Workshop for gouging on survival in conditions of Russian winter
I have been reading the opus of speculators in the suffering of others, thought to be silent, but when the number of idiotic advice was going wild, I realized that you have to speak. Of course, it's up to you whose opinion to listen, but maybe, at least one finger on someone's leg would be saved from frostbite because of my marginal notes. Letters will be many, so that those who are too lazy to read, just turn on, with you, that will never happen because you are in the tank, you have honey.insurance and wristwatch with the function call the emergency services.
To begin with, I'm not "the smartest" stories about how I was freezing on the road in one vest and sneakers in biographies abound. I was freezing in my life more often than burning or drowning. Freezing... in the "Volga", "UAZ", "Moskvich", "Defe", Ford Ranger, and maybe something froze, but disappeared from my memory. Sometimes freezing is the fault of the machine, sometimes from their own talents. People burned fires in the cars, slept in sleeping bags in anticipation of evacuations, basking in tents, went for help to distant lands, in the snow, ate the snow and wanted to find cones... a Lot of it, Yes. But smart did not. When we went on an expedition "Indiga" Depom in Naryan-Mar, my friends from Chelyabinsk was shocked how "ready" I arrived in Mezen. Well goof, I goof, and such in our country — the whole country, well, except for the wise men, which even to communicate is awkward, painfully flawed and I humped against them.
History when somebody somewhere was driving in the middle of winter, caught in snowdrifts, froze and died a common thing. Yes, this should be accepted. The people in the accident also fall, but this little one stops from drive. That winter driving can and should be, afraid of nothing, but need a "safety cushion", "belts" and "zones of deformation", to preserve the health of yourself, loved ones, and sometimes third parties. At the same Naryan-Mar winter road freezes every year about five people, and if you count cases in the country, it turns out that hundreds of people go to the other world because of the fact that underestimated the gravity of the situation. It underestimated.
To begin to tolerate distress, it is sufficient to rely on all-season tires, rattling of a ball bearing, to forget the key lock of the motor home, to stand with a torn drive belt, break brace, to refuel the "summer" diesel in-hour drive from the city, to fly into a ditch in the ice, and the cuckoo under the embankment, seeing flying around the track machine. And sometimes, it is enough to get a stone or a branch on the glass, and no stove will not save you from the oncoming wind. If I start to remember stories that happened to me, or which I was a witness to material going to a decent book that you can savor as clips from other people's accidents on YouTube, considering himself by a spell D'artagnan, and all around horned goats. This joy I will not deliver, but the question "What to do?" try to answer.
We, the people of the XXI century, living in cities, highly urbanized and divorced from nature, it is necessary to admit it. I'm sure many will be able to remember in his biography of the episodes when they froze the noses or fingers waiting for the bus at the bus stop, or on the way from store to home. Well, admit it, every it was.
Machine, especially a modern one, very relaxing. You get used to it that it is always warm, it does not stall in the cold, you don't need to change the fuel pump, filter, and spark, adjust puremessage the carb and you seriously think that the victory of man over nature, here it is, in your hands, and you — the king of beasts. The most terrible misfortune — frozen in -10C nezamerzayki, designed for -20. Otherwise, you have successfully managed to dissociate itself from the storm glass, plastic upholstery, two stoves, Webasto, heated seats, Windows and mirrors, and so now all these horror stories about the French or the Germans, who turned out to not handle the Russian winter — no more than an old tale. Alas, even the Russian to the bone, blue-eyed athlete, still the Russian winter was never a friend.
Relaxation leads to the fact that we begin to relate to the distances between the cities from an everyday point of view. The road from Orenburg to Orska — 283 km, i.e. 3.5-4 hours of running, warm under audioknizhku or pleasant music. And herein lies the danger, because many of us go on similar routes almost daily, and used to ride in shorts and flip-flops, because ten years go, you know every turn, and everything is extremely predictable.
I had an experience very similar to Orenburg, but on the M4, which is also from time to time in the winter gets a stake in a couple of days.
So, you drive on the highway, winter, snow, run into the tube. If there is a separation — take the right lane to be able to back on the roadside, and if the separation barrier there, and you can turn around, then choose the left lane. On SDA in this case much care. The main goal is not to be locked "in the box" to determine the causes of tube. See Yandex.Tube, it shows the situation not only in large cities, but also regional traffic. Usually, the scale of the disaster is clear. If not, and the tube obviously stand-up, walk to the nearest wagon, it has a SAT radio band, and asked the driver what happened and how long standing. Of course, if you have a radio and you can go anywhere and not go, but usually it is not.
In my case, the truck driver honestly say that in front of a hellish Inferno, and the people sing the second day. I hurried to the car, left the road, and reverse passed about two miles to the first turn on a local road. They stopped, opened the map, navigation, and paved an alternative route through Lebedyan. While I was engaged intelligence, to me, just in reverse, drove a Jeep Grand Cherokee, we met him, and decided to look for the road in two cars. A few hours storming the seines, we got back on the route M4 in the area of Yelets, successfully evading traffic. And the only home in the news I saw reports that people in distress on the highway "don". In other words, this crush is nothing to do, you need to go!
But suppose you've all figured out what was happening, behind you firmly backed the same guy, and to go from tube to nowhere. In this case, the stock of shovels, chains, and cables you have not desired, still as you wear them, waving a shovel and spend the last of his strength, seeking a heart attack, the snow will cover your neighbors at the mirror. It is important not to waste effort and to perform what you have fuel for operating the machine at idle whether warm clothes, water and food, how much you can stretch at the very least. Maybe we should start to turn off the car and start only when it becomes absolutely cold.
