The biggest misconception women.
... Men are much decent woman ... meeting, a man reveals himself for what he is ... well, a little embellishing ... Gusarov ... But, in general, quite frankly ... OH woman, there is no sincerity almost NEVER ... !!! Meeting with a man she HUNTER ... treacherous, ruthless, cunning ... The goal, to entrap men in traps ... entangle network mining ... Then eat, digest and spit SUCH ... which, in her opinion ... is an ideal ... Because of that, then all the problems in life ... deceived, ruined hopes ... The man remains himself ... and he's honest ... The woman initially adapts to it ... Then, change the rules ... and breaks (trying) man and life ... It is false ... Not for nothing is said - "Adversity all from female stem deceit ... "(Aibolit)
In family life, there is one problem, which they say is not accepted. Many women complain that men over the years has become less masculine. What he did not care what he's drinking and lying on the sofa. Women even forget that once it themselves chose and loved. For something. And what - no longer remember. Because it is "something" suddenly somewhere delos ... And maybe not all of a sudden?
Do I have to tame it ... ???
When we meet a man, when we are at the beginning of the relationship, we are very attracted to his male power, male energy. We are proud, if he rides his bike without fear. We are encouraged by his victories in fist fights. We excitedly telling friends about how he drives a race in another city, the competition, took first place. And even if there is no clear evidence of power, we are proud of the other.
We like looking after us hard man represents your position - you do not go there, period. Inside it can even climb an easy revolt, but by such a blow with his fist on the table everything calms down inside. Reserved. He is strong. He is a real man.
It often we wait in family life - that he would take responsibility, banging his fist, he will take a decision will calm a disturbed mind. We dream of a strong shoulder, oblivious to the fact that in this case we need to give up much in their behavior.
This man is in a sense very close to nature. He is as indestructible, unbridled, wild. And dangerous. The danger of this volcano is once again bother to warm up, to provoke, to cut, to suppress ...
When a man marries, his world is changing dramatically. I know many men that marriage has changed dramatically.
A friend of mine at the behest of his wife - for the love of it - to break off relations with all friends. There was only a couple of "acceptable" options - which could only drink beer in the country at the weekend. At the same time he disappeared from his life and his passion - hiking, climbing, mountain. It was too dangerous for the father. Therefore, all the equipment was handed out to friends and acquaintances.
Ultimatums were set firmly: "Either I, or is it" on the arguments that need to grow up, that he should think about the family. And for the love of his wife, he agreed. He did not want to leave her a widow, did not want to see her tears and emotions. He loved her - and make choices. Difficult choice.
He became a household, caring father. At the same time deeply unhappy inside. It was evident to many. He tried to realize his male part in the upbringing of his son - his temper, to engage with him in sports. But it was his wife is prohibited. It is too small.
A few years later she went to another. By crazy stuntman, rides his bike through the city. She spoke of a vanished passion, how much he had changed, that he did not care and are not interested in.
But who made it so? Who forbade him to be a man in this family? Who blackmail away from him all the things that helped him to be a man?
Now he has recovered - and was again the same as before. Still captivates the top, down the snowboard where no man has gone before. He is full of energy, his eyes light up again. Again he likes women. Only now for a family - it's something terrible. What may once again take away his strength and masculinity.
That's what often happens. Woman after the wedding, the man tries to domesticate. For your convenience. To not worry about where it is, and how. Not to be left a widow. And it is less attracted to other women. The more it is handmade, the less it is interesting to others.
Men agree to it. Because they have not seen other examples - many of them only grow mother. Others have grown up with the same domesticated dad, deprived of its power. They do not understand what the price paid for it, and call it simply "settle down." And because they love us and want to see us happy.
But the soul knows and remembers everything. And longing for bygone power. A man like a lion locked in a cage, will never become a house cat. He can become a humiliated and tame lion. Have you ever seen eyes like a lion in a zoo or a circus? The same thing is happening in the hearts of men. Hearts, who are deprived of their power.
Not by chance that the average age of almost every man is trying to shake off the burden and let the winds? Buy a race car, leave his wife, to do something extreme? And if that is not possible, then at least hit computer games, and become a hero there ...
In Europe, most often on the race cars of the "Ferrari" sit behind the wheel of his grandfather. And the gas pedal is pressed with great pleasure, too, they are. Remembering that they are still men. They are still strong and dangerous.
It turns out that we want to marry Superman who have captured the deeds and courage. And to live it is more convenient - I stress the word "convenient" - with home deadhead, which is doing something boring and safe, washing dishes, floor - and no one is uninteresting. Even ourselves. For the convenience to pay respect and own happiness ...
