Training astronauts. "Water Treatments"
Absolutely all the astronauts undergoing survival in all conditions and climates. Directly survival lasts 2 to 5 days, but it is always preceded by a series of long training. Specifically, in this day ISS-48/49 in the composition of Anatoly Ivanishin (Roscosmos), Takuya Onishi (JAXA) and Kathleen Rubins (NASA) working out the steps after landing a spacecraft on the water surface.
97 photos via livejournal.
02. A team of instructors and engineers CPC prepares the lander. In the last post, I have already told me what it is small, and that in this lies one of the biggest challenges of manned flights. Anatoly Ivanishin: "It's like in the cartoon, where all measured the parrots, the largest size within the lander is one cosmonaut. In such circumstances, withdraw the suit and put on a diving suit is not easy. But we try to do it again »
03. Effective volume of internal space - 5 cubic meters. Five. It must accommodate three adults in human suits plus a whole bunch of gifts for survival in any geographical and climate worldwide.
04. This - not the layout. This is a real lander "Soyuz TMA", which a few years ago on the ISS flew Gennady Padalka and his crew. The fact that the passage of the dense atmospheric layers outer sheath unit burns so badly that it recover for another flight goes higher than construct new
05. While the astronauts undergo a medical examination, we were invited to look around. Coaching provides a huge amount of people - instructors, engineers, rescuers, divers, doctors, psychologists, interpreters and other-other-other. Water exercise in Noginsk go for the second week. Last action after landing on water surface practiced ISS-45/46 (commander Sergei Volkov, Andreas Mogensen astronauts Tom and sand) and ISS-47/48 (Alex Ovchinin Oleg Skripochka, Jeffrey Williams). Providing staff all the time living in field conditions.
06. Near one of the tents on the stool sits unassuming grandfather slowly and sews a spacesuit.
07. The Diving Bell "Sokol-KV-2" produced by NPP "Star". Used since 1973 on board the ship "Union" during takeoff and landing. For spacewalks not intended, but is able to play the role of rescue in case of depressurization ship
08. Of course, such an epic spectacle immediately attracts all journalists. But the man does his job and does not even notice that it takes two dozen cameras
09. In fact, he did, of course, not sutures, just pinch. The staffing situation cosmonauts before going into the water should be changed into another costume, but it is no secret that there are abnormal situations, and in this case the "Falcon" is capable of tightness for a while.
10. Meanwhile, the lander is lowered. In terms of the water.
11. Do not stop wondering how he still small. There, in the hall trenazhkrov CPC, in a closed room, and on the pedestal so the scale is not felt
13. Incidentally, the water here - almost a full city to a depth of 8 meters. Rescue officers work out of action in the event of flooding. So, by the way. In Soviet times, the water training astronauts were on the Black Sea, where conditions are more close to the fighting. From next year, the leadership of the CPC hopes to resume them in the Crimea
14. "Union" is designed in such a way that it always has a positive buoyancy and always falls (more correctly, of course, talking flies, but essentially still falls) bottom up. But in the history of space exploration was the case when he lost orientation. Before the death of the crew had just a few seconds. The fact that the docking hatch has no protective coating and with the wrong orientation in the dense layers of the atmosphere burns. In light of the debate raging in the previous census records, specify that the accuracy of the terms can not vouch. Since it was not a working day, there was much talk and stories "just so", without the recorder, so that they heard it and write
15. Well, how to resist and not to do with self suit, while there is time?
16. Everything is ready, it's time to tell you what exactly will happen now. By the way, the astronauts physical examination are long gone. But the press officer of the word "astronaut" each time pronounced with aspiration, that somehow had not thought that the humble boy in T-shirts and Jax smiling blonde in t-shirts NASA - is what they have
17. Telling is this man - head test and training brigades Anatoly Zabruskov
18. In fact, everything is simple: from the crew just something and want that to change in the descent vehicle of the flight suit's "Falcon" in a wetsuit. It would seem, what could be easier? But, first, already mentioned, that the amount of usable space in the capsule - 5 cubic meters for three. And secondly, the expansion set on the table - not the other way around for three, but only one person. That is, everyone needs to wear: Suit flight PK-14, a heat suit TCC-14 (actually a concrete jacket) and only top of them diving suit "Trout»
19. Separately tacked system buoyancy "Neva".
20. According to Anatoly, basic working principle - the same that life jackets in the cabin of the aircraft usual
21. In order to survive, about which I also wrote in the previous entry on board provided lander called NAE - portable emergency supply "Granat»
