Already zapilivaem sorry ...

That is now the legacy of the Soviet Union I got from Father (God rest his soul). Toy (!) Electronic kit for children from 14 years (!). Will 7 photo and some letters, please do not break.

1. Open

2. Content:

3. Extract from the general guidelines:

4. Adequate these practical tips:

5 shows the electrical and wiring diagrams. 14 years ... I am the scheme for the first time saw a second period of their elektrofaka ... No, I do not argue, as many still adolescence that there twisted-soldered (mainly Chinese sherpotreb who constantly broke), but the pattern was the same: identify where fallen off / go signal / served napyazhenie - soldered. Electrical:

6. Installation:

7. Zener (!), Diodes (!) ... Again, the same rate of electronics elektrofaka ... In the country I had just been born, but you know, if we accept that here in these things is the same Soviet Union, then yes, I - sovkodrocher! That's all I wanted to say.
