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Why do the Japanese love regular glazed curds and eat them warm

Do you know what happens when two kids get bored? That's right, brilliant ideas come to their minds. On one of these days, my sister and I were captured by the abyss of such inventions. We imagined ourselves to be talented chefs and decided to open our own restaurant. With a Michelin star, no less. And, of course, it should have delicious unusual food.

Like any aspiring restaurateur, we ran into some difficulties. In our case - with a modest range of products. We only had pickles, some marshmallows, bread, jam and apples. Everything that we could get hold of.

So we decided that it would be a great idea to combine cucumbers and marshmallows. Gourmet sandwiches turned out, I want to say. We still remember. Here the editors of "Site" and decided to delve into the study of extravagant food preferences. We prepared a whole list of oddities, some of which we even liked.

Unusual food Or rather, a completely ordinary and familiar food for us, which foreigners eat in a completely different way. This is what will be discussed today. The food on the shelves varies from country to country, as does the food habits. Who would have thought, for example, that a Japanese would be so impressed by an ordinary glazed cheese?

Melted Choco Pie with Sour Cream South Korea also likes to warm up our usual desserts. For example, Choco Pie. They say that if you then also season the delicacy with sour cream or cream, you get a real extravaganza of taste.

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All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. # meltedchocopie # vanillaicecream

A post shared by Foodie.me ?? (@foodie_meee_love) on May 22, 2017 at 12:25 am PDT

Roasted grapes Yes, it is in this form that the inhabitants of India and the Mediterranean countries prefer to eat grapes. This dish serves as an excellent side dish or salad.

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Pan-fried grapes? Go or no? With the culinary goddess of @lemon_twist

A post shared by Meesha Halm? SF Culinary Moie (@meeshahalm) on Jun 18, 2018 at 7:30 pm PDT

Cucumber Cake Cucumber cakes are a merit of Indian cuisine. Today, a light summer dessert is gaining popularity all over the world. I just wanted to cook, it remains to get a recipe.

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I have birthed a great horror into the universe at the behest of @internetmelanie. Behold! The #cucumbercake, a vanilla buttercream cake with cucumber accoutrements.

A post shared by bucky with the good hair. (@glarkcables) on Feb 26, 2019 at 10:08 am PST

Chocolate Chips No, not chocolate chips, but chocolate-coated potato chips. It turns out that the salty crunchy snack goes well with dark chocolate.

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み な さ ん こ ん ば ん は ?? 今日 は 大好 き な kattyannel の か っ ち ゃ ん さ ん か ら twitter の コ メ ン ト 返 信 & フ ォ ロ ー 頂 い て 、 ニ ヤ ニ ま が ヤ ニ ま が近 々 新 企 画 UP し ま す 9 ( 'ω') و 「究 極 を 追 い 求 め る 商品 開 発 部」 (う ろ 覚 え) で す? 第 1 回 は ポ テ ト チ ッ プ ス チ ョ コ レ ー ト ?? ど の メ ー カ ー で 作 っ た ら 1 番 美味 し い か 検 証 し ま す ᕦ (ò_ó ) ᕤ 観 て ね? ❤️coming soon ... ❤️ #youtuber #youtube # 食 べ 比 べ #cooking #potatochipschocolate #potatochips #chocolate # ポ テ ト チ ッ プ ス チ ョ コ レ ー ト # ポ テ ト チ ッ プ チ ョ コ レ ー ト # ポ テ ト チ ッ プ ス # チ ョ コ レ ー ト # 甘 じ ょ っ ぱ い # 究 極 # 商品 開 発

A post shared by ぱ ら か る た / paracarta (@paracarta_alacarte) on Jan 28, 2018 at 4:22 am PST

Cheese Recently, a Japanese man posted on his Twitter page a photo of a curd cheese and almost confessed his love to him. He described his emotions in detail: “We sell curd cheese covered with dark chocolate glaze in our store. And this is a sinful pleasure! It's literally cottage cheese covered in chocolate ... It's delicious when warm, so I warmed it up. "

The Japanese put the cheese in the microwave for 10 seconds. It turns out that it tastes better. I wanted to try. And you?

Fresh tomatoes with sugar But in China, it is believed that the addition of sugar only adds flavor. So, they say, its natural sweetness becomes even richer.

Salted orange If tomatoes are good with sugar, then oranges are good with salt. In tropical countries, this snack is used to quench thirst. Salt, getting on the pulp of citrus fruits, makes them even more juicy. In general, you can salt not only oranges, but also pineapples, watermelons and apples. What you can't do to quench your thirst.

Cucumbers with honey A very popular snack in the Baltic countries, Ukraine and Finland. Fresh or lightly salted cucumbers must be peeled and flavored with liquid honey. We tried it, a sumptuous treat.

Butter in batter Fried butter was prepared back in the 17th century, served with oysters. Today the recipe is different: butter is dipped in batter and then fried in hot oil for a couple of seconds. Then pour over with sweet glaze. It turns out to be an exquisite delicacy.

Fried Chocolate Bar Such an unusual delicacy appeared in the eateries of Scotland in the second half of the 20th century. The recipe is simple: we cool the bar, dip it in batter and send it to hot oil. An unusual delicacy, but very tasty.

Agree, quite unusual food. It would seem that they are ordinary products, but what application was found for them. But as they say, there are no comrades for taste and color. We even wanted to try to warm up the cheese and fry a chocolate bar. Which of these unusual treats would you try?