22. NAZ is composed of three blocks. Each crew member takes on one. All roles are strictly itemized. In one block of drinking water, in the second set of things needed for survival
23. In the third supply of food for two days
25. All equipment is the same, however all of its elements are signed. Earlier this week, water workouts were astronauts ISS-46/47 Timothy Peak (ESA) and Timothy Koper (NASA)
26. Wetsuit "Trout" - another development NPP "Star". Provided with a valve blowing, search elektroognem and handling loops for lifting a person (with a lifeguard rescues) from the water surface. Reserve buoyancy of at least 30 kg. Complete with a woolen suits and thermal protective allows for 12 hours at zero temperature of the water and air temperature of -10 C
27. The astronauts already disguise. Actually, the astronauts are called only Russians, Japanese and an American put call astronauts. From the point of view of the laws of the Russian language difference, of course, no, but in official documents and profile Roscosmos press division very clearly traced
28. The first went
29. The boys are waiting until the girl disguise. This is perhaps the only manifestation of the gender divide. The rest is constantly emphasized that men and women among the astronauts do not.
30. All assembly
31. Principles of principles, but never believe that the Russian peasant will not help the girl. Even if it is - an American astronaut and
32. Anatoly Ivanishin - already flying astronaut, respectively, in such training has already participated. For Takuya Onishi and Kathleen Rubins this training - the first
33. One of the most important tasks of water survival - not so much the testing of skills as the next check the compatibility of the crew. ISS they will spend together in the confined space of 6 months, so favorable psychological climate is vital. In this case, three adult human will have to change in the microscopic space of several layers of clothing. To do this, they will have to literally lie on each other and breathe through time to save the oxygen inside the capsule. The slightest opposition to each other in such conditions worsen to the limit
34. Thus, the ISS-48/49. The crew commander Anatoly Ivanishin - 112th astronaut in Russia (USSR) and 525 cosmonaut world. Our people: the school was engaged in parachute section DOSAAF and mugs hang gliders. Fighter pilot on the MiG-29. November 14 201 years as a flight engineer of space ship "Soyuz TMA-22" was launched into orbit on the program of the 29 th and 30 th of the space as part of the ISS cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerova Roscosmos and US astronaut Daniel Burbank. Hero of the Russian Federation.
35. Flight Engineer-1 Takuya Onishi (JAXA). Selected as a candidate astronaut Japanese space agency in 2009. Since April 2009, launched a two-year course of training (ASCAN) at NASA includes scientific and technical sessions, intensive training in the international space station, the classes on EVA (extravehicular activity) and robotics, psychological training, flying on a training aircraft T 38, survival training on the water and in the wilderness. Upon completion of training in July 2011, was qualified as an astronaut ISS. Since February of this year, started training on the basis of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, which studies the structure and system of manned spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-M" and the Russian segment of the ISS. Among other things, the program includes the study of Russian
36. Flight Engineer-2 Kathleen Rubens. Prior to enrollment in the astronaut engaged microbiology, in particular the problem of human immunodeficiency virus. He holds a degree, worked on the study of infectious diseases in Africa. Astronaut candidate began in June 2009 as part of the 20th set of NASA. In September 2011, completed a course of general space training. Since the spring of this year, trains at the CPC.
37. The "water survival" consists of three parts. On the eve passed the so-called "dry training" - a 14-hour theoretical course and development of the algorithm operations on land. Today the "long" training. According to her legend, the lander touched down on the water regularly, so the crew has time to change, to take all necessary and leave it without haste. However, the term "staff" here is not quite appropriate, because, ideally, all landings must occur on land. Ballistics accurately calculate the landing craft. But emergency situation may occur at the station at the start of the stage (eg, failure to function of the third stage of the sea), or during the descent. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the area falls on the slopes of the cold northern seas, where the water temperature even in the best of times does not exceed 18 degrees
38. The third stage will be "short" training, which involves the legend that after splashdown lander had sprung a leak and need to leave immediately. Time will not be dressing up
39. Even after the workout Anatoly Ivanishin say that on this day the conditions were relatively simple: unlike the Black Sea coast in the suburbs not too hot
40. Do not stop wondering how accurately fatherly, members of the CPC are astronauts
