Cupid - the rivers of water and thoughts

Taken here
Continue to highlight the realities of bureaucratic arbitrariness of the flooded areas of the Amur. On TV, we almost hourly hear about solid financial contribution towards flood victims. And that's how it is distributed in practice (living testimony of my friend Dr. Svetlana Pershina of the village. Nikolaevka):

"In general, an additional 3 hours ago I thought that my indignation break! But it so happened that while we repaired to a neighbor light ... I calmed down a bit, a little bit burned out or something ...

However, the post still write ... write! Because I have more time to prepare. If today the commission to come to us yet, I do not know what would have happened. It all started with the fact that I was going to go to the village council to write a complaint to the absence of the bridge through our "mountain river". Not far from the house, I saw that the water liberated from the street crowd anxious people. It turned out that came to the very commission that everyone was waiting for. Several people quickly go from house to house, spending every house no more than 2-3 minutes. Behind them go home confused, trying to show some photos, to explain something. Commission members dismiss people like annoying flies - or shout, or even ignored. They write something and go to the next house ... "Overhaul, no more" ... "you no matter what you can not count ..." "What can there be a liquidation?" ... Phrases rustle of the crowd alert is transmitted by word of mouth.

A young-looking woman, the head of the commission, irritated ... utters timid people, they are tired, how they work far away from the family, they have already worked in the Oktyabrsky and Leninsky districts ... And here we are bothered them asking ...

They are tired! Pity they should be! And if people are tired after 30 days of stay in the flood.? Is it the officials concerned? They went out, tired, in a warm hotel where you can relax and wash ... And those who are so irritating - in smelly, moldy home, or at best lofts ...

I also dare to turn to solntselikim asking whether they will go to inspect my house.

 - Do you have water in the house?
 - There ... in the basement.
 - I ask in the house? - Visibly irritated bureaucrat.
 - The basement in my house ...
 - I do not care where you have a basement!
 - (??? !!!!) In the basement, we have all the engineering systems.
 - The house has a water ?! - The official has almost broken on yelp.
 - In the rooms there is no water.
 - Where is your house? - Shouts bureaucrat.
 - There - I show up on the part of the street where the road has not yet left the water.
 - As we go through there? There's all flooded! - Shouts so that I know what I want to take a closer look sooooo!
 - In the courtyard there is no water, only on the street.
 - We do not proydeЁёёёёm !!!
 - (Of course, where do you can go in short glamorous boots) I come! - I feel that can not stand the nerves taut, bursts patience is now, in the stomach gets hurt - You do not need me, so to speak. What's your last name? I try my best not to raise his voice. She turned and went ...
 - Name !!! (I did not recognize your voice).
She stood back and threw me over his shoulder: "That sign your act and learn how my name».
 - Give your name. You'd better not ignore me - I said how the uterine voice.
The official went to the nearest house, entourage reached behind. After 2 minutes, they left. The official gave me a business card.

Here it is:

This is what is happening, my friends?
We do not own their homes flooded! We do not give them useless! We have no one asked nothing. We lived, built, raised children.
We are 32 days of emergency in flooded homes, in which it is impossible to live! We are tired, we do not see their children and do not eat normal food! We do not bathe in the end ...
What right does an official of the regional level to humiliate and insult us ?!
Why an official in construction regulations allow himself to behave this way?
Ignore the problem of the owners of households, household viewing without the presence of the owners, and after a cursory inspection make their value judgments.
Why do people know neither the commission nor the schedule according to which it moves through the village?
It is not known, and who supervises the commission?
Why is there no federal control commission, which decides the most important issue for the victims, where and how they will continue to live?
When will these conversations, we can not count on anything, which is regularly being discussed by officials at the local level, it does not seem to exist in Russia or federal laws or presidential decrees or government regulations?
When all the above-mentioned decree will be implemented and the related Russian Federal Law?
And who controls its execution?

By what right do all this outrage is going and who authorized it?

PS: Electric did not come :( I vyzvonit him and he said he could not go our "mountain river") ... poor ... I am silent, he did not even bother to call and announce that will not come.
Thank you neighbor! Eugene Vereshchagin restless soul! He worried that we are sitting without electricity! First he tried to get me to the electrician, and when he could not ... ... he came and together we figured out what we shorted. What a huge thanks to him. »
Mountain River



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