When it's time to throw a drink?
When it's time to throw a drink?
You congratulate each other on Friday? What do you do after that? Now is not it strange if a man gets drunk every Friday to a "vgovno" pohmelyatsya on Saturday and Sunday, "cucumber", because he does not drink all week. Also, it does not feel any tragedy, if you drink a day for a glass of wine or coffee often pamper yourself with brandy.
You can even call each other alcoholics jokingly, knowing that it is not. But what if it is? Of course, everyone knows that it is better to stop drinking completely, but rarely does it. Where is the fine line between a healthy person who drinks alcohol and an alcoholic who thinks he is a healthy man?
A little bit about drinking alcohol without
So, in the evening on a weekday one called you drink a glass of beer in his favorite bar, a friend calling to visit and take wine after work to de-stress you drink a cup of coffee and brandy pretty charged. This is about you?
It - episodic drinking.
You can not even say how often you drink, because it is very irregular, and you can not say exactly how much to drink to get drunk, because it depends. If you have touched, in the morning it will be bad, but the thought of alcohol in that condition cause you nausea.
It's too early to worry if your episodes are repeated too often.
Another type - a ritual drunkenness.
This boasts every second. Family or public holidays traditionally cope with alcohol and you do not give up alcohol. Very fun to plan all along, that you will eat and drink, buy all that, then sit down and actually celebrate. On other days you do not touch alcohol.
It is also not very scary, but considered only serious parties, and not the International Day of KVN day or a journalist in China (of course, if you do not KVNschik and Chinese journalist).
So we got to the first dangerous levels of drinking - the usual.
If you can drink with reason (well, of course!) Or not, or an occasion for you to become completely any event, such as stress at work, or even return to work.
This does not mean that you do every day nazhiratsya to the state of the log, but drink very often. Sometimes you can not drink it (it helps you to think that you're not an alcoholic and does not depend on it), but these periods of sobriety are becoming rarer.
Attention! If you drink two times a week, stable, and sometimes more, it is. For habitual drunkenness relentlessly follows the first stage of alcoholism, and the body, in the meantime, here's what happens.
As the body gets used to the booze
Gradually imbalance in the brain chemicals: gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamate and dopamine hormone. The first agent responsible for impulsivity, the second - for the stimulation of the nervous system and dopamine, all for the pleasure that decides.
The metabolism of this hormone in the centers of pleasure and reward centers varies, so you stop getting pleasure from simple things that are not pleasing to alcoholics.
Of course, everything is not as critical as in advanced cases, when the pleasure and generally normal existence is unthinkable without the alcohol, but the extent of the joy of meeting with friends, festive events and all the rest without alcohol is markedly reduced.
When the body has become accustomed
When drinking alcohol becomes easy, do not need any event, to drink, you can do it just like that. Freshen the nip is not desirable, but you can make yourself. For example, if you need to go to work, and you really bad, or Saturday morning or on Sunday.
And here are a few signs that you can call yourself an alcoholic is not a joke:
One is also not bad to drink, and no matter what - beer or vodka in front of the TV, because sadly at work got.
I want to drink, just so.
I do not know how to control yourself - drink to cut, and then drag your friends back home.
Memory lapses. Large areas of dead neurons in the brain carry with them into oblivion the memory of yesterday's fun.
There are their own, special rituals - a walk after work with a beer bottle with your favorite music on the player, on Friday to celebrate a liter of vodka or something else such as a regular.
Scores a lot on that. Favorite activity disappear, there is simply no more interest in doing something that always brought pleasure, for example, engage in sports or glue airplanes.
More quarrels with relatives and friends. You besites for nothing, and constantly with someone at loggerheads.
In fact, you're not alone in his lung alcoholism, a lot of people staying at this stage may be a long time on it, or quit entirely.
But how much time passes before the first stage will go into the third (standard alcoholic, about which no one doubts)?
It depends on your condition, nature, health and gender. Maybe five to seven years, maybe a few months. If there are some problems: broken heart, trouble at work, lost inspiration, many have comforted usual way, and this is really dangerous.
Which exit? Throw completely.
The first stage of alcoholism can be checked as follows: try not to drink for three months.
Many people think that it's easy, but few handle. In the end, in the three months to recover your body will begin to develop again as much dopamine as necessary to get high without drinking. Who knows, maybe then you just do not want to start again?