41. They are still smiling, but to understand how it will be difficult now. However, this complexity does not go to any comparison with how it would be after the actual flight. Weakened prolonged weightlessness body, loss of bone and muscle mass - even if such initial simple movements are with great difficulty
42. Before planting remove bahilly
43. In addition to the limited space creates enormous complexity temperature. In a confined space, it is constantly increasing, so crucial to the success of the task - the rational movement. The longer you are inside, the more difficult it is to breathe, on the other hand, the faster the move, the faster you get tired and fizzle out. Therefore, the principle of "hurry slowly".
44. Dressing up can take anywhere from an hour to three
45. The lander gently towed to the center of the pond
46. Fix the ropes, thus creating almost perfect conditions. In the real problem gets rough sea and pitching. In rough 5 points changing task becomes almost impossible
47. Is there at least an hour of free time, so self-marathon on the background of "Union" continues
48. And again about the size. Against the background of boat they are particularly acute. One can only imagine what kind of hell now inside
50. Withdraw now nothing, but there was a lot of free time to talk and listen, listen, listen
51. Hero of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the CPC on the training of astronauts and cosmonauts commander Valery Korzun, for example, explains why in general practice began training for survival. March 18, 1965 №11 Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov made the first in the history of mankind spacewalk. But during descent refused automatic orientation of the spacecraft "Voskhod-2". The second crew member Pavel Belyaev manually oriented the ship and turned the engine brake. "Sunrise" landed 180 km north of the city of Perm. A TASS is called planting in "reserve area", but in fact it turned taiga. Luck huge canopy caught on the high tree and fluttered in the wind, so that the ship was able to detect from the air. On board the exploratory IL-14 were able to establish radio contact, astronauts promised ambulance. Help was a two foresters who threw the taiga from a helicopter. A few hours later they trekked to the ship, but could not do more: neither invented at that time mankind technique to get close to "Sunrise" was not able to. The next morning, over the place of landing a helicopter circled 3, but the only thing they could help it lose food, water and warm clothes. Another day almost gone out to clear trees from the logging site, 4 km from the landing site, which could land kid Mi-1. On the morning of March 21 astronauts reached it on skis.
52. Here's who is now well! Closer to lunch was hot mercilessly. Hot even on the street. And inside the lander temperature about 30 C. "Trout" and does works on the principle of a thermos and inside the suit can be up to 50. Victor A. Ren recalls how in one of the training of the sea hit the seeling. All beginning to feel sick, and you can not open the vents - floods. CO2 concentration monstrous, vomit did not disappear, but will not get to nikda - should survive. And all in the history of Russian astronautics were 4 cases, when the crew had to use survival skills to really
53. Hero of Russia, the hereditary astronaut, deputy commander of the cosmonaut Roman Romanenko closely watching their wards from coast
54. Finally sounds command output. It is exactly half hours
55. First Anatoly Ivaninshin throws his unit Nazan
56. The next step - to put in place a system to ensure the buoyancy of "Neva". Simply put - inflate collar
57. It is important to push off with both feet at the same time, because the small device is very sensitive to any violation ballansirovki
58. After one and a half hours in a thermos, hustle and lack of oxygen in the cool vodichku flop ... But you can not relax yet, training is far from over
59. I remembered another story of flight Leonov. When he came out into open space, spacesuit suddenly ballooned and log back he could not. I had to bleed the excess pressure at first, and enter the gateway is not the head, and feet-that is strictly forbidden instruction
60. Ideally, once the legs of the first cosmonaut detached from the surface of the ship, in the hatch of the second head should appear. Because of the volume wetsuit is not easy, but otherwise for pitching and can carry astronauts too far apart
61. On the pontoon boat for a while and clear traces instructors. There is literally everything. Up until this, which foot pushed astronaut, and how synchronous
62. The Japanese are not "lucky" more than others - it was within 4 minutes longer because the first came and went last
63. Throws NAE left hand. This is an occasion for further analysis
64. But now he is the best, because as it turned out later, kombez slightly leaking. In the real world this is, of course, can not, but now it's nice)
65. Now the problem - as soon as possible to gather in the "asterisk»
66. Swim in such ammunition completely unrealistic, so just firmly clung to each other underfoot
68. Each block unpacks his Nazan
69. Kathleen second unit with water. After all this, she still smiles!
70. Do Takuya Onishi food. This time fed cheese
That's all. Thank you for your attention.
97 photos via livejournal.

