40 interesting facts about tigers (4 photos)
Tigers - magnificent creatures, now, unfortunately, endangered. We offer you a selection of interesting facts about these animals.
1. Unlike domestic cats, tigers have round rather than slit-like, the pupils. This is due to the fact that the nature of domestic cats are animals, nocturnal, and tigers - "sumerechniki": they hunt at dawn and at sunset.
2. Despite the fact that not too tigers eye adapted to the darkness of night vision at six times better than humans.
3. Most tigers have yellow eyes, but white tigers - blue eyes, due to the fact that the eye color and hair tigers meets the same gene.
4. Tigers mark territory by urinating on trees, and their urine has a pronounced smell of an oily popcorn.
5. From the smell of urine of another tiger tiger can get a lot of information: age, gender, reproductive function.
6. Male tigers have a large area of habitat than females, so they can find each other in a common area for mating. In this area the adult female has never crossed the territory of other females and males never meet each other.
7. Usually, tigers do not growl at other animals, but can experience the roar to communicate with other tigers from afar. If Tiger is going to attack, he was not growling and snorting and hissing.
8. When, after hunting for a victim claiming several tigers, males and females skip forward cubs, unlike lions, which do the opposite. The male tiger will not get into an argument over food, and just wait for your turn.
9. Voices Tigers as unique as human fingerprints.
10. Tiger Stripes on the forehead resemble the Chinese character for "king."
11. Just as in domestic cats, stripes on the tiger wool "duplicated" on his skin, so even shaved Tiger will still be striped.
12. Unlike most other cats, tigers love water and are excellent swimmers, able to hunt during the swim several kilometers and cross the river. Often Tigers swimming and playing in the water just for fun.
13. Tigers - the largest of the cat, but the size of the subspecies they are very different. The largest subspecies, the Siberian tiger, grows up to 3, 5 m long and has a weight of 300 kg, and the smallest, the Sumatran tiger, only up to 2 m and 100 kg.
14. Tigress able to conceive offspring only 4-5 days a year. During this period, they try to mate the largest possible number of times. Pregnancy lasts for 3 months, in one litter usually 2-3 tiger cub.
15. The first week of life cubs are blind. About half of them do not survive to adulthood.
16. The penis of the male is still quite sluggish during erection, so it does have a bone (called baculum), and it is covered with spiny teeth that support the connection during copulation.
17. Tigers prefer to attack the victim of an ambush. If the object of hunting tiger noticed, the probability that a tiger will attack quite small, since he lost. In some parts of India, people entering the forest, on his head wearing a mask in the shape of the face, to prevent the attack.
18. Normally, the Tigers do not consider people as victims, but, feeling threatened, the tiger will attack. In most cases, the attacks of tigers in the absence of other people provoked by mining in the territory habitat.
19. A small number of tigers tasted human flesh, becoming cannibals. One tiger, protection once their cubs from people then start to attack only on them. As long as it was not possible to kill, she ate about 430 people.
20. Due to the instinctive preference for hunting from an ambush, even the man-eating tigers do not attack human settlements and attack only the person who is alone. They usually prey on people at night, because they know that people do not see in the dark.
21. The Tigers are not able to purr. A state of bliss they show squinting or closing his eyes. Since the loss of even a second means vulnerability to attack, Tiger can afford to cover his eyes just feeling absolutely safe.
22. While running for short distances Tiger speeds up to 60 km / h.
23. Tigers can jump ahead to a distance of 6 m and 5 m upwards. Their legs are so muscular and powerful, that the tigers can remain standing even being killed.
24. Only 1 out of 10 hunting ends successfully, so that the tiger tries to eat a little more, when you can. After a successful hunt the tiger can dial up to 30 kg reserve.
25. Although the tiger freely live without food for several days, he began to feel hungry soon enough compared with other animals, because of the huge size of quickly losing weight. Tiger dies of hunger in 2-3 weeks, while people without much harm to health may be hungry for 30-40 days.