You congratulate each other on Friday? What do you do after that? Now is not it strange if a man gets drunk every Friday to a "vgovno" pohmelyatsya on Saturday and Sunday, "cucumber", because he does not drink all week. Also, it does not feel any tragedy, if you drink a day for a glass of wine or coffee often pamper yourself with brandy.
You can even call each other alcoholics jokingly, knowing that it is not. But what if it is? Of course, everyone knows that it is better to stop drinking completely, but rarely does it. Where is the fine line between a healthy person who drinks alcohol and an alcoholic who thinks he is a healthy man?
A little bit about drinking alcohol without
So, in the evening on a weekday one called you drink a glass of beer in his favorite bar, a friend calling to visit and take wine after work to de-stress you drink a cup of coffee and brandy pretty charged. This is about you?
It - episodic drinking.
You can not even say how often you drink, because it is very irregular, and you can not say exactly how much to drink to get drunk, because it depends. If you have touched, in the morning it will be bad, but the thought of alcohol in that condition cause you nausea.
It's too early to worry if your episodes are repeated too often.
Another type - a ritual drunkenness.
This boasts every second. Family or public holidays traditionally cope with alcohol and you do not give up alcohol. Very fun to plan all along, that you will eat and drink, buy all that, then sit down and actually celebrate. On other days you do not touch alcohol.
It is also not very scary, but considered only serious parties, and not the International Day of KVN day or a journalist in China (of course, if you do not KVNschik and Chinese journalist).
So we got to the first dangerous levels of drinking - the usual.
If you can drink with reason (well, of course!) Or not, or an occasion for you to become completely any event, such as stress at work, or even return to work.
This does not mean that you do every day nazhiratsya to the state of the log, but drink very often. Sometimes you can not drink it (it helps you to think that you're not an alcoholic and does not depend on it), but these periods of sobriety are becoming rarer.
Attention! If you drink two times a week, stable, and sometimes more, it is. For habitual drunkenness relentlessly follows the first stage of alcoholism, and the body, in the meantime, here's what happens.
As the body gets used to the booze
Gradually imbalance in the brain chemicals: gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamate and dopamine hormone. The first agent responsible for impulsivity, the second - for the stimulation of the nervous system and dopamine, all for the pleasure that decides.
The metabolism of this hormone in the centers of pleasure and reward centers varies, so you stop getting pleasure from simple things that are not pleasing to alcoholics.
Of course, everything is not as critical as in advanced cases, when the pleasure and generally normal existence is unthinkable without the alcohol, but the extent of the joy of meeting with friends, festive events and all the rest without alcohol is markedly reduced.
When the body has become accustomed
When drinking alcohol becomes easy, do not need any event, to drink, you can do it just like that. Freshen the nip is not desirable, but you can make yourself. For example, if you need to go to work, and you really bad, or Saturday morning or on Sunday.
And here are a few signs that you can call yourself an alcoholic is not a joke:
One is also not bad to drink, and no matter what - beer or vodka in front of the TV, because sadly at work got.
I want to drink, just so.
I do not know how to control yourself - drink to cut, and then drag your friends back home.
Memory lapses. Large areas of dead neurons in the brain carry with them into oblivion the memory of yesterday's fun.
There are their own, special rituals - a walk after work with a beer bottle with your favorite music on the player, on Friday to celebrate a liter of vodka or something else such as a regular.
Scores a lot on that. Favorite activity disappear, there is simply no more interest in doing something that always brought pleasure, for example, engage in sports or glue airplanes.
More quarrels with relatives and friends. You besites for nothing, and constantly with someone at loggerheads.
In fact, you're not alone in his lung alcoholism, a lot of people staying at this stage may be a long time on it, or quit entirely.
But how much time passes before the first stage will go into the third (standard alcoholic, about which no one doubts)?
It depends on your condition, nature, health and gender. Maybe five to seven years, maybe a few months. If there are some problems: broken heart, trouble at work, lost inspiration, many have comforted usual way, and this is really dangerous.
Which exit? Throw completely.
The first stage of alcoholism can be checked as follows: try not to drink for three months.
Many people think that it's easy, but few handle. In the end, in the three months to recover your body will begin to develop again as much dopamine as necessary to get high without drinking. Who knows, maybe then you just do not want to start again?