02. A team of instructors and engineers CPC prepares the lander. In the last post, I have already told me what it is small, and that in this lies one of the biggest challenges of manned flights. Anatoly Ivanishin: "It's like in the cartoon, where all measured the parrots, the largest size within the lander is one cosmonaut. In such circumstances, withdraw the suit and put on a diving suit is not easy. But we try to do it again »

03. Effective volume of internal space - 5 cubic meters. Five. It must accommodate three adults in human suits plus a whole bunch of gifts for survival in any geographical and climate worldwide.

04. This - not the layout. This is a real lander "Soyuz TMA", which a few years ago on the ISS flew Gennady Padalka and his crew. The fact that the passage of the dense atmospheric layers outer sheath unit burns so badly that it recover for another flight goes higher than construct new

05. While the astronauts undergo a medical examination, we were invited to look around. Coaching provides a huge amount of people - instructors, engineers, rescuers, divers, doctors, psychologists, interpreters and other-other-other. Water exercise in Noginsk go for the second week. Last action after landing on water surface practiced ISS-45/46 (commander Sergei Volkov, Andreas Mogensen astronauts Tom and sand) and ISS-47/48 (Alex Ovchinin Oleg Skripochka, Jeffrey Williams). Providing staff all the time living in field conditions.

06. Near one of the tents on the stool sits unassuming grandfather slowly and sews a spacesuit.

07. The Diving Bell "Sokol-KV-2" produced by NPP "Star". Used since 1973 on board the ship "Union" during takeoff and landing. For spacewalks not intended, but is able to play the role of rescue in case of depressurization ship

08. Of course, such an epic spectacle immediately attracts all journalists. But the man does his job and does not even notice that it takes two dozen cameras

09. In fact, he did, of course, not sutures, just pinch. The staffing situation cosmonauts before going into the water should be changed into another costume, but it is no secret that there are abnormal situations, and in this case the "Falcon" is capable of tightness for a while.

10. Meanwhile, the lander is lowered. In terms of the water.

11. Do not stop wondering how he still small. There, in the hall trenazhkrov CPC, in a closed room, and on the pedestal so the scale is not felt


13. Incidentally, the water here - almost a full city to a depth of 8 meters. Rescue officers work out of action in the event of flooding. So, by the way. In Soviet times, the water training astronauts were on the Black Sea, where conditions are more close to the fighting. From next year, the leadership of the CPC hopes to resume them in the Crimea

14. "Union" is designed in such a way that it always has a positive buoyancy and always falls (more correctly, of course, talking flies, but essentially still falls) bottom up. But in the history of space exploration was the case when he lost orientation. Before the death of the crew had just a few seconds. The fact that the docking hatch has no protective coating and with the wrong orientation in the dense layers of the atmosphere burns. In light of the debate raging in the previous census records, specify that the accuracy of the terms can not vouch. Since it was not a working day, there was much talk and stories "just so", without the recorder, so that they heard it and write

15. Well, how to resist and not to do with self suit, while there is time?

16. Everything is ready, it's time to tell you what exactly will happen now. By the way, the astronauts physical examination are long gone. But the press officer of the word "astronaut" each time pronounced with aspiration, that somehow had not thought that the humble boy in T-shirts and Jax smiling blonde in t-shirts NASA - is what they have

17. Telling is this man - head test and training brigades Anatoly Zabruskov

18. In fact, everything is simple: from the crew just something and want that to change in the descent vehicle of the flight suit's "Falcon" in a wetsuit. It would seem, what could be easier? But, first, already mentioned, that the amount of usable space in the capsule - 5 cubic meters for three. And secondly, the expansion set on the table - not the other way around for three, but only one person. That is, everyone needs to wear: Suit flight PK-14, a heat suit TCC-14 (actually a concrete jacket) and only top of them diving suit "Trout»

19. Separately tacked system buoyancy "Neva".

20. According to Anatoly, basic working principle - the same that life jackets in the cabin of the aircraft usual

21. In order to survive, about which I also wrote in the previous entry on board provided lander called NAE - portable emergency supply "Granat»

