Winter squandered! 1 part.
Dear friends. I want to introduce you to the report, as we have lived in Pattaya (Thailand) last winter. how to do it, how many there were, where they were and that they had seen, as well as a lot of pictures that complement the picture of the story. This is the first experience for the mass of part- and photos tozhe- want to share everything. If the topic is interesna- second part will do tomorrow.
So start.
1. As we sobralis- I do not like winter, and always dreamed of even one life walk. And after the wedding, yet there are no children, it was decided to go to the eternal leta- Thailand. Poizuchat forumy- selected the city Pattaya (hereinafter ITL) - will explain why. For pervyh- a developed tourist town, with which constantly something going on. For vtoryh- It's pretty Russian city can find a company (3 months is not 2 weeks). And the third is it really cheaper islands.
2. work- for convenience and to avoid a showdown over the "Man About Town and asshole" will take me majeure
3. the Budget of 230 thousand rubles. 60 on flight Uzbekistan Airways to transfer in Tashkent (round-trip with an open date). 170 at all about everything.
4. Housing - filmed at their own risk through an Internet 12 thousand. Baht per month- a small studio in a huge residential complex (about it later)
Unfortunately pictures outset disappeared bezvozvratno- why Chinese temple on the mountain at the Golden Buddha
For poezka in Nong nuch vyberaem early utro- and highlight the day. TMA, you will see a lot better interesnogo- including elephant show. But there is a price tag inhumane. Garden ogoromen- very interesting
And here is our house- Jomtien Beach Condon all Russian who came for the first time come here :) The apartments are small, Conder arranged so that if a neighbor that includes shakes your wall trenazherka zadrocheny- but a lot of shops, massazhek, 2 swimming pools and close to the sea
The pool is open until 22. there are ping pong and a gym. And a cafe with super brake service (even for Asia)
This again Nong Nooch
This field babochek- In the next part I'll post that was done to them after 3 mesyatsa-
In Nong Nuche can go slone- I would not sovetoval- firstly it is very expensive 500 life and person, in vtoryh- elephant necessary katatsya not on asphalt and on dzhunglyam- there realize the charm
Glade mamontov- they are huge
I'm on svinyushkah :)
Slice of Italian garden
how not to feed an elephant? It is the way to be happy about eating kokosy- none znaet- and all their vykidyvayut- so, guys, feed elephants coconuts!
Vystvke machines donated by the son of the mistress parka- 200 million on vskidochku- about it but you can do a separate post them there are many
I sincerely love the Queen and family
The view from the observation
The lake bred fish including river gigantov- with unpronounceable nazvaniem- they simply epic
evening we loved to dial different products on the market to sit on the beach and kushat- well and hangers right there
Posted in [mergetime] 1392667773 [/ mergetime]
On the food I want to stop on details. Where and how pitatsya? You can have a home- kitchen, there are super market, shops too. But Perov time- then laziness, you go to the street, walk into a cafe-lbimoe and in our case sadishsya at a table in the street near the house familiar tayki- and it prepares you epic in size meal for only 50 baht. You can eat safely and vezde- travanut only in Russian cafe-eatery And more terrible, so it tastes better and safer
Thais explain some reason only a glance so sweet and smiling, if they hurt them around interests rather cruel folk and so if you were poisoned of Person no one will go to complain where ever- palkami- beaten with bamboo and the whole business
This blanks ice kokteylya- to throw ice and sugar sirop- stirred blender and voila! highly not recommended to drink in the first dni- angina provided 67%
Strawberries in tae not rastёt- privoznaya- it tastes like grass
This range of so-called mobile makashnits- sellers edy- can safely take 10 baht one little thing :) cheap and tasty
Posted in [mergetime] 1392668175 [/ mergetime]
These balls risa- though similar to sossiki- 1 baht thing
Motorbikes, cars and so on.
I took the most expensive of all the Honda moped PSX - it is more stable on the road. But in the city, alas, too heavy. To drive you need international driving license cat. A. they have Mey is. If you think that you are not very poymayut- zrya- catch and more than once. But corruption is a city-forming enterprise pattai- so 100-300 (1000- 10000 buhoy ate porridge) and ed on