Men need both strength
Whatever the woman resisted, they secretly dream of the husband she was again the same as before. Wild, strong, wild, dangerous. To come home suddenly, he hugged her so that gasped. For the time quarrel, when it carries, he emphatically said their "no" and again - with his fist on the table. To his eyes burned with fire power and passion.
The difficulty is only that with such a man to become another. It can not tease and provoke, pour oil on the fire, when he is angry.
Recently I heard the story of how, during a family quarrel her husband broke in half laptop wife. This is one of the manifestations of male power - it must be very cautious. It is better because the computer than anything else.
Imagine that you are - a chemical in the workplace. You need to know exactly what goes with what can be mixed, and that - in any case. Otherwise it faces challenges. Each jar you take carefully and think - and what will happen? Do you have some instructions on how to treat jars, how to store them, how to move.
With a man should be exactly the same. The only problem is that this statement we have. And we have to experiment. One blew up. Other melted. Here crippled. And all would do if we remembered what actions lead to such results.
For example, do not need a man to anger when it is not in the spirit. This was known to many. And who does that? What at first he tries to placate dear and bring it to a good location, and only then solve the problem?
Most often exasperated man receives nourishment immediately reproaches of his wife, her resentment, anger. And there is an explosion. Its power varies according to the most men and how much fuel to the fire poured wife. But the destruction and casualties are always there.
Or a man, inspired by something that does not need to distract and disturb. Finally, he sat down with pleasure nailed - depart. Because the advice "not there" and "wrong" not only bring him out of himself, but also lead to the fact that more than a single nail he does not score.
Men are dangerous?
Men really dangerous. But when women try to tame them and disarm - they enclose themselves pig. Itself. Because of the mattress home they no longer want children. For he did not want to cook or to be beautiful. It is rather a pity and contempt. Respect it is also impossible.
When a man has a masculine strength, a woman is not easy. She needs to learn to deal with her husband right that it was safe. She usually have to worry about him. And learn to trust him completely. And I realize that this man is very attractive to other women. Therefore, we must always remain for him the most-most. The most beautiful, most loving, the most tender, the most unpredictable.
This is another choice and another life. Stop control it. Stop checking his phone and did not force him to come always on time. Do not tell him whom to communicate with and what to do. Do not evaluate his hobby of their danger. Again and again to revive his passion for life.
Yes, he decides to let start doing triathlons. My husband is in the next year are going to participate in IronMan. To me, it sounds scary - a whole day to run, swim and bike ride is not. It requires a lot of strength, endurance time. He needs to be trained, to purchase equipment, participate in marathons. And I have to live with his absence, employment, physical fatigue.
But that's nothing compared to how his eyes shine when he says this, and doing something. When he runs ten kilometers or swims a kilometer and a half. This makes it harder - not only physically, but also mentally.
One of the men dreaming of a motorcycle. My husband is one of them. And I prepare mentally to the fact that one day it will happen. I sometimes have to worry about him. And trust more. I know one girl who was very afraid, but has agreed to buy the motorcycle husband. When our movement and respect on the roads - this is a very extreme buying. But after a few years, and the husband of an employee has become a successful businessman. His wife, he carries on the machine. And he was still every night his iron horse saddles. And while they were married for more than ten years, it has recently admitted that passion has remained undiminished and is not lost. With this bike has more passion.
Interests downhill skiing, racing, mountaineering, sports, travel, exploits, dangerous journey, extreme exercises, communication with other men, and more, from what we want to protect the men - in fact, give them strength. Forces remain the man next to us. Force take responsibility. Power of asceticism and endurance. The real virility. That we so value and for which so miss.
And finally, I want to share with you a quote from the book of John Elridzha "Unbridled Heart". And that inspired me to write this article.
Yes, men are really dangerous. But the scalpel too dangerous. It may hurt, and could save your life. You're not trying to make it safer, it blunted; you put it in the hand of someone who knows how to handle it.
If you ever watched the horses, then you know that stallions can deliver a lot of problems. They are strong, very strong, and they are on your mind. Stallions do not usually like the reins and can behave very aggressively - especially if there is a mare. Stallion difficult to tame.
If you want to have a more peaceful and not dangerous animal, there is a simple way out: it should be neutered. The gelding is much more accommodating. You can literally lead him by the nose; He will do what you tell him, without expressing any protest. With him you will have only one problem: the gelding is not able to give life. He can not do that may stallion. Yes, the stallion - a dangerous animal, but if you need a life that he can give, you have to accept the fact that he is dangerous. One without the other does not happen ... »
Appreciate in men of their virility. And help them to become stronger and more courageous. There is nothing wrong in the fact that he did not wash the dishes at home. Buy the dishwasher - or learn to love the process. Suppose he does male things that without it no one will do. Things that fill it with strength and energy.
