Making the "hula-cube"
The specificity of certain professions involves the presence of different materials, dilapidated - cables, screws, chips, metal structures, etc. etc. Sometimes these materials in the presence of free time, you can make different crafts plain - trinkets, souvenirs, coasters, ashtrays ... I have for many years, has accumulated a certain amount of "killed" electronic components, in particular the production of MSP430 MCU Texas Instruments Plant. Throw sorry for them, so it was decided to solder one Rubik's Cube, I came up with it, even the name hulahup "hula-cube"
So let's start: there will be 6 photos with text
Here's a box of "odds and ends" sobralast over the years ...
We collect the required number of microcontrollers, cube 3 3 54 mikruhi need and begin to solder them in the matrix 3 3.
For the cube need 6 matrices
Now connect by soldering all the matrices together and having such a simple cube "hula-cube"
You can still soldered chain and hang over the table, but I have yet to play with it so - which will roll the hand while sitting at the computer
Since in a box much more good - will nastoenie soldered More kaku something hreneshnyagu.
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So let's start: there will be 6 photos with text
Here's a box of "odds and ends" sobralast over the years ...
We collect the required number of microcontrollers, cube 3 3 54 mikruhi need and begin to solder them in the matrix 3 3.
For the cube need 6 matrices
Now connect by soldering all the matrices together and having such a simple cube "hula-cube"
You can still soldered chain and hang over the table, but I have yet to play with it so - which will roll the hand while sitting at the computer
Since in a box much more good - will nastoenie soldered More kaku something hreneshnyagu.
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