I took a couple of days here is a jeep 1000 baht a day. Uzhastno eats, looks cool, it is impossible to ride Shaped :) drove on it to khao kheo- on the road 60 km-moped was easier :)
Generally no experience Bart technique not rekomeduyu- dvizhuha in Pattaya hells, left-hand movement, even though culture is very vysokaya- simply top it seems chaos
Posted in [mergetime] 1392668816 [/ mergetime]
In general, for every taste and color-mopeds from 250 a day, or 2,500 per month to 9,000 (as at me but I took 5000 nulёvy)
Machines from 800 baht a day
Vazhno- rentals generally earn what you ushataete equipment and will pay for repairs at prices so dillera- chtoo Check the condition of the brakes, especially on mopeds.
The farther from the center and rental lively ulits- the cheaper times 2 times
view of the tower of the hotel with park-Pattaya it can slide on trose- around 400 baht per udovolsvtvie
Famous bars volkina- write, well, what the hell. corruption and sodomy :) as well as the cafe-RUSSIAN about it separately
This zapisaka was found on the table cafe-Russian This is a very old quarter in the place where volkine- nostalgic for his homeland yesterday arrived tourists. There's dancing Serduchka, expensive home, chock fight with the Slavs, and can not be with her all Olopaevsk away. When the blues found on domu- we went to a Russian cafe :)
Maghazi saleswoman decided sfotkatsya well and I arrived :)
About Volkova Street.
This is the road to paradise or hell paved with vice and alcohol. There's dancing till you drop and do the devil understand that. Gulevanit Volkov every day can be at one uslovii- you are a tourist for 10 days.
But in the meantime we are heading to the garden Miniatures Mini Siam. Located in the Naklua On Sukhomvite
Cathedral which a mother?
instead of whether to go to Pisa?
there will
Pride pst
traditional village
Bangkok is
Royal Palace
And there could not have done without it
mngo all there so that we can all do
Hotel Post
Fishermen-Biter. Terribly tickled, 100 baht (then found 50)
Children's competition beauty- vacation packages you never posestite such Arragement but generally not necessary. They sang, danced traditional tantsa- was fun.
Thus began a national holiday Loy Krathong - the spirit of the water, which that year coincided with one to another with heavenly. everyone ought to become run paper lanterns and vdnye fonariki- that day in the PTT sluchlsya international festival of fireworks
Our poplyl- it is made of colored dough
We are trying for the first time in his life to start torch
After 10 meters, he hung on the rescue rig and burned :( To the joy I have one within a radius of 50 meters was lighter, and I ran more Lantern 20 then becoming extremely prof. Launcher
On the palate creates Fier I crappy photographer, I could not pass that, but Now imagine hundreds of thousands of lights in the night sky against the backdrop of the glittering city
And then we went in search of rock Buddhas huge.
We wandered into a quiet hotel-there are houses in daleke- 22 thousand per month, and this hotel, with all the cleaning and chores. Looking ahead skazhu- Friends turisty- how can we fool the operators ... Shocking
It is preparing to svadbe- simply placed in the courtyard of the scene on the day of the city, how to lay the table for 600 people and the whole village gulevanit- so accepted. after having visited in the DR taytsa- I ponyal- gulnut that they do not druaki
Buddha in the day was not found. so we went to dilfinariy- carry zheny- dream to swim with dolphins
It came out not quite what I wanted. For 2000 baht you shift the bit to participate in the show and the dolphin 2 laps with a flat snout dragged you in a circle
A PPT stepped Stage International Cup on jet skis !!!
Before performances stuntman was rather unclear even for skuchno- schёom nothing but spray in all directions. But these guys otozhgi to complete. Here it is necessary to watch video. do not show
The park
This is the famous thing to fly over the water
Riding on the solid surface, we came across a wonderful place- pier, where tourists simply do not go. Excellent views of the Temple of Truth. Pierce far acts Bay
That we have exotic palm
During low tide, the ships at the feast, just lie on the bottom
And in the restaurant you can eat such snacks here (the restaurant is very pretentious and expensive) can not be said about his raspolozhenii- well, then type the most svezhak. there are huge aquariums and there