In fact, many sages in his opus is recommended to always ride with a full tank, in case of nuclear war, and be paranoid. Valuable advice, but, alas, empty chatter. Need to refuel at the checked gas stations, and unchecked in winter you can fly that without congestion skis stretch. Tank, many machines are very small and for 200 km consumed more than half. So I would recommend to always have a can of 10-20 liters for a guaranteed good fuel, let it lie. Diesel in the canister, of course, have to be winter, and antigel at once.
If this recommendation is very difficult, that carry at least an empty canister (not under water, but for oil!). Why empty? It's simple. Congestion is usually in one direction, plus the time you have in bulk. Fuel can be drained from the more Thrifty, but you can... call a taxi from the nearest town, phone easily searched in search engines. Even once I was denied a request to bring the gasoline or to come get me to drive to the gas station. Never. And I stood with an empty tank (my favorite ball) many times, and not only on Federal highways.
With this machine you can send in the civilization of the old men, women and children, have holed up in the hotel, travel further on the train, etc., you can ask the taxi driver to bring you some food, a jacket and a suit of the fisherman... In this case, your frugality and stinginess can play a very cruel joke, the money in an emergency — only tool. If very expensive — cooperate with colleagues in the traffic jam, they also certainly need something! Again, the taxi drivers usually know where to get a tractor, grader, crane, tow truck, something that can help you out of this situation.
It is very important to think about the consequences of snowfall in advance, because if you decide to do the same, but one day, alas, it's too late, no taxi driver and tractor to you not break.
By the way, love the advice "experienced" to get the exhaust pipe to the wind in the dead of traffic. Try, of course, but something tells me that you will score with a shovel and throw the keys into the snow while trying to perform this trick. The only thing you can provide "on the beach", it is the hose that can be put on the exhaust pipe, and withdraw to the side. It will be useful in the garage, so that the accessory is useful.
If you are the same dolt as I am — priotkryvaya Windows, if you feel that the car pulls exhaust. Well, don't sleep all crew, arrange on duty, pay close attention to health and do not drink to the joys of alcohol, only a sober mind will save you from a wooden box.
But suppose you understand the gravity of the situation when you have doors no longer open because of the snow, the fuel was at zero, no food, no water, from the equipment were only expired fire extinguisher and a warning triangle. At this point you lost faith in friends and relatives, colleagues from Orenburg and Orsk, I realized that all abandoned you, and nobody else likes. Per hour "X" need to put the phone away, and turn, and finally the head. I assure you, to call in the MOE has no purpose, they probably know about your adventures, now to watch the final of the world championship on hockey among juniors, and go to start the bulldozer with flashing lights.
You are not alone, not in the tundra, there's a bunch of cars, and all have one common problem. It's time to go to meet people, and not with frowns, but with a smile environment it is necessary to defuse, not aggravate. If you have in the car for five passengers, it is necessary to get acquainted with several neighbors, to give to each child a "journalistic assignment" to get the interesting story from the brothers in misfortune, and make the getting agents. Nothing to fear, all in one bundle, no you will not eat. But his stalled car, close and leave to stand until better times.
By the way, about the weather. The smart suggest to watch the forecast and think a head before the trip. Yeah. Apparently, the sages living in another country. First, the forecast in Russia — not a forecast, but a hypothesis. Secondly, the weather in Orenburg and Orsk may be markedly different from that on the track.
Here's a recent example. When we went two years ago from Naryan-Mar Ukhta in winter, between Usinsk and Pechora vlupit so cold that I have on the go peremerzla the pipe of the stove, and I was in the car with no heat. How? Why? Don't know before that almost a month had nothing to chilly the whole time, although went on the tundra and in the same cold, -30/-40 was almost daily. After that pregnancy, I watched the archive of the weather in Usinsk and Pechora, it was not dropping below -40C! But the fact remains, locally, a winter road, frost fell significantly below the official level.
Also very touched by the Council to carry gas cylinders and burners, gas heaters and tiles. Comrades, forget it, no illusions. If you have in the car is the outside temperature, travel gas cylinder will freeze and all your devices will be useless.
I conducted many experiments, even with 0/-5C gas catalytic heater Coleman BlackCat no longer able to even slightly warm up the cabin Nissan Patrol (3-door), so it will only be effective in very, very confined space. Kovea and other producers also are not in range of anything effective, or I am about this "masterpiece" I don't know.
In these conditions, the only effective "domestic" gas cylinders and serious infrared heaters, kW 3 or 4, for example a gas heater sb-620. This is not theory, this is my practical experience. But how many of us will be in any case to carry such a big rig?
The same applies to sleeping bags. Yeah, I drive a lot of three sleeping bags per person, one winter, one spring/autumn, and the third "block", very thin, fleece sleeping bag. If we invest in one another, we can survive almost any frost, but... at current prices the cost of this "cocoon" will be about 20 thousand rubles to his brother, and cheap solution does not exist! Plus, six sleeping bags take up half the trunk, even a tightly tied up bag. In other words, to carry sleeping bags with them very useful, but I don't believe that all drivers at once will be so farsighted. And if you will not, then most likely, you will give your sleeping bag to grandma or the kid from the next car, and themselves left alone with frost.
