Russians ban ride in the car alone
The Russian authorities appear determined to seriously tackle the problem of traffic jams in major cities. This time we are talking about adopting a comprehensive strategy is a response to rapid motorisation of the two Russian capitals and other major cities in the country. The strategy should lay down the experience of some foreign countries - such as Japan, Singapore, USA, etc., already have experience of confrontation motorization megacities.
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Based on available data, the adoption of the "Strategy" in store for Russian motorists new and highly sensitive restrictions. One of the main directions in the fight against traffic jams and parking problem solving should be action to limit growth in the number of privately owned cars in the Russians.
The greatest number of questions there is already virtually decision on the actual prohibition to the public ownership of more than one car per family. The acquisition of the second, third, etc. Car is expected to impose a progressive tax comparable to the value of the purchased car. The Ministry of Tax and Duties Ministry funds have already expressed their support for these proposals.
No less interesting are the other two areas of "Strategy" on roads and parking spaces. So, in terms of parking lots is expected to use the experience of several Asian cities, when the acquisition of an individual passenger car must be preceded by the provision of a document they had registered a parking space (garage parking space on Collective parking, etc.). Parallel to this is already being prepared for submission to the State Duma amendments to the legislation, a complete ban on night storage of private cars in the yards of houses and adjacent territories.
Parking of vehicles at the courtyards of apartment buildings will be carried out only as a guest in the designated areas. For violators of these rules will be stipulated penalties commensurate with fines for parking in Moscow and St. Petersburg. A fee will be charged for the evacuation left for the night in the courtyards of cars.
For parking cars on city streets in cities with populations over 500 thousand people will be charged an hourly fee at the rate of 30 to 70 rubles. per hour, depending on the socio-economic situation in this or that region.
With regard to the development of the urban road network, the "strategy" does not provide for the massive construction of new roads. According to the accompanying explanatory note to the document, the new road construction in favor of private car owners is unjustified spending of budget funds, as well as a threat to the existing building. The basic rate should be made on the development of public transport.
One of the innovations could be the complete closure of a number of city streets for personal transport. Mostly this will affect the road network of the central parts of large cities. All road space here will be given to buses and trolley buses.
The Ministry of public transport has already been sent request for proposals for new forms of public transport can be an alternative to the individual. One of the trends in the development of public transport should be developed a few years ago the program "Russian tram." According to her, tram should appear in all cities with a population of over 250 thousand people. Funding for the program will be carried out both from the local and the federal budget.
Bet on the development of public transport implies also a renewed interest in it so very exotic species such as monorails and cable cars. Here the authors of the "Strategy" once again appeal to the international experience who has proved cost-effectiveness of the use of such means of transport in certain urban areas.
But the most interesting proposal is the introduction of a document of foreign experience of collective use of private cars. Simply put, the car owners are invited to stimulate the move around the city on your own car is not in splendid isolation, and taking with him a number of fellow travelers in the face of friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. Observance of these rules will look after the traffic police. For a single movement of motorists will be awarded points, then converted into real cash penalties.
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Based on available data, the adoption of the "Strategy" in store for Russian motorists new and highly sensitive restrictions. One of the main directions in the fight against traffic jams and parking problem solving should be action to limit growth in the number of privately owned cars in the Russians.
The greatest number of questions there is already virtually decision on the actual prohibition to the public ownership of more than one car per family. The acquisition of the second, third, etc. Car is expected to impose a progressive tax comparable to the value of the purchased car. The Ministry of Tax and Duties Ministry funds have already expressed their support for these proposals.
No less interesting are the other two areas of "Strategy" on roads and parking spaces. So, in terms of parking lots is expected to use the experience of several Asian cities, when the acquisition of an individual passenger car must be preceded by the provision of a document they had registered a parking space (garage parking space on Collective parking, etc.). Parallel to this is already being prepared for submission to the State Duma amendments to the legislation, a complete ban on night storage of private cars in the yards of houses and adjacent territories.
Parking of vehicles at the courtyards of apartment buildings will be carried out only as a guest in the designated areas. For violators of these rules will be stipulated penalties commensurate with fines for parking in Moscow and St. Petersburg. A fee will be charged for the evacuation left for the night in the courtyards of cars.
For parking cars on city streets in cities with populations over 500 thousand people will be charged an hourly fee at the rate of 30 to 70 rubles. per hour, depending on the socio-economic situation in this or that region.
With regard to the development of the urban road network, the "strategy" does not provide for the massive construction of new roads. According to the accompanying explanatory note to the document, the new road construction in favor of private car owners is unjustified spending of budget funds, as well as a threat to the existing building. The basic rate should be made on the development of public transport.
One of the innovations could be the complete closure of a number of city streets for personal transport. Mostly this will affect the road network of the central parts of large cities. All road space here will be given to buses and trolley buses.
The Ministry of public transport has already been sent request for proposals for new forms of public transport can be an alternative to the individual. One of the trends in the development of public transport should be developed a few years ago the program "Russian tram." According to her, tram should appear in all cities with a population of over 250 thousand people. Funding for the program will be carried out both from the local and the federal budget.
Bet on the development of public transport implies also a renewed interest in it so very exotic species such as monorails and cable cars. Here the authors of the "Strategy" once again appeal to the international experience who has proved cost-effectiveness of the use of such means of transport in certain urban areas.
But the most interesting proposal is the introduction of a document of foreign experience of collective use of private cars. Simply put, the car owners are invited to stimulate the move around the city on your own car is not in splendid isolation, and taking with him a number of fellow travelers in the face of friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. Observance of these rules will look after the traffic police. For a single movement of motorists will be awarded points, then converted into real cash penalties.