All that is in this picture
While riding back, we met Pacos among high-rise buildings elephants. Asia with
Meanwhile, we gathered at the foamy disco in the Hard Rock hotel-entrance 500 baht and my Soviet thumps up vhoda- for 25 ml. Vodka 150 baht
About swimming in the PPT. Yes 500 thousand city on the water does chistoy- I personally would at the center. PPT in the water did not go. swimming are 2 different versions, for the time and money the same way. 1. Koh Landau from the central pier othodtya ferry (30 baht 40 Minto on the way) High-speed ferries (150 bat- 40 minutes but on the other side of the island and back and forth, the most stupid variant is such a drowned recently) and AIDS boty- 20 minutes from 250 to 600 baht hell knows some reason quickly, shaking fun with booze. We certainly went for 30 baht paromah- for more fun and cheaper, and we have nowhere to rush
Posted in [mergetime] 1392671892 [/ mergetime]
2. This is a military version of the beach-it is the south entrance near pattai- 60 bat- in general, that is what comes out. We are in search of the beach managed to infiltrate the base of the navy and oversees training of marine infantry they zveri- heat 40 of any form through the floor of obstacles ... Shocking. And yet seen the landing. like so proizoshlo- hell znaet- Do not know where the pictures, look for
It is time to leave the Russians can vyalitsya strany- in Thailand 30 days- then need to go abroad and return. Or make a long-term visa but we felt that nafig. So Cambodia!
Posted in [mergetime] 1392672085 [/ mergetime]
Then you realize why the Thais love how his god korolya- around them in the states shaped fucked up, and Cambodia has horosha- what is happening in Burma and Laos all hell to explain
We took a tour of 2300 bat- is extremely cheap even by our greedy mordam- we drove, fed, we lived 2 days. This hovel lake people
Just out of the boat on the move jumped the woman with a basket edy- and is now trying her for vtyuhivat Ouen dolyar
They are born, live and die without going ashore
Creatively reworked Toyota Carina
special paint I will not say that these places are amazing. Google Angkor Wat
It's all been absorbed by the jungle for centuries
In both
2 at the beginning of the millennium in this town have lived 1.2 million people ... just imagine
It was very very hot, take it with a hat and it's not shutka- zonty- I almost died out there
not just in concrete nurnul
All the heat went to the roof. This is the way a pool for ritual ablutions ... A thousand years ago they had the pools were ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1392672845 [/ mergetime]
stage in these temples are made in such a way that you can only climb the face and go down, too - so no ass gods
After we went to the Festival of speed in Bang Scientology I made a separate topic here, but it has not passed :) so tcho little bit
These thien bich- funniest sh to look at to the Lana
I increased sharpness
Budget for those who want a scooter and there is no money
Rebyatushki- is everything. Then there was much more, if it is interesting to tell.
That rule nekotrye long life to tae
1. Forget what you do not merge turist- loot right and left
2. Look for options to save money - they always have, and often surpass even more expensive
3. Be friends with mestnymi- they are always prompt
4. Buha with turistami- they poedut- home and you sopёshsya :)
5. Do not be sad at home - there will still
6. Do not scoff at your friends who winter :)
So start.
1. As we sobralis- I do not like winter, and always dreamed of even one life walk. And after the wedding, yet there are no children, it was decided to go to the eternal leta- Thailand. Poizuchat forumy- selected the city Pattaya (hereinafter ITL) - will explain why. For pervyh- a developed tourist town, with which constantly something going on. For vtoryh- It's pretty Russian city can find a company (3 months is not 2 weeks). And the third is it really cheaper islands.
2. work- for convenience and to avoid a showdown over the "Man About Town and asshole" will take me majeure
3. the Budget of 230 thousand rubles. 60 on flight Uzbekistan Airways to transfer in Tashkent (round-trip with an open date). 170 at all about everything.
4. Housing - filmed at their own risk through an Internet 12 thousand. Baht per month- a small studio in a huge residential complex (about it later)