Of "cheap" accessories, replacement sleeping bags, I can recommend blankets that are sold in some hypermarkets roubles for 300. A dozen blankets more than replacing one mediocre sleeping bag for 3000 rubles, they can share, Oh and picnics to go convenient around the campfire to sit again comfortably. The place certainly is, but if they pull a simple strap, will be quite compact. Well skins, skins if there is carry. I once slept on a bear-skin on the ice of lake Baikal at a temperature of -30/-40, in one winter sleeping bag. You can live. Ie bearskin (sheep, deer, etc) plus a pack of blankets — a guarantee that you will not freeze to death.
Well, the main cheap device — warmers. They need to carry in the glove compartment or first aid kit in sufficient quantity. They've saved me in the Nenets tundra when I passed out all the electrics for Ford Ranger in frost below 40.
Back to filling up to full tank. People rarely think about this, but there is an interesting nuance. So you went from Rostov-on-don, this Nissan Patrol as I have, with the tank 170 liters, or, say, a diesel VW Touareg, which tank is 100 liters, and the consumption of 10-11. Refueled at super-branded gas station, turned the music to the fullest, and postracial. In the yard in January, remember. The temperature in Rostov-on-don today positive+2/+6. Do you think any diesel fuel at local gas stations? Right! Summer! Well, maybe not quite summer, but at 18 she probably will be a huge piece of paraffin. Are you ready for such experiments? I hope not. So, on the way from Rostov-on-don to Moscow to refuel, you have three times to bodyazhit fuel of unknown quality (certificates I believe, but do not trust).
If we butted in serious, standing congestion, protect nerves and strength, less run and kipushite. If it is obvious, from a little that depends, personally I always leave the power saving mode of "hibernation". When you sleep, you do not so hungry, you recover, but time flies much faster than when you are awake.
About gasoline blowtorches. This anachronism is more than relevant in winter conditions. The lamp can warm the motor or pot, it can boil water, make a fire, so many things.
Speaking of bonfires. Many commentators slips thought, about what you need to carry a portable stove... Hello! Imagine a portrait of a man who carries with him a wood-burning stove! Sure, no one, no fool, no arguing with me even the smallest burgueno if they are not carrying a mobile bath!
And the reason is not only that this heat source is big and rattles like a tin can. In many Russian regions, as though it may sound paradoxical, there is no firewood. And in Orenburg Orsk with just the road you, too, wood will not find. And if will find, will not ignite, because you are not a hunter and not a fisherman, you're just a programmer out of the office 1208, and the dense forest that you are in your life seen — the Central Park of culture and rest. So forget about Pechki-Lavochki. If you are so lucky, you're stuck in a traffic jam in the middle of the forest (which is almost impossible, because the seines and storms typical for the steppe zone), of course, is to go for wood and to kindle a small fire. But, something tells me that for the residents of the Orenburg region is inapplicable.
By the way, before going for firewood, weigh all "for" and "against", rather ask yourself a simple question: will you be able to kindle this sprawling duboisine the fire. Not all trees normally burn, especially in raw form (Yes, I know that in winter the tree is "dry"). There is a big chance that the fuel will burn only in the presence of petrol, and as soon as the fuel will burn, will go out. If we consider that until you get to the wood, cut it, bring it back, break it down into logs, with a probability of 99% you get wet, then around the campfire you will have to dry. But if the fire... it doesn't work? Or get hot enough? Maybe it is better to admit that your name is not Bear Grylls, and Fyodor and Peter, and quietly sleep under the blankets, with relacjami in the native machine?
Go back two steps back, and understand what you have a chance to escape on their own. We do not take into account the experienced Jeepers, that once a week training to sink in the swamp and dig the snow cubic meters for the sake of jokes. Normal people do not know how to put on snow chains even if they are in the vaults. Especially if the car is stuck. You should not have any illusions about the bracelets and also not for a minute put, and the efficiency is significantly lower than the chains.
To dig the snow can be, but also realizing a strategy two steps ahead. Rather, it is a waste of time, you're just exhausted and will suffer shortness of breath. Even the Sony people say: "Stuck in the snow or fall down to him in a dream means that you are in a situation when nothing depends on you. You too close to some people and you have no chance in the near future to find a way out of this situation. But if you dream you will be able to safely get out of deep snow, and in life you will be able to find a way out of the situation, which seemed hopeless." If you don't believe me, dreams that trust? They can't blatantly lie!
The only point with which I agree 100% with many speakers is the need for each machine reliable jerk (dynamic) rope decent brand, good eyes and suitable for them Shklov. I once drowned a Nissan Pathfinder in Lotoshinsky career, just because neither I nor the dozens of "Jeepers" was not a normal rope. It was ten years ago, and all the gear as it was, but... in the garage. Pulled the "ropes" that were in the kits, the cables, of course, torn. Folded four times, and they still struggled. Meanwhile, the car dragged in the sand. By the time I managed to find a bulldozer with a steel cable, the cabin was water and it was bad.
Same story with the snow. No one is obliged to pull you with his rope. Not the fact that someone else's rope and sakli (hooks) perfect for your eyes. And it really is a lottery, break someone else's cable or not, and exploding sling can easily break the feet of the observers or punching the rear door or glass. Well, in the case of arrival of emergency situations or tractor, it is better to stand ready with a rope than half an hour to wait until the rescuers will help you. You in traffic are not alone!
Okay, turn it down. Quite I intimidated and mentally laid out, I'm sorry, I confess. Of course, I said not all that could say, I'm sure experienced travelers will be happy to argue with my arguments, and certainly something that will complement the story. Don't treat all the above as the instructions and the absolute truth, again, I'm not without sin, constantly stepping on the same rake, get a similar shape bumps, and still does not learn from their mistakes.
The main thing in our business to be able to safely wait for rescue and learn not in a hurry.published
P. S. All photos by the author, i.e. my shots are not staged
Author: Alexey Mochalov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.drive2.ru/b/2661610/

