The only person that you will not find

It is issued more or less calm duty, even when in the desktop and cabinet to understand how not at three o'clock? And I came across a couple of artifacts, each with its own history.
Ten years ago, comes to us the patient was not yet our Rashi, respectively, and about Rovshan Dzhumshut and no one heard. But the feeling that this was a sufferer of their prototype. What happened to him as to achieve and failed. Toli Toli not beat him and beat him, the aphid itself stomach ache. The picture was so clear and - belly peritoneal air under the diaphragm, as the saying goes: Cut, without waiting for all sorts of peritonitis. And in anektode, with jokes, jokes and good humor throughout the fair campaign off to the machine. Laparotomy, abdominal intestinal contents, start looking where. Stomach whole, continues to search for and find. My assistant was only able to squeeze out: D * I am! Stranger !!! I frankly was very bad so: in the gut at a distance of about a meter from the hole in the stomach, and in her last gasp move black beetle! We have wondered then, and at the hero horror tried to find out, he swallowed him alive, or who helped, he said nothing like Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya. One thing was clear that he did insectoid swallowed alive, he was able to gnaw a hole in the intestine, in this its strength and over. Beetle preserved in alcohol, sewed up the hole. And after a few days, our lovers of exotic delicacies happily went back to building capitalism.

The view from the other side

A few months later, as we know Mizera go in pairs, had to face another manifestation of human nature. First brings a young woman of 22 years, in serious condition. My husband, two children. My husband is a guard, she is trolleybus driver. In general, not marginal. By making a small digression, I want to say that the most horrific injuries I've seen as a result of family squabbles. Our client are clear signs of beating on his face, but no longer fresh. Says: a week ago, beat her beloved. He became sick stomach. To doctors did not address, really, why ?! On the day of admission to our glorious bolnichku pain increased sharply, and even it became clear that will not resolve itself. Before you touch the belly is not the symptoms of peritonitis can be seen from the other end of the corridor. Enter the stomach and when I start an audit, the first thing that I fall under the hand of this one thing here!

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It is with this stick in my stomach took the whole week !!! There is already an abscess on two liters of pus formed on the guts of a single living space. And this was a piece of wood into the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix. As she later told her husband so she punished! Then there were the six months in the hospital, a few operations. Fortunately, she safely discharged in good health. When a person is called a beast, in some cases, I think it's an insult to animals.
