Life - this is not a movie
In the county of Lancashire, England, there was a tragic story that proves that love is not always able to overcome the difficulties and hardships.
The letters of the stories and 6 photos for clarity
via mail.dailyguideghana.com
In 2008, Rick and Lynn met through the social network Facebook.
The guy at the time served in Catterick Village, located in North Yorkshire, and Lynn, along with two children from his first marriage, he lived in the city of Blackpool, where she worked as a nurse in a nursing home. Initially, the pair maintained relations by means of correspondence, but after a while Rick was given leave, and he was able to meet with the concerned his girlfriend. Their romance began with the first day of acquaintance, and a week later a couple of plans for the future, which include buying a home, parenting Lynn - 8-year-old Kyle and 11-year-old Erin, and the birth of the joint progeny. In April of 2010, Rick was drafted to undergo a six-month military service in Afghanistan, and the lovers decided to get married after the return of the bridegroom.
"The last day before leaving we spent together: Rick, I'm his mom and dad - Kay and Graham - says Lynn. - When we hugged goodbye Rick, I thought, "What if it was the last time?" We did not say another word, just repeated that we love each other, and promised to write. He kept his promise - we talked for a long time through the Blueys (e-mail for service members and their families). I often sent Rica our photos, as well as sweets and crisps. " But five weeks later the man is not made contact - he struck a mine, having lost the lower half of the body. "Rick immediately taken to a military hospital in Birmingham, so he could say goodbye to us, - continues the story of Lynn. - All I remember is the horrible smell of burning flesh. From the shock, I could not cry, and kept saying: "Please do not die. You promised to get back to me. " I did not depart from Costa Rica, so the children cared for my first husband, who wanted me to be with your loved one. "
Four months later, doctors noted improved patient's health and transferred him to a rehabilitation center, where there were soldiers with similar injuries.
Communication with them has helped 33-year-old disabled person to overcome depression, and a new look to the future.
In June of 2011 during a magnificent wedding couple exchanged marriage vows and went on their honeymoon.
A few months later the couple received compensation in the amount of 575,000 pounds (874,000 dollars) bought a big house, adapted to the needs of the disabled.
But the happiness was short-lived new husband - a year Lynne filed for divorce. According to the woman, she broke up with her husband, because their relationship was no "tactile part."
"Yes, I know that we can not have sex, and felt that ready. I bathed Rica, changed his catheter and tried to support it. But my husband has changed dramatically: he yelled at me if I helped him out of the car, said he did not need my care, and once broke a bat wheelchair. I remember him as a nice, caring person, and these changes have shocked me. Besides, it was hard to live without tactile contact. When I announced his retirement, Rick cried and said that she loved me, but nothing can be changed ", - says Lynn.
According to the British tabloid Daily Mail, recently appeared in her life a new man, the heroine of the story but prefers not to be named, fearing for their relationship. The fact that after her divorce from Rick at Lynn flood of insults.
"People think I married for the sake of money, but it is not, - says ex-wife of a disabled person. - Condemn me and say that I threw hero. They do not know that I was with Rick in the most difficult moments of his life, so I do not deserve such treatment. "
The letters of the stories and 6 photos for clarity
via mail.dailyguideghana.com
In 2008, Rick and Lynn met through the social network Facebook.
The guy at the time served in Catterick Village, located in North Yorkshire, and Lynn, along with two children from his first marriage, he lived in the city of Blackpool, where she worked as a nurse in a nursing home. Initially, the pair maintained relations by means of correspondence, but after a while Rick was given leave, and he was able to meet with the concerned his girlfriend. Their romance began with the first day of acquaintance, and a week later a couple of plans for the future, which include buying a home, parenting Lynn - 8-year-old Kyle and 11-year-old Erin, and the birth of the joint progeny. In April of 2010, Rick was drafted to undergo a six-month military service in Afghanistan, and the lovers decided to get married after the return of the bridegroom.
"The last day before leaving we spent together: Rick, I'm his mom and dad - Kay and Graham - says Lynn. - When we hugged goodbye Rick, I thought, "What if it was the last time?" We did not say another word, just repeated that we love each other, and promised to write. He kept his promise - we talked for a long time through the Blueys (e-mail for service members and their families). I often sent Rica our photos, as well as sweets and crisps. " But five weeks later the man is not made contact - he struck a mine, having lost the lower half of the body. "Rick immediately taken to a military hospital in Birmingham, so he could say goodbye to us, - continues the story of Lynn. - All I remember is the horrible smell of burning flesh. From the shock, I could not cry, and kept saying: "Please do not die. You promised to get back to me. " I did not depart from Costa Rica, so the children cared for my first husband, who wanted me to be with your loved one. "
Four months later, doctors noted improved patient's health and transferred him to a rehabilitation center, where there were soldiers with similar injuries.
Communication with them has helped 33-year-old disabled person to overcome depression, and a new look to the future.
In June of 2011 during a magnificent wedding couple exchanged marriage vows and went on their honeymoon.
A few months later the couple received compensation in the amount of 575,000 pounds (874,000 dollars) bought a big house, adapted to the needs of the disabled.
But the happiness was short-lived new husband - a year Lynne filed for divorce. According to the woman, she broke up with her husband, because their relationship was no "tactile part."
"Yes, I know that we can not have sex, and felt that ready. I bathed Rica, changed his catheter and tried to support it. But my husband has changed dramatically: he yelled at me if I helped him out of the car, said he did not need my care, and once broke a bat wheelchair. I remember him as a nice, caring person, and these changes have shocked me. Besides, it was hard to live without tactile contact. When I announced his retirement, Rick cried and said that she loved me, but nothing can be changed ", - says Lynn.
According to the British tabloid Daily Mail, recently appeared in her life a new man, the heroine of the story but prefers not to be named, fearing for their relationship. The fact that after her divorce from Rick at Lynn flood of insults.
"People think I married for the sake of money, but it is not, - says ex-wife of a disabled person. - Condemn me and say that I threw hero. They do not know that I was with Rick in the most difficult moments of his life, so I do not deserve such treatment. "