Because after the feat, he will come to you and put your feet all the trophies. And you embrace so that zahrustyat bones. From pleasure. Finally, you are the husband ....
© Olga Valyaeva
In family life, there is one problem, which they say is not accepted. Many women complain that men over the years has become less masculine. What he did not care what he's drinking and lying on the sofa. Women even forget that once it themselves chose and loved. For something. And what - no longer remember. Because it is "something" suddenly somewhere delos ... And maybe not all of a sudden?
Do I have to tame it ... ???
When we meet a man, when we are at the beginning of the relationship, we are very attracted to his male power, male energy. We are proud, if he rides his bike without fear. We are encouraged by his victories in fist fights. We excitedly telling friends about how he drives a race in another city, the competition, took first place. And even if there is no clear evidence of power, we are proud of the other.
We like looking after us hard man represents your position - you do not go there, period. Inside it can even climb an easy revolt, but by such a blow with his fist on the table everything calms down inside. Reserved. He is strong. He is a real man.
It often we wait in family life - that he would take responsibility, banging his fist, he will take a decision will calm a disturbed mind. We dream of a strong shoulder, oblivious to the fact that in this case we need to give up much in their behavior.
This man is in a sense very close to nature. He is as indestructible, unbridled, wild. And dangerous. The danger of this volcano is once again bother to warm up, to provoke, to cut, to suppress ...
When a man marries, his world is changing dramatically. I know many men that marriage has changed dramatically.
A friend of mine at the behest of his wife - for the love of it - to break off relations with all friends. There was only a couple of "acceptable" options - which could only drink beer in the country at the weekend. At the same time he disappeared from his life and his passion - hiking, climbing, mountain. It was too dangerous for the father. Therefore, all the equipment was handed out to friends and acquaintances.
Ultimatums were set firmly: "Either I, or is it" on the arguments that need to grow up, that he should think about the family. And for the love of his wife, he agreed. He did not want to leave her a widow, did not want to see her tears and emotions. He loved her - and make choices. Difficult choice.
He became a household, caring father. At the same time deeply unhappy inside. It was evident to many. He tried to realize his male part in the upbringing of his son - his temper, to engage with him in sports. But it was his wife is prohibited. It is too small.
A few years later she went to another. By crazy stuntman, rides his bike through the city. She spoke of a vanished passion, how much he had changed, that he did not care and are not interested in.
But who made it so? Who forbade him to be a man in this family? Who blackmail away from him all the things that helped him to be a man?
Now he has recovered - and was again the same as before. Still captivates the top, down the snowboard where no man has gone before. He is full of energy, his eyes light up again. Again he likes women. Only now for a family - it's something terrible. What may once again take away his strength and masculinity.
That's what often happens. Woman after the wedding, the man tries to domesticate. For your convenience. To not worry about where it is, and how. Not to be left a widow. And it is less attracted to other women. The more it is handmade, the less it is interesting to others.
Men agree to it. Because they have not seen other examples - many of them only grow mother. Others have grown up with the same domesticated dad, deprived of its power. They do not understand what the price paid for it, and call it simply "settle down." And because they love us and want to see us happy.
But the soul knows and remembers everything. And longing for bygone power. A man like a lion locked in a cage, will never become a house cat. He can become a humiliated and tame lion. Have you ever seen eyes like a lion in a zoo or a circus? The same thing is happening in the hearts of men. Hearts, who are deprived of their power.
Not by chance that the average age of almost every man is trying to shake off the burden and let the winds? Buy a race car, leave his wife, to do something extreme? And if that is not possible, then at least hit computer games, and become a hero there ...
In Europe, most often on the race cars of the "Ferrari" sit behind the wheel of his grandfather. And the gas pedal is pressed with great pleasure, too, they are. Remembering that they are still men. They are still strong and dangerous.
It turns out that we want to marry Superman who have captured the deeds and courage. And to live it is more convenient - I stress the word "convenient" - with home deadhead, which is doing something boring and safe, washing dishes, floor - and no one is uninteresting. Even ourselves. For the convenience to pay respect and own happiness ...
Men need both strength
Whatever the woman resisted, they secretly dream of the husband she was again the same as before. Wild, strong, wild, dangerous. To come home suddenly, he hugged her so that gasped. For the time quarrel, when it carries, he emphatically said their "no" and again - with his fist on the table. To his eyes burned with fire power and passion.
