10 survival skills who need to teach a child!
Every parent knows that no matter how steep was not his personal skills, he still can not always be close to their children, if they suddenly have a problem. Therefore, direct obligation (yes, it is the duty) parents - to educate their children at least a basic survival skills in the wild mestnosti.I not only teach theory, but teach children not to panic and not to get lost in unfamiliar conditions Do not We are afraid that the children can not learn. The children of the last century, for example, survived the war, in the forest for weeks and nothing is able to. It's all about proper education, which already depends entirely on you and on your right example.
So, Website published an article about the survival skills needed to teach your child.
Targeting mestnostiBazovy survival skill. A child needs to understand that such a compass and a map. and be able to focus on them. Also I need to know about the main landmarks the area in which it is located - rivers, mountains, lakes, main roads. Difficult it? No. Oh, that's that, and on the cards in the strategic games kids well oriented, but here the same principle plus a minimum additional knowledge
pomoschPozhaluy First, the most popular reason why the child was left alone in the forest -. With adults that -What happened. Trauma, loss of consciousness, sudden onset of the disease. If your child will know the basic rules of first aid - it is thus not only be able to save his life, but also, perhaps, your
. The main problem here - to learn not to panic and to act quickly and clearly. Work out the skills to automaticity, so that child knew that if that happened - you need to accept or issue such a tabletochki. What if someone broke his hand - you need to build a bus. Whether it is a child remember? Of course you can - in the games is necessary algorithms and more difficult to remember and apply
Meeting with a wild zhivotnymiOdna of the possible causes of injury and incapacity of the parents -. Wild animals or snakes. Most of all - it is a snake. Therefore child should be clearly understood that it is crawling garbage better get round and do not rush into it with stones or sticks. Also worth intelligibly explain to the child the danger of ticks and learn to get rid of them. This survival skill he surely come in handy.
The extraction ognyaEsli stay in open areas is delayed, then the child will have to somehow make a fire for myself and for you (you are considered conditionally alive, but totally incompetent). And yes, it is extremely difficult. Even seasoned survivalist divorce is not always a fire without matches, to say nothing of the child. So yes, teach him the basic and most simple methods of making fire, but put it in a pocket or a full steel NAZ. Provided, of course, that the child understands that it is, why it is needed and how it works.
Breeding kostraNauchite their child how to build a fire, which branches to do and where to use them, in principle, can be found. Even the successful spreading fire, the child can not cope with the stupid it without maintaining the respective knowledge. Also, it is useful to talk about the two basic principles of a fire is burning hot (for cooking), or long (for the night and warming). This survival skill can be critical if the incident happened in the fall or winter, and on the presence of the fire depends directly on the survival of all the participants of the incident.
Construction ukrytiyaLogicheski continues our situation. The beasts were gone, rendered first aid, fire somehow divorced, nearing the night. We need to build some shelter in case of rain. It is hardly rational to teach my child to use a knife or an ax at such a young age, but without them something simple is quite possible to build. Is there any single-slope hut with a bed of twigs (hello, mites, but you already know how to fight). Another important component of this survival skill is knowing where shelter can be placed, and where - dangerous
vodyIz Production of an extreme situation, the body begins to lose much more fluid than normal.. Therefore, the search for water and water treatment - an extremely important survival skill. The child needs to know what kind of water you can drink what you need to pre-boil, and which is generally better to ignore. To do this, we will have to explain in detail about the microbes, parasites and poisoning. And do not be afraid that the children would not understand - if properly explained, and not just say "do just so" - is quite figure out what's what. It is also a good idea to teach him an easy way to water extraction by means of condensation.
Search pasture kormaChestno this survival skill is very useful, but also very dangerous. Even an experienced survivalist is not always right to determine what is possible and what is not. And the child is much less critical thinking, why should teach the simplest principles. Berry, who certainly will not be confused with poisonous basics of fishing, edible roots, which, again, with nothing can not be confused - this is what a child should know
FizpodgotovkaPozhaluy, the most important survival skill, because the child should be. physically able to do what you teach him. And for this it is necessary to inculcate to the child the love of the sport and training. And no, force writing in the karate section you its not privёte. And here is a personal example - very even. Seriously, you have to be for his child role model in everything - then no problem with training is not. The child will want to be as cool as a folder and not as invented heroes of computer games and films.
Psychological podgotovkaOkey, my child knows everything by heart can enumerate edible roots into the surrounding forests, can spend hours wandering through rough terrain. It is up to the practice. After all, the best way to survive in an emergency situation - do what you can, at the level of automaticity. So practice, practice and practice again. And, of course, positive personal example.
