin the electric motor. Hosh - there he likes - back. On the move has not yet tried it, but I think to get a buzz.

№6 Has finished turning mechanism rear wheels. Gears red-hot - ring the whole garage. I did starter to spin in both directions. From the center to the end position for 5 seconds. Reducer 1:60 and more as an engine starter with planetarkoy: main gear breakage not collapse, and the indicator is, of course, will be. It is now ready to control with trailer and left only the joystick bungled. The center also caught trailer.

№6 It will be necessary to change the grip on gazelevskoe and then volgovskih stalled. It is possible that the pedals are tight will not win - probably with the amplifier will decide.

№6 About design: I always wanted to form a Lambo, but was too lazy to carry the engine. Still, I gave up and started to "create" a purely Lambo. Frankly always lazy, and the project with the central dviglom very complicated and long for me. But the appearance of a collective: face-a mixture of Bugatti and Carera GT, side simply painted "on the fence" sketch, but got something even lower (sought it) side intake should be one at the bottom and wing round, but I saw in the journal of Ferrari made to order with an incredibly large air intakes on the wings of thought, I want the same!

Next will be only photographs from the archives of Constantine Myatnikova without numbers and signatures. By the way, to see "live" and listen to the supercar Constantine Myatnikova possible here: photo.qip.ru/users/kostiasam/video/ < / a>
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Next - the final series of shots with the most unreported at this moment a body.
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