26. Tigers are able to imitate the voices of other animals, in order to attract prey.
27. Due to similar environmental conditions make up a large part of the bears Tiger diet. Tigers can growl bearish manners to lure the victim into his claws.
28. Tigers kill prey by strangulation or Gnawing neck. If the neck artery rupture quickly, the animal dies in a matter of seconds. If the tiger grabbed fails, he will hang on the neck of the victim, clenched jaws, until it runs out of blood or suffocate.
29. Occasionally a tiger paw use in the attack. One hit a bear paw able to cut out a skull and a broken back.
30. Jaws tigers are so powerful that they can bite through bone.
31. Tigers have adapted well to the conditions of hunting. For example, meeting a crocodile, a tiger will not try to kill his favorite way -prokusyvaya neck, because he knows that the neck is covered with a thick layer of crocodile skin strong. Instead, he tries to blind tiger reptile paw hitting the eyes, and then overturn it and clung to the soft vulnerable belly.
32. Saliva tiger has an antiseptic effect. They are licking their wounds for disinfecting.
33. As with other cats, tiger's tongue is covered with fleshy bristles, which can comb hair when licking.
34. Today, in the world we live 6 species of tigers Amur tiger, the South China tiger, the Indochinese tiger, the Malayan tiger, Sumatran tiger, and the Bengal tiger.
35. Different subspecies of tigers have a different color: white, golden, black and even blue. There are no confirmed data on the existence of blue tiger, the so-called Maltese.
36. Over the past 80 years, died three subspecies of tigers. The Bali tiger was deliberately cut off, as in the Bali cultural tradition, he was considered the epitome of evil. Javan tiger became extinct after the coffee plantations in Java deprived of his habitat. All Caspian tigers died due to people hunting them.
37. Tigers live about 25 years, both in nature and in captivity.
38. In the wild, the earth there are only 3,500 tigers. However, a lot of tigers found in captivity.
39. Tigers - solitary animals, only tigress spend some time in a group with cubs until they get stronger.
40. Tigers can mate and produce offspring with other wild cat, except lvov.Istochnik:

1. Unlike domestic cats, tigers have round rather than slit-like, the pupils. This is due to the fact that the nature of domestic cats are animals, nocturnal, and tigers - "sumerechniki": they hunt at dawn and at sunset.
2. Despite the fact that not too tigers eye adapted to the darkness of night vision at six times better than humans.
3. Most tigers have yellow eyes, but white tigers - blue eyes, due to the fact that the eye color and hair tigers meets the same gene.
4. Tigers mark territory by urinating on trees, and their urine has a pronounced smell of an oily popcorn.
5. From the smell of urine of another tiger tiger can get a lot of information: age, gender, reproductive function.
6. Male tigers have a large area of habitat than females, so they can find each other in a common area for mating. In this area the adult female has never crossed the territory of other females and males never meet each other.
7. Usually, tigers do not growl at other animals, but can experience the roar to communicate with other tigers from afar. If Tiger is going to attack, he was not growling and snorting and hissing.
8. When, after hunting for a victim claiming several tigers, males and females skip forward cubs, unlike lions, which do the opposite. The male tiger will not get into an argument over food, and just wait for your turn.
9. Voices Tigers as unique as human fingerprints.

10. Tiger Stripes on the forehead resemble the Chinese character for "king."
11. Just as in domestic cats, stripes on the tiger wool "duplicated" on his skin, so even shaved Tiger will still be striped.
12. Unlike most other cats, tigers love water and are excellent swimmers, able to hunt during the swim several kilometers and cross the river. Often Tigers swimming and playing in the water just for fun.
13. Tigers - the largest of the cat, but the size of the subspecies they are very different. The largest subspecies, the Siberian tiger, grows up to 3, 5 m long and has a weight of 300 kg, and the smallest, the Sumatran tiger, only up to 2 m and 100 kg.
14. Tigress able to conceive offspring only 4-5 days a year. During this period, they try to mate the largest possible number of times. Pregnancy lasts for 3 months, in one litter usually 2-3 tiger cub.