22. NAZ is composed of three blocks. Each crew member takes on one. All roles are strictly itemized. In one block of drinking water, in the second set of things needed for survival

23. In the third supply of food for two days


25. All equipment is the same, however all of its elements are signed. Earlier this week, water workouts were astronauts ISS-46/47 Timothy Peak (ESA) and Timothy Koper (NASA)

26. Wetsuit "Trout" - another development NPP "Star". Provided with a valve blowing, search elektroognem and handling loops for lifting a person (with a lifeguard rescues) from the water surface. Reserve buoyancy of at least 30 kg. Complete with a woolen suits and thermal protective allows for 12 hours at zero temperature of the water and air temperature of -10 C

27. The astronauts already disguise. Actually, the astronauts are called only Russians, Japanese and an American put call astronauts. From the point of view of the laws of the Russian language difference, of course, no, but in official documents and profile Roscosmos press division very clearly traced

28. The first went

29. The boys are waiting until the girl disguise. This is perhaps the only manifestation of the gender divide. The rest is constantly emphasized that men and women among the astronauts do not.

30. All assembly

31. Principles of principles, but never believe that the Russian peasant will not help the girl. Even if it is - an American astronaut and

32. Anatoly Ivanishin - already flying astronaut, respectively, in such training has already participated. For Takuya Onishi and Kathleen Rubins this training - the first

33. One of the most important tasks of water survival - not so much the testing of skills as the next check the compatibility of the crew. ISS they will spend together in the confined space of 6 months, so favorable psychological climate is vital. In this case, three adult human will have to change in the microscopic space of several layers of clothing. To do this, they will have to literally lie on each other and breathe through time to save the oxygen inside the capsule. The slightest opposition to each other in such conditions worsen to the limit

34. Thus, the ISS-48/49. The crew commander Anatoly Ivanishin - 112th astronaut in Russia (USSR) and 525 cosmonaut world. Our people: the school was engaged in parachute section DOSAAF and mugs hang gliders. Fighter pilot on the MiG-29. November 14 201 years as a flight engineer of space ship "Soyuz TMA-22" was launched into orbit on the program of the 29 th and 30 th of the space as part of the ISS cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerova Roscosmos and US astronaut Daniel Burbank. Hero of the Russian Federation.

35. Flight Engineer-1 Takuya Onishi (JAXA). Selected as a candidate astronaut Japanese space agency in 2009. Since April 2009, launched a two-year course of training (ASCAN) at NASA includes scientific and technical sessions, intensive training in the international space station, the classes on EVA (extravehicular activity) and robotics, psychological training, flying on a training aircraft T 38, survival training on the water and in the wilderness. Upon completion of training in July 2011, was qualified as an astronaut ISS. Since February of this year, started training on the basis of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, which studies the structure and system of manned spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-M" and the Russian segment of the ISS. Among other things, the program includes the study of Russian

36. Flight Engineer-2 Kathleen Rubens. Prior to enrollment in the astronaut engaged microbiology, in particular the problem of human immunodeficiency virus. He holds a degree, worked on the study of infectious diseases in Africa. Astronaut candidate began in June 2009 as part of the 20th set of NASA. In September 2011, completed a course of general space training. Since the spring of this year, trains at the CPC.

37. The "water survival" consists of three parts. On the eve passed the so-called "dry training" - a 14-hour theoretical course and development of the algorithm operations on land. Today the "long" training. According to her legend, the lander touched down on the water regularly, so the crew has time to change, to take all necessary and leave it without haste. However, the term "staff" here is not quite appropriate, because, ideally, all landings must occur on land. Ballistics accurately calculate the landing craft. But emergency situation may occur at the station at the start of the stage (eg, failure to function of the third stage of the sea), or during the descent. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the area falls on the slopes of the cold northern seas, where the water temperature even in the best of times does not exceed 18 degrees

38. The third stage will be "short" training, which involves the legend that after splashdown lander had sprung a leak and need to leave immediately. Time will not be dressing up

39. Even after the workout Anatoly Ivanishin say that on this day the conditions were relatively simple: unlike the Black Sea coast in the suburbs not too hot

40. Do not stop wondering how accurately fatherly, members of the CPC are astronauts

41. They are still smiling, but to understand how it will be difficult now. However, this complexity does not go to any comparison with how it would be after the actual flight. Weakened prolonged weightlessness body, loss of bone and muscle mass - even if such initial simple movements are with great difficulty

42. Before planting remove bahilly

43. In addition to the limited space creates enormous complexity temperature. In a confined space, it is constantly increasing, so crucial to the success of the task - the rational movement. The longer you are inside, the more difficult it is to breathe, on the other hand, the faster the move, the faster you get tired and fizzle out. Therefore, the principle of "hurry slowly".