To begin with, I'm not "the smartest" stories about how I was freezing on the road in one vest and sneakers in biographies abound. I was freezing in my life more often than burning or drowning. Freezing... in the "Volga", "UAZ", "Moskvich", "Defe", Ford Ranger, and maybe something froze, but disappeared from my memory. Sometimes freezing is the fault of the machine, sometimes from their own talents. People burned fires in the cars, slept in sleeping bags in anticipation of evacuations, basking in tents, went for help to distant lands, in the snow, ate the snow and wanted to find cones... a Lot of it, Yes. But smart did not. When we went on an expedition "Indiga" Depom in Naryan-Mar, my friends from Chelyabinsk was shocked how "ready" I arrived in Mezen. Well goof, I goof, and such in our country — the whole country, well, except for the wise men, which even to communicate is awkward, painfully flawed and I humped against them.

History when somebody somewhere was driving in the middle of winter, caught in snowdrifts, froze and died a common thing. Yes, this should be accepted. The people in the accident also fall, but this little one stops from drive. That winter driving can and should be, afraid of nothing, but need a "safety cushion", "belts" and "zones of deformation", to preserve the health of yourself, loved ones, and sometimes third parties. At the same Naryan-Mar winter road freezes every year about five people, and if you count cases in the country, it turns out that hundreds of people go to the other world because of the fact that underestimated the gravity of the situation. It underestimated.