15. The first week of life cubs are blind. About half of them do not survive to adulthood.
16. The penis of the male is still quite sluggish during erection, so it does have a bone (called baculum), and it is covered with spiny teeth that support the connection during copulation.
17. Tigers prefer to attack the victim of an ambush. If the object of hunting tiger noticed, the probability that a tiger will attack quite small, since he lost. In some parts of India, people entering the forest, on his head wearing a mask in the shape of the face, to prevent the attack.
18. Normally, the Tigers do not consider people as victims, but, feeling threatened, the tiger will attack. In most cases, the attacks of tigers in the absence of other people provoked by mining in the territory habitat.
19. A small number of tigers tasted human flesh, becoming cannibals. One tiger, protection once their cubs from people then start to attack only on them. As long as it was not possible to kill, she ate about 430 people.

20. Due to the instinctive preference for hunting from an ambush, even the man-eating tigers do not attack human settlements and attack only the person who is alone. They usually prey on people at night, because they know that people do not see in the dark.
21. The Tigers are not able to purr. A state of bliss they show squinting or closing his eyes. Since the loss of even a second means vulnerability to attack, Tiger can afford to cover his eyes just feeling absolutely safe.
22. While running for short distances Tiger speeds up to 60 km / h.
23. Tigers can jump ahead to a distance of 6 m and 5 m upwards. Their legs are so muscular and powerful, that the tigers can remain standing even being killed.
24. Only 1 out of 10 hunting ends successfully, so that the tiger tries to eat a little more, when you can. After a successful hunt the tiger can dial up to 30 kg reserve.
25. Although the tiger freely live without food for several days, he began to feel hungry soon enough compared with other animals, because of the huge size of quickly losing weight. Tiger dies of hunger in 2-3 weeks, while people without much harm to health may be hungry for 30-40 days.
26. Tigers are able to imitate the voices of other animals, in order to attract prey.
27. Due to similar environmental conditions make up a large part of the bears Tiger diet. Tigers can growl bearish manners to lure the victim into his claws.
28. Tigers kill prey by strangulation or Gnawing neck. If the neck artery rupture quickly, the animal dies in a matter of seconds. If the tiger grabbed fails, he will hang on the neck of the victim, clenched jaws, until it runs out of blood or suffocate.
29. Occasionally a tiger paw use in the attack. One hit a bear paw able to cut out a skull and a broken back.

30. Jaws tigers are so powerful that they can bite through bone.
31. Tigers have adapted well to the conditions of hunting. For example, meeting a crocodile, a tiger will not try to kill his favorite way -prokusyvaya neck, because he knows that the neck is covered with a thick layer of crocodile skin strong. Instead, he tries to blind tiger reptile paw hitting the eyes, and then overturn it and clung to the soft vulnerable belly.
32. Saliva tiger has an antiseptic effect. They are licking their wounds for disinfecting.
33. As with other cats, tiger's tongue is covered with fleshy bristles, which can comb hair when licking.
34. Today, in the world we live 6 species of tigers Amur tiger, the South China tiger, the Indochinese tiger, the Malayan tiger, Sumatran tiger, and the Bengal tiger.
35. Different subspecies of tigers have a different color: white, golden, black and even blue. There are no confirmed data on the existence of blue tiger, the so-called Maltese.
36. Over the past 80 years, died three subspecies of tigers. The Bali tiger was deliberately cut off, as in the Bali cultural tradition, he was considered the epitome of evil. Javan tiger became extinct after the coffee plantations in Java deprived of his habitat. All Caspian tigers died due to people hunting them.
37. Tigers live about 25 years, both in nature and in captivity.
38. In the wild, the earth there are only 3,500 tigers. However, a lot of tigers found in captivity.
39. Tigers - solitary animals, only tigress spend some time in a group with cubs until they get stronger.
40. Tigers can mate and produce offspring with other wild cat, except lvov.Istochnik:
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