Diet of astronauts —10kg in 20 days
The diet of astronauts is one of the most rigorous, long-term, but at the same time efficient power systems. Where she got that name or if it has something to do with space exploration, remains a mystery.
The essence of this diet is that the diet eliminates fat, and foods containing proteins are used as much as possible.
Of course, not everyone is able to sustain this “space” diet and before you sit on it you should properly assess their capabilities.
Important recommendations on dieting:
• Given the fact that the diet of the astronauts has a poor diet, the body will receive less important to the operation of the trace elements. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to take daily vitamin and mineral complex;
• It is important to eat throughout the 20 days, a large number of non-carbonated water;
• Diet of astronauts is strictly contraindicated for people who have problems with digestive organs or bowels.
The program duration is 20 days, after which you will lose up to 20 pounds of excess weight. However, if you find difficult to survive such a long period, it can be reduced to 10 days, and in this case, the loss of excess weight will be 10 pounds.
It is also unacceptable the use of salt, sugar and various spices. Meals should consist of Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner.
Universal menu a "space" diet for 10 – 20 days looks like this:
• Breakfast – a Cup of coffee or a Cup of yogurt (low-fat), boiled or roasted on a dry pan egg;
• Lunch – 150 grams of boiled chicken, 500 ml of broth (low-fat), a Cup of yogurt or a Cup of black coffee;
• Afternoon tea – a Cup of coffee or a Cup of yogurt (low-fat);
• Dinner low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).
It is very important to get out of the diet, not to load your body with fatty or fried foods, gradually and cautiously increase the calorie content of foods you eat. Slowly introduce into your diet coarse food that contain fiber.
If you believe the reviews, for a 20 day course of the diet of astronauts can lose 10-20 pounds of excess excess weight. Most likely, these figures are several times too high and to believe in them or not is up to you. Sitting on a diet of astronauts must also be prepared for the fact that because of the “outer” weight loss, the skin begins to SAG, and given the fact that such diet any physical activity contraindicated, to bring the muscles in tone would be impossible.
It is not recommended to go on a diet of astronauts more than 1 time per year. We wish you success in losing weight!
Source: dieta-dieta.ru

The essence of this diet is that the diet eliminates fat, and foods containing proteins are used as much as possible.
Of course, not everyone is able to sustain this “space” diet and before you sit on it you should properly assess their capabilities.
Important recommendations on dieting:
• Given the fact that the diet of the astronauts has a poor diet, the body will receive less important to the operation of the trace elements. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to take daily vitamin and mineral complex;
• It is important to eat throughout the 20 days, a large number of non-carbonated water;
• Diet of astronauts is strictly contraindicated for people who have problems with digestive organs or bowels.
The program duration is 20 days, after which you will lose up to 20 pounds of excess weight. However, if you find difficult to survive such a long period, it can be reduced to 10 days, and in this case, the loss of excess weight will be 10 pounds.
It is also unacceptable the use of salt, sugar and various spices. Meals should consist of Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner.
Universal menu a "space" diet for 10 – 20 days looks like this:
• Breakfast – a Cup of coffee or a Cup of yogurt (low-fat), boiled or roasted on a dry pan egg;
• Lunch – 150 grams of boiled chicken, 500 ml of broth (low-fat), a Cup of yogurt or a Cup of black coffee;
• Afternoon tea – a Cup of coffee or a Cup of yogurt (low-fat);
• Dinner low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).
It is very important to get out of the diet, not to load your body with fatty or fried foods, gradually and cautiously increase the calorie content of foods you eat. Slowly introduce into your diet coarse food that contain fiber.
If you believe the reviews, for a 20 day course of the diet of astronauts can lose 10-20 pounds of excess excess weight. Most likely, these figures are several times too high and to believe in them or not is up to you. Sitting on a diet of astronauts must also be prepared for the fact that because of the “outer” weight loss, the skin begins to SAG, and given the fact that such diet any physical activity contraindicated, to bring the muscles in tone would be impossible.
It is not recommended to go on a diet of astronauts more than 1 time per year. We wish you success in losing weight!
Source: dieta-dieta.ru