To begin to tolerate distress, it is sufficient to rely on all-season tires, rattling of a ball bearing, to forget the key lock of the motor home, to stand with a torn drive belt, break brace, to refuel the "summer" diesel in-hour drive from the city, to fly into a ditch in the ice, and the cuckoo under the embankment, seeing flying around the track machine. And sometimes, it is enough to get a stone or a branch on the glass, and no stove will not save you from the oncoming wind. If I start to remember stories that happened to me, or which I was a witness to material going to a decent book that you can savor as clips from other people's accidents on YouTube, considering himself by a spell D'artagnan, and all around horned goats. This joy I will not deliver, but the question "What to do?" try to answer.

We, the people of the XXI century, living in cities, highly urbanized and divorced from nature, it is necessary to admit it. I'm sure many will be able to remember in his biography of the episodes when they froze the noses or fingers waiting for the bus at the bus stop, or on the way from store to home. Well, admit it, every it was.
Machine, especially a modern one, very relaxing. You get used to it that it is always warm, it does not stall in the cold, you don't need to change the fuel pump, filter, and spark, adjust puremessage the carb and you seriously think that the victory of man over nature, here it is, in your hands, and you — the king of beasts. The most terrible misfortune — frozen in -10C nezamerzayki, designed for -20. Otherwise, you have successfully managed to dissociate itself from the storm glass, plastic upholstery, two stoves, Webasto, heated seats, Windows and mirrors, and so now all these horror stories about the French or the Germans, who turned out to not handle the Russian winter — no more than an old tale. Alas, even the Russian to the bone, blue-eyed athlete, still the Russian winter was never a friend.

Relaxation leads to the fact that we begin to relate to the distances between the cities from an everyday point of view. The road from Orenburg to Orska — 283 km, i.e. 3.5-4 hours of running, warm under audioknizhku or pleasant music. And herein lies the danger, because many of us go on similar routes almost daily, and used to ride in shorts and flip-flops, because ten years go, you know every turn, and everything is extremely predictable.
I had an experience very similar to Orenburg, but on the M4, which is also from time to time in the winter gets a stake in a couple of days.
So, you drive on the highway, winter, snow, run into the tube. If there is a separation — take the right lane to be able to back on the roadside, and if the separation barrier there, and you can turn around, then choose the left lane. On SDA in this case much care. The main goal is not to be locked "in the box" to determine the causes of tube. See Yandex.Tube, it shows the situation not only in large cities, but also regional traffic. Usually, the scale of the disaster is clear. If not, and the tube obviously stand-up, walk to the nearest wagon, it has a SAT radio band, and asked the driver what happened and how long standing. Of course, if you have a radio and you can go anywhere and not go, but usually it is not.
In my case, the truck driver honestly say that in front of a hellish Inferno, and the people sing the second day. I hurried to the car, left the road, and reverse passed about two miles to the first turn on a local road. They stopped, opened the map, navigation, and paved an alternative route through Lebedyan. While I was engaged intelligence, to me, just in reverse, drove a Jeep Grand Cherokee, we met him, and decided to look for the road in two cars. A few hours storming the seines, we got back on the route M4 in the area of Yelets, successfully evading traffic. And the only home in the news I saw reports that people in distress on the highway "don". In other words, this crush is nothing to do, you need to go!