The difficulty is only that with such a man to become another. It can not tease and provoke, pour oil on the fire, when he is angry.
Recently I heard the story of how, during a family quarrel her husband broke in half laptop wife. This is one of the manifestations of male power - it must be very cautious. It is better because the computer than anything else.
Imagine that you are - a chemical in the workplace. You need to know exactly what goes with what can be mixed, and that - in any case. Otherwise it faces challenges. Each jar you take carefully and think - and what will happen? Do you have some instructions on how to treat jars, how to store them, how to move.
With a man should be exactly the same. The only problem is that this statement we have. And we have to experiment. One blew up. Other melted. Here crippled. And all would do if we remembered what actions lead to such results.
For example, do not need a man to anger when it is not in the spirit. This was known to many. And who does that? What at first he tries to placate dear and bring it to a good location, and only then solve the problem?
Most often exasperated man receives nourishment immediately reproaches of his wife, her resentment, anger. And there is an explosion. Its power varies according to the most men and how much fuel to the fire poured wife. But the destruction and casualties are always there.
Or a man, inspired by something that does not need to distract and disturb. Finally, he sat down with pleasure nailed - depart. Because the advice "not there" and "wrong" not only bring him out of himself, but also lead to the fact that more than a single nail he does not score.
Men are dangerous?
Men really dangerous. But when women try to tame them and disarm - they enclose themselves pig. Itself. Because of the mattress home they no longer want children. For he did not want to cook or to be beautiful. It is rather a pity and contempt. Respect it is also impossible.
When a man has a masculine strength, a woman is not easy. She needs to learn to deal with her husband right that it was safe. She usually have to worry about him. And learn to trust him completely. And I realize that this man is very attractive to other women. Therefore, we must always remain for him the most-most. The most beautiful, most loving, the most tender, the most unpredictable.
This is another choice and another life. Stop control it. Stop checking his phone and did not force him to come always on time. Do not tell him whom to communicate with and what to do. Do not evaluate his hobby of their danger. Again and again to revive his passion for life.
Yes, he decides to let start doing triathlons. My husband is in the next year are going to participate in IronMan. To me, it sounds scary - a whole day to run, swim and bike ride is not. It requires a lot of strength, endurance time. He needs to be trained, to purchase equipment, participate in marathons. And I have to live with his absence, employment, physical fatigue.
But that's nothing compared to how his eyes shine when he says this, and doing something. When he runs ten kilometers or swims a kilometer and a half. This makes it harder - not only physically, but also mentally.
One of the men dreaming of a motorcycle. My husband is one of them. And I prepare mentally to the fact that one day it will happen. I sometimes have to worry about him. And trust more. I know one girl who was very afraid, but has agreed to buy the motorcycle husband. When our movement and respect on the roads - this is a very extreme buying. But after a few years, and the husband of an employee has become a successful businessman. His wife, he carries on the machine. And he was still every night his iron horse saddles. And while they were married for more than ten years, it has recently admitted that passion has remained undiminished and is not lost. With this bike has more passion.
Interests downhill skiing, racing, mountaineering, sports, travel, exploits, dangerous journey, extreme exercises, communication with other men, and more, from what we want to protect the men - in fact, give them strength. Forces remain the man next to us. Force take responsibility. Power of asceticism and endurance. The real virility. That we so value and for which so miss.
And finally, I want to share with you a quote from the book of John Elridzha "Unbridled Heart". And that inspired me to write this article.
Yes, men are really dangerous. But the scalpel too dangerous. It may hurt, and could save your life. You're not trying to make it safer, it blunted; you put it in the hand of someone who knows how to handle it.
If you ever watched the horses, then you know that stallions can deliver a lot of problems. They are strong, very strong, and they are on your mind. Stallions do not usually like the reins and can behave very aggressively - especially if there is a mare. Stallion difficult to tame.
If you want to have a more peaceful and not dangerous animal, there is a simple way out: it should be neutered. The gelding is much more accommodating. You can literally lead him by the nose; He will do what you tell him, without expressing any protest. With him you will have only one problem: the gelding is not able to give life. He can not do that may stallion. Yes, the stallion - a dangerous animal, but if you need a life that he can give, you have to accept the fact that he is dangerous. One without the other does not happen ... »
Appreciate in men of their virility. And help them to become stronger and more courageous. There is nothing wrong in the fact that he did not wash the dishes at home. Buy the dishwasher - or learn to love the process. Suppose he does male things that without it no one will do. Things that fill it with strength and energy.
Because after the feat, he will come to you and put your feet all the trophies. And you embrace so that zahrustyat bones. From pleasure. Finally, you are the husband ....
© Olga Valyaeva
