Seliger again scored
The banner in the camp "Nashi" on Seliger - the name and the years of the life of a great man, Sergei Korolev, chief designer of the first Soviet space and strategic missiles. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of what he has done for national astronautics and defense. In good, in all fairness, it generally needs to know the whole planet: it is his will, character, aiming at the realization of his dream finally brought the first satellite and the first man in space.
Only here on Seliger poster face depicted - a completely different person. NOT Korolev. This is also the face rocketeer, too, principal designer Vasily Mishin, the royal "heir" in the present - the "successor" has not managed to raise to the sky the last royal project - a lunar rocket N-1. Without belittling the merits Mishina, nevertheless, I think, to confuse these two men are not worth it. Even if you "Nashi" and all of you on the drum.
Only here on Seliger poster face depicted - a completely different person. NOT Korolev. This is also the face rocketeer, too, principal designer Vasily Mishin, the royal "heir" in the present - the "successor" has not managed to raise to the sky the last royal project - a lunar rocket N-1. Without belittling the merits Mishina, nevertheless, I think, to confuse these two men are not worth it. Even if you "Nashi" and all of you on the drum.