But suppose you've all figured out what was happening, behind you firmly backed the same guy, and to go from tube to nowhere. In this case, the stock of shovels, chains, and cables you have not desired, still as you wear them, waving a shovel and spend the last of his strength, seeking a heart attack, the snow will cover your neighbors at the mirror. It is important not to waste effort and to perform what you have fuel for operating the machine at idle whether warm clothes, water and food, how much you can stretch at the very least. Maybe we should start to turn off the car and start only when it becomes absolutely cold.
In fact, many sages in his opus is recommended to always ride with a full tank, in case of nuclear war, and be paranoid. Valuable advice, but, alas, empty chatter. Need to refuel at the checked gas stations, and unchecked in winter you can fly that without congestion skis stretch. Tank, many machines are very small and for 200 km consumed more than half. So I would recommend to always have a can of 10-20 liters for a guaranteed good fuel, let it lie. Diesel in the canister, of course, have to be winter, and antigel at once.
If this recommendation is very difficult, that carry at least an empty canister (not under water, but for oil!). Why empty? It's simple. Congestion is usually in one direction, plus the time you have in bulk. Fuel can be drained from the more Thrifty, but you can... call a taxi from the nearest town, phone easily searched in search engines. Even once I was denied a request to bring the gasoline or to come get me to drive to the gas station. Never. And I stood with an empty tank (my favorite ball) many times, and not only on Federal highways.
With this machine you can send in the civilization of the old men, women and children, have holed up in the hotel, travel further on the train, etc., you can ask the taxi driver to bring you some food, a jacket and a suit of the fisherman... In this case, your frugality and stinginess can play a very cruel joke, the money in an emergency — only tool. If very expensive — cooperate with colleagues in the traffic jam, they also certainly need something! Again, the taxi drivers usually know where to get a tractor, grader, crane, tow truck, something that can help you out of this situation.
It is very important to think about the consequences of snowfall in advance, because if you decide to do the same, but one day, alas, it's too late, no taxi driver and tractor to you not break.
By the way, love the advice "experienced" to get the exhaust pipe to the wind in the dead of traffic. Try, of course, but something tells me that you will score with a shovel and throw the keys into the snow while trying to perform this trick. The only thing you can provide "on the beach", it is the hose that can be put on the exhaust pipe, and withdraw to the side. It will be useful in the garage, so that the accessory is useful.
If you are the same dolt as I am — priotkryvaya Windows, if you feel that the car pulls exhaust. Well, don't sleep all crew, arrange on duty, pay close attention to health and do not drink to the joys of alcohol, only a sober mind will save you from a wooden box.

But suppose you understand the gravity of the situation when you have doors no longer open because of the snow, the fuel was at zero, no food, no water, from the equipment were only expired fire extinguisher and a warning triangle. At this point you lost faith in friends and relatives, colleagues from Orenburg and Orsk, I realized that all abandoned you, and nobody else likes. Per hour "X" need to put the phone away, and turn, and finally the head. I assure you, to call in the MOE has no purpose, they probably know about your adventures, now to watch the final of the world championship on hockey among juniors, and go to start the bulldozer with flashing lights.
You are not alone, not in the tundra, there's a bunch of cars, and all have one common problem. It's time to go to meet people, and not with frowns, but with a smile environment it is necessary to defuse, not aggravate. If you have in the car for five passengers, it is necessary to get acquainted with several neighbors, to give to each child a "journalistic assignment" to get the interesting story from the brothers in misfortune, and make the getting agents. Nothing to fear, all in one bundle, no you will not eat. But his stalled car, close and leave to stand until better times.

