Sticky treat
Good day, dear YaPovtsy! All of us, when sick, in addition to drugs for a speedy recovery and use of folk remedies. The best assistant for the human body, in such cases, is honey. We see in the stores a lot of different jars of this delicacy, but he gets out of a beehive to a few people think, this is what I want to tell you.
Will Picchu and some 23 letters, please do not break, the end will tell.
2. Therefore, we have separately taken the hive on a separate amateur apiary.
3. Meanwhile, winged toilers engaged in their usual thing - collecting nectar and pollen.
4. In order to visit them, we need the main tool of the beekeeper - smoker (his fuel - a conventional wooden rotten).
5. Remove the cover, but the bees still separates us barrage lap.
6. Gently tear off the lap (he beeswax glued to the frame) and envelop with smoke the bees, so they gathered in zobiki honey, and were heavier and less aggressive.
7. Carefully take out the frame with honey.
8. pen or brush sweep away the bees back to the hive, and take away the frame itself.
9. Using the same chisel perform with other frames.
10. Instead, complete framework put empty - honey harvest season is not over yet
11. Complete the framework we put in a special box.
12. Each frame weighs more than 2 kg, so transportation to the place of use of pumping truck.
13. Next, moved into the building - there will be pumped out of honey. Now we have honey from the wax caps closed - they are used for the storage of honey bees (such peculiar bee "canned»)
14. With a knife cut off the heated lid to release the honey cells.
15. And now and "neat" frame.
16. From these caps get so-called "trimmings" - a mixture of honey and wax (also very delicious thing you can chew, good for the stomach).
17. Purified frame inserted into the extractor ...
18. We have it fit 8 frames - it is still Soviet, mechanical
19. Due to centrifugal force, the honey is emitted from the cell walls and flows down into the special compartment.
20. Then the honey is filtered through a sieve to avoid getting wax in the final product.
21. And spreads on more comfortable Taram.
22. The cost of production of two small bite turned my hand in the hand Pukhlikov, but it is also useful.
23. And the bees, in the meantime, continue to work hard and give us such a valuable product.
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for attention.
Will Picchu and some 23 letters, please do not break, the end will tell.

2. Therefore, we have separately taken the hive on a separate amateur apiary.

3. Meanwhile, winged toilers engaged in their usual thing - collecting nectar and pollen.

4. In order to visit them, we need the main tool of the beekeeper - smoker (his fuel - a conventional wooden rotten).

5. Remove the cover, but the bees still separates us barrage lap.

6. Gently tear off the lap (he beeswax glued to the frame) and envelop with smoke the bees, so they gathered in zobiki honey, and were heavier and less aggressive.

7. Carefully take out the frame with honey.

8. pen or brush sweep away the bees back to the hive, and take away the frame itself.

9. Using the same chisel perform with other frames.

10. Instead, complete framework put empty - honey harvest season is not over yet

11. Complete the framework we put in a special box.

12. Each frame weighs more than 2 kg, so transportation to the place of use of pumping truck.

13. Next, moved into the building - there will be pumped out of honey. Now we have honey from the wax caps closed - they are used for the storage of honey bees (such peculiar bee "canned»)

14. With a knife cut off the heated lid to release the honey cells.

15. And now and "neat" frame.

16. From these caps get so-called "trimmings" - a mixture of honey and wax (also very delicious thing you can chew, good for the stomach).

17. Purified frame inserted into the extractor ...

18. We have it fit 8 frames - it is still Soviet, mechanical

19. Due to centrifugal force, the honey is emitted from the cell walls and flows down into the special compartment.

20. Then the honey is filtered through a sieve to avoid getting wax in the final product.

21. And spreads on more comfortable Taram.

22. The cost of production of two small bite turned my hand in the hand Pukhlikov, but it is also useful.

23. And the bees, in the meantime, continue to work hard and give us such a valuable product.
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for attention.
