About love and all. Zhyvopis.
Of course, the seals. Where no seals?
Bobmoubezhische acrylic on canvas 60 by 70
I was in the last month 15 people were asked about the pictures, which can be present at the wedding.
And I thought that we should make a wedding picture.
Great gift and glamorous at all.
As a wedding photo with pigeons and other such.
It's kind of a remake of the old pictures, four times as much, and the composition is quite different.
acrylic on canvas 80 by 90
Otlyubil acrylic on canvas 110 90
Of course, the seals. Where no seals?
Bobmoubezhische acrylic on canvas 60 by 70
I was in the last month 15 people were asked about the pictures, which can be present at the wedding.
And I thought that we should make a wedding picture.
Great gift and glamorous at all.
As a wedding photo with pigeons and other such.
It's kind of a remake of the old pictures, four times as much, and the composition is quite different.
acrylic on canvas 80 by 90
Otlyubil acrylic on canvas 110 90