By the way, about the weather. The smart suggest to watch the forecast and think a head before the trip. Yeah. Apparently, the sages living in another country. First, the forecast in Russia — not a forecast, but a hypothesis. Secondly, the weather in Orenburg and Orsk may be markedly different from that on the track.
Here's a recent example. When we went two years ago from Naryan-Mar Ukhta in winter, between Usinsk and Pechora vlupit so cold that I have on the go peremerzla the pipe of the stove, and I was in the car with no heat. How? Why? Don't know before that almost a month had nothing to chilly the whole time, although went on the tundra and in the same cold, -30/-40 was almost daily. After that pregnancy, I watched the archive of the weather in Usinsk and Pechora, it was not dropping below -40C! But the fact remains, locally, a winter road, frost fell significantly below the official level.

Also very touched by the Council to carry gas cylinders and burners, gas heaters and tiles. Comrades, forget it, no illusions. If you have in the car is the outside temperature, travel gas cylinder will freeze and all your devices will be useless.
I conducted many experiments, even with 0/-5C gas catalytic heater Coleman BlackCat no longer able to even slightly warm up the cabin Nissan Patrol (3-door), so it will only be effective in very, very confined space. Kovea and other producers also are not in range of anything effective, or I am about this "masterpiece" I don't know.
In these conditions, the only effective "domestic" gas cylinders and serious infrared heaters, kW 3 or 4, for example a gas heater sb-620. This is not theory, this is my practical experience. But how many of us will be in any case to carry such a big rig?
The same applies to sleeping bags. Yeah, I drive a lot of three sleeping bags per person, one winter, one spring/autumn, and the third "block", very thin, fleece sleeping bag. If we invest in one another, we can survive almost any frost, but... at current prices the cost of this "cocoon" will be about 20 thousand rubles to his brother, and cheap solution does not exist! Plus, six sleeping bags take up half the trunk, even a tightly tied up bag. In other words, to carry sleeping bags with them very useful, but I don't believe that all drivers at once will be so farsighted. And if you will not, then most likely, you will give your sleeping bag to grandma or the kid from the next car, and themselves left alone with frost.
Of "cheap" accessories, replacement sleeping bags, I can recommend blankets that are sold in some hypermarkets roubles for 300. A dozen blankets more than replacing one mediocre sleeping bag for 3000 rubles, they can share, Oh and picnics to go convenient around the campfire to sit again comfortably. The place certainly is, but if they pull a simple strap, will be quite compact. Well skins, skins if there is carry. I once slept on a bear-skin on the ice of lake Baikal at a temperature of -30/-40, in one winter sleeping bag. You can live. Ie bearskin (sheep, deer, etc) plus a pack of blankets — a guarantee that you will not freeze to death.
Well, the main cheap device — warmers. They need to carry in the glove compartment or first aid kit in sufficient quantity. They've saved me in the Nenets tundra when I passed out all the electrics for Ford Ranger in frost below 40.

Back to filling up to full tank. People rarely think about this, but there is an interesting nuance. So you went from Rostov-on-don, this Nissan Patrol as I have, with the tank 170 liters, or, say, a diesel VW Touareg, which tank is 100 liters, and the consumption of 10-11. Refueled at super-branded gas station, turned the music to the fullest, and postracial. In the yard in January, remember. The temperature in Rostov-on-don today positive+2/+6. Do you think any diesel fuel at local gas stations? Right! Summer! Well, maybe not quite summer, but at 18 she probably will be a huge piece of paraffin. Are you ready for such experiments? I hope not. So, on the way from Rostov-on-don to Moscow to refuel, you have three times to bodyazhit fuel of unknown quality (certificates I believe, but do not trust).

If we butted in serious, standing congestion, protect nerves and strength, less run and kipushite. If it is obvious, from a little that depends, personally I always leave the power saving mode of "hibernation". When you sleep, you do not so hungry, you recover, but time flies much faster than when you are awake.