The main thing to learn that your child - not an infantile idiot who does not understand what is happening around. He has your genes, it is in your power to help him to realize his potential. Yes, it will be difficult. But when you succeed - the child will thank you. < And not only for the interesting and rich childhood, but also for the fact that you helped him become a real man.
via lastday.dirty.ru/10-navykov-vyzhivaniia-kotorym-nuzhno-obuchit-vashego-rebionka-1052173/

So, Website published an article about the survival skills needed to teach your child.
Targeting mestnostiBazovy survival skill. A child needs to understand that such a compass and a map. and be able to focus on them. Also I need to know about the main landmarks the area in which it is located - rivers, mountains, lakes, main roads. Difficult it? No. Oh, that's that, and on the cards in the strategic games kids well oriented, but here the same principle plus a minimum additional knowledge
pomoschPozhaluy First, the most popular reason why the child was left alone in the forest -. With adults that -What happened. Trauma, loss of consciousness, sudden onset of the disease. If your child will know the basic rules of first aid - it is thus not only be able to save his life, but also, perhaps, your
. The main problem here - to learn not to panic and to act quickly and clearly. Work out the skills to automaticity, so that child knew that if that happened - you need to accept or issue such a tabletochki. What if someone broke his hand - you need to build a bus. Whether it is a child remember? Of course you can - in the games is necessary algorithms and more difficult to remember and apply
Meeting with a wild zhivotnymiOdna of the possible causes of injury and incapacity of the parents -. Wild animals or snakes. Most of all - it is a snake. Therefore child should be clearly understood that it is crawling garbage better get round and do not rush into it with stones or sticks. Also worth intelligibly explain to the child the danger of ticks and learn to get rid of them. This survival skill he surely come in handy.
The extraction ognyaEsli stay in open areas is delayed, then the child will have to somehow make a fire for myself and for you (you are considered conditionally alive, but totally incompetent). And yes, it is extremely difficult. Even seasoned survivalist divorce is not always a fire without matches, to say nothing of the child. So yes, teach him the basic and most simple methods of making fire, but put it in a pocket or a full steel NAZ. Provided, of course, that the child understands that it is, why it is needed and how it works.
Breeding kostraNauchite their child how to build a fire, which branches to do and where to use them, in principle, can be found. Even the successful spreading fire, the child can not cope with the stupid it without maintaining the respective knowledge. Also, it is useful to talk about the two basic principles of a fire is burning hot (for cooking), or long (for the night and warming). This survival skill can be critical if the incident happened in the fall or winter, and on the presence of the fire depends directly on the survival of all the participants of the incident.
Construction ukrytiyaLogicheski continues our situation. The beasts were gone, rendered first aid, fire somehow divorced, nearing the night. We need to build some shelter in case of rain. It is hardly rational to teach my child to use a knife or an ax at such a young age, but without them something simple is quite possible to build. Is there any single-slope hut with a bed of twigs (hello, mites, but you already know how to fight). Another important component of this survival skill is knowing where shelter can be placed, and where - dangerous
vodyIz Production of an extreme situation, the body begins to lose much more fluid than normal.. Therefore, the search for water and water treatment - an extremely important survival skill. The child needs to know what kind of water you can drink what you need to pre-boil, and which is generally better to ignore. To do this, we will have to explain in detail about the microbes, parasites and poisoning. And do not be afraid that the children would not understand - if properly explained, and not just say "do just so" - is quite figure out what's what. It is also a good idea to teach him an easy way to water extraction by means of condensation.
Search pasture kormaChestno this survival skill is very useful, but also very dangerous. Even an experienced survivalist is not always right to determine what is possible and what is not. And the child is much less critical thinking, why should teach the simplest principles. Berry, who certainly will not be confused with poisonous basics of fishing, edible roots, which, again, with nothing can not be confused - this is what a child should know
FizpodgotovkaPozhaluy, the most important survival skill, because the child should be. physically able to do what you teach him. And for this it is necessary to inculcate to the child the love of the sport and training. And no, force writing in the karate section you its not privёte. And here is a personal example - very even. Seriously, you have to be for his child role model in everything - then no problem with training is not. The child will want to be as cool as a folder and not as invented heroes of computer games and films.
Psychological podgotovkaOkey, my child knows everything by heart can enumerate edible roots into the surrounding forests, can spend hours wandering through rough terrain. It is up to the practice. After all, the best way to survive in an emergency situation - do what you can, at the level of automaticity. So practice, practice and practice again. And, of course, positive personal example.
The main thing to learn that your child - not an infantile idiot who does not understand what is happening around. He has your genes, it is in your power to help him to realize his potential. Yes, it will be difficult. But when you succeed - the child will thank you. < And not only for the interesting and rich childhood, but also for the fact that you helped him become a real man.
via lastday.dirty.ru/10-navykov-vyzhivaniia-kotorym-nuzhno-obuchit-vashego-rebionka-1052173/
Dizzy fake extreme. Very impressive!
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