The zoo tiger befriended gave him a goat for dinner
Website learned about the extraordinary incident: in the Primorsky Safari Park Amur tiger became friends with a goat, which he sent as the production a few days ago! Tigers the park twice a week to eat live prey, and Cupid is able to hunt goats and rabbits. However, the last goat was too active, and the tiger did not want to tangle with him.
«Goat nobody taught to be afraid of the tiger. And Cupid has decided not to mess with so bold a goat, there he was gone. Moreover, the goat survived the Amur River from your own bedroom, and he sleeps in his place is already the fourth day "- told in the park.
Now Cupid sleeping on the roof of their own bedrooms. The goat is named for the courage Timur. Happy animals come together in an aviary and walk Timur took over the leader of the Amur River and follows him everywhere. "Fearlessness Amur Temur and caution led to such paradoxical result", - said the employees of the park.
via snob.ru/selected/entry/101285

«Goat nobody taught to be afraid of the tiger. And Cupid has decided not to mess with so bold a goat, there he was gone. Moreover, the goat survived the Amur River from your own bedroom, and he sleeps in his place is already the fourth day "- told in the park.

Now Cupid sleeping on the roof of their own bedrooms. The goat is named for the courage Timur. Happy animals come together in an aviary and walk Timur took over the leader of the Amur River and follows him everywhere. "Fearlessness Amur Temur and caution led to such paradoxical result", - said the employees of the park.

via snob.ru/selected/entry/101285