About gasoline blowtorches. This anachronism is more than relevant in winter conditions. The lamp can warm the motor or pot, it can boil water, make a fire, so many things.
Speaking of bonfires. Many commentators slips thought, about what you need to carry a portable stove... Hello! Imagine a portrait of a man who carries with him a wood-burning stove! Sure, no one, no fool, no arguing with me even the smallest burgueno if they are not carrying a mobile bath!
And the reason is not only that this heat source is big and rattles like a tin can. In many Russian regions, as though it may sound paradoxical, there is no firewood. And in Orenburg Orsk with just the road you, too, wood will not find. And if will find, will not ignite, because you are not a hunter and not a fisherman, you're just a programmer out of the office 1208, and the dense forest that you are in your life seen — the Central Park of culture and rest. So forget about Pechki-Lavochki. If you are so lucky, you're stuck in a traffic jam in the middle of the forest (which is almost impossible, because the seines and storms typical for the steppe zone), of course, is to go for wood and to kindle a small fire. But, something tells me that for the residents of the Orenburg region is inapplicable.
By the way, before going for firewood, weigh all "for" and "against", rather ask yourself a simple question: will you be able to kindle this sprawling duboisine the fire. Not all trees normally burn, especially in raw form (Yes, I know that in winter the tree is "dry"). There is a big chance that the fuel will burn only in the presence of petrol, and as soon as the fuel will burn, will go out. If we consider that until you get to the wood, cut it, bring it back, break it down into logs, with a probability of 99% you get wet, then around the campfire you will have to dry. But if the fire... it doesn't work? Or get hot enough? Maybe it is better to admit that your name is not Bear Grylls, and Fyodor and Peter, and quietly sleep under the blankets, with relacjami in the native machine?

Go back two steps back, and understand what you have a chance to escape on their own. We do not take into account the experienced Jeepers, that once a week training to sink in the swamp and dig the snow cubic meters for the sake of jokes. Normal people do not know how to put on snow chains even if they are in the vaults. Especially if the car is stuck. You should not have any illusions about the bracelets and also not for a minute put, and the efficiency is significantly lower than the chains.
To dig the snow can be, but also realizing a strategy two steps ahead. Rather, it is a waste of time, you're just exhausted and will suffer shortness of breath. Even the Sony people say: "Stuck in the snow or fall down to him in a dream means that you are in a situation when nothing depends on you. You too close to some people and you have no chance in the near future to find a way out of this situation. But if you dream you will be able to safely get out of deep snow, and in life you will be able to find a way out of the situation, which seemed hopeless." If you don't believe me, dreams that trust? They can't blatantly lie!

The only point with which I agree 100% with many speakers is the need for each machine reliable jerk (dynamic) rope decent brand, good eyes and suitable for them Shklov. I once drowned a Nissan Pathfinder in Lotoshinsky career, just because neither I nor the dozens of "Jeepers" was not a normal rope. It was ten years ago, and all the gear as it was, but... in the garage. Pulled the "ropes" that were in the kits, the cables, of course, torn. Folded four times, and they still struggled. Meanwhile, the car dragged in the sand. By the time I managed to find a bulldozer with a steel cable, the cabin was water and it was bad.
Same story with the snow. No one is obliged to pull you with his rope. Not the fact that someone else's rope and sakli (hooks) perfect for your eyes. And it really is a lottery, break someone else's cable or not, and exploding sling can easily break the feet of the observers or punching the rear door or glass. Well, in the case of arrival of emergency situations or tractor, it is better to stand ready with a rope than half an hour to wait until the rescuers will help you. You in traffic are not alone!

Okay, turn it down. Quite I intimidated and mentally laid out, I'm sorry, I confess. Of course, I said not all that could say, I'm sure experienced travelers will be happy to argue with my arguments, and certainly something that will complement the story. Don't treat all the above as the instructions and the absolute truth, again, I'm not without sin, constantly stepping on the same rake, get a similar shape bumps, and still does not learn from their mistakes.

The main thing in our business to be able to safely wait for rescue and learn not in a hurry.published
P. S. All photos by the author, i.e. my shots are not staged
Author: Alexey Mochalov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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