44. Dressing up can take anywhere from an hour to three

45. The lander gently towed to the center of the pond

46. Fix the ropes, thus creating almost perfect conditions. In the real problem gets rough sea and pitching. In rough 5 points changing task becomes almost impossible

47. Is there at least an hour of free time, so self-marathon on the background of "Union" continues

48. And again about the size. Against the background of boat they are particularly acute. One can only imagine what kind of hell now inside


50. Withdraw now nothing, but there was a lot of free time to talk and listen, listen, listen

51. Hero of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the CPC on the training of astronauts and cosmonauts commander Valery Korzun, for example, explains why in general practice began training for survival. March 18, 1965 №11 Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov made the first in the history of mankind spacewalk. But during descent refused automatic orientation of the spacecraft "Voskhod-2". The second crew member Pavel Belyaev manually oriented the ship and turned the engine brake. "Sunrise" landed 180 km north of the city of Perm. A TASS is called planting in "reserve area", but in fact it turned taiga. Luck huge canopy caught on the high tree and fluttered in the wind, so that the ship was able to detect from the air. On board the exploratory IL-14 were able to establish radio contact, astronauts promised ambulance. Help was a two foresters who threw the taiga from a helicopter. A few hours later they trekked to the ship, but could not do more: neither invented at that time mankind technique to get close to "Sunrise" was not able to. The next morning, over the place of landing a helicopter circled 3, but the only thing they could help it lose food, water and warm clothes. Another day almost gone out to clear trees from the logging site, 4 km from the landing site, which could land kid Mi-1. On the morning of March 21 astronauts reached it on skis.

52. Here's who is now well! Closer to lunch was hot mercilessly. Hot even on the street. And inside the lander temperature about 30 C. "Trout" and does works on the principle of a thermos and inside the suit can be up to 50. Victor A. Ren recalls how in one of the training of the sea hit the seeling. All beginning to feel sick, and you can not open the vents - floods. CO2 concentration monstrous, vomit did not disappear, but will not get to nikda - should survive. And all in the history of Russian astronautics were 4 cases, when the crew had to use survival skills to really

53. Hero of Russia, the hereditary astronaut, deputy commander of the cosmonaut Roman Romanenko closely watching their wards from coast

54. Finally sounds command output. It is exactly half hours

55. First Anatoly Ivaninshin throws his unit Nazan

56. The next step - to put in place a system to ensure the buoyancy of "Neva". Simply put - inflate collar

57. It is important to push off with both feet at the same time, because the small device is very sensitive to any violation ballansirovki

58. After one and a half hours in a thermos, hustle and lack of oxygen in the cool vodichku flop ... But you can not relax yet, training is far from over

59. I remembered another story of flight Leonov. When he came out into open space, spacesuit suddenly ballooned and log back he could not. I had to bleed the excess pressure at first, and enter the gateway is not the head, and feet-that is strictly forbidden instruction

60. Ideally, once the legs of the first cosmonaut detached from the surface of the ship, in the hatch of the second head should appear. Because of the volume wetsuit is not easy, but otherwise for pitching and can carry astronauts too far apart

61. On the pontoon boat for a while and clear traces instructors. There is literally everything. Up until this, which foot pushed astronaut, and how synchronous

62. The Japanese are not "lucky" more than others - it was within 4 minutes longer because the first came and went last

63. Throws NAE left hand. This is an occasion for further analysis

64. But now he is the best, because as it turned out later, kombez slightly leaking. In the real world this is, of course, can not, but now it's nice)

65. Now the problem - as soon as possible to gather in the "asterisk»

66. Swim in such ammunition completely unrealistic, so just firmly clung to each other underfoot


68. Each block unpacks his Nazan

69. Kathleen second unit with water. After all this, she still smiles!

70. Do Takuya Onishi food. This time fed cheese

That's all. Thank you for your attention.