As I close up the kitchen
Strongly all welcome.
Having seen a lot of the repairs, and I decided to put on public trial his rukozhopstvo.
So: we have a barn-extension to the house (private sector), which accumulates in all it was a pity to throw away. Until then, even the shed like cows kept. HZ, 50 years ago. 2 taken out the garbage. I am trying to burn but Suco smokes heavily. fireplace and it could be seen from space.
There was a desire from this room to close up the kitchen - dining room. I turned on the calculation of 25m2 (which is not bad). The budget of the event - 0 USD (maybe a little more). By the time it took almost the entire winter, as I have done deliberately, after work. So to say the fun.
I changed a couple of rafters. I cut off the roof. I laid in and put windows.
It's time to warm.
The roof was obtained at an angle. The height of the premises is not allowed to align.
insulated - it was immediately comfortable to work. -20 On the street, inside +2
part of the room was below the overall level. to my offer to make a step - call me an idiot. so we had to raise the floor
in parallel, it was decided to get rid of the doors and make the opening
Having seen a lot of the repairs, and I decided to put on public trial his rukozhopstvo.
So: we have a barn-extension to the house (private sector), which accumulates in all it was a pity to throw away. Until then, even the shed like cows kept. HZ, 50 years ago. 2 taken out the garbage. I am trying to burn but Suco smokes heavily. fireplace and it could be seen from space.
There was a desire from this room to close up the kitchen - dining room. I turned on the calculation of 25m2 (which is not bad). The budget of the event - 0 USD (maybe a little more). By the time it took almost the entire winter, as I have done deliberately, after work. So to say the fun.

I changed a couple of rafters. I cut off the roof. I laid in and put windows.
It's time to warm.

The roof was obtained at an angle. The height of the premises is not allowed to align.

insulated - it was immediately comfortable to work. -20 On the street, inside +2

part of the room was below the overall level. to my offer to make a step - call me an idiot. so we had to raise the floor

in parallel, it was decided to get rid of the doors and make the opening