Unfortunately pictures outset disappeared bezvozvratno- why Chinese temple on the mountain at the Golden Buddha


For poezka in Nong nuch vyberaem early utro- and highlight the day. TMA, you will see a lot better interesnogo- including elephant show. But there is a price tag inhumane. Garden ogoromen- very interesting

And here is our house- Jomtien Beach Condon all Russian who came for the first time come here :) The apartments are small, Conder arranged so that if a neighbor that includes shakes your wall trenazherka zadrocheny- but a lot of shops, massazhek, 2 swimming pools and close to the sea

The pool is open until 22. there are ping pong and a gym. And a cafe with super brake service (even for Asia)

This again Nong Nooch





This field babochek- In the next part I'll post that was done to them after 3 mesyatsa-

In Nong Nuche can go slone- I would not sovetoval- firstly it is very expensive 500 life and person, in vtoryh- elephant necessary katatsya not on asphalt and on dzhunglyam- there realize the charm

Glade mamontov- they are huge

I'm on svinyushkah :)

Slice of Italian garden

how not to feed an elephant? It is the way to be happy about eating kokosy- none znaet- and all their vykidyvayut- so, guys, feed elephants coconuts!

Vystvke machines donated by the son of the mistress parka- 200 million on vskidochku- about it but you can do a separate post them there are many

I sincerely love the Queen and family

The view from the observation

The lake bred fish including river gigantov- with unpronounceable nazvaniem- they simply epic

evening we loved to dial different products on the market to sit on the beach and kushat- well and hangers right there





Posted in [mergetime] 1392667773 [/ mergetime]
On the food I want to stop on details. Where and how pitatsya? You can have a home- kitchen, there are super market, shops too. But Perov time- then laziness, you go to the street, walk into a cafe-lbimoe and in our case sadishsya at a table in the street near the house familiar tayki- and it prepares you epic in size meal for only 50 baht. You can eat safely and vezde- travanut only in Russian cafe-eatery And more terrible, so it tastes better and safer

Thais explain some reason only a glance so sweet and smiling, if they hurt them around interests rather cruel folk and so if you were poisoned of Person no one will go to complain where ever- palkami- beaten with bamboo and the whole business

This blanks ice kokteylya- to throw ice and sugar sirop- stirred blender and voila! highly not recommended to drink in the first dni- angina provided 67%

Strawberries in tae not rastёt- privoznaya- it tastes like grass

This range of so-called mobile makashnits- sellers edy- can safely take 10 baht one little thing :) cheap and tasty

Posted in [mergetime] 1392668175 [/ mergetime]
These balls risa- though similar to sossiki- 1 baht thing

Motorbikes, cars and so on.
I took the most expensive of all the Honda moped PSX - it is more stable on the road. But in the city, alas, too heavy. To drive you need international driving license cat. A. they have Mey is. If you think that you are not very poymayut- zrya- catch and more than once. But corruption is a city-forming enterprise pattai- so 100-300 (1000- 10000 buhoy ate porridge) and ed on

I took a couple of days here is a jeep 1000 baht a day. Uzhastno eats, looks cool, it is impossible to ride Shaped :) drove on it to khao kheo- on the road 60 km-moped was easier :)
Generally no experience Bart technique not rekomeduyu- dvizhuha in Pattaya hells, left-hand movement, even though culture is very vysokaya- simply top it seems chaos





Posted in [mergetime] 1392668816 [/ mergetime]
In general, for every taste and color-mopeds from 250 a day, or 2,500 per month to 9,000 (as at me but I took 5000 nulёvy)
Machines from 800 baht a day
Vazhno- rentals generally earn what you ushataete equipment and will pay for repairs at prices so dillera- chtoo Check the condition of the brakes, especially on mopeds.
The farther from the center and rental lively ulits- the cheaper times 2 times

view of the tower of the hotel with park-Pattaya it can slide on trose- around 400 baht per udovolsvtvie

Famous bars volkina- write, well, what the hell. corruption and sodomy :) as well as the cafe-RUSSIAN about it separately

This zapisaka was found on the table cafe-Russian This is a very old quarter in the place where volkine- nostalgic for his homeland yesterday arrived tourists. There's dancing Serduchka, expensive home, chock fight with the Slavs, and can not be with her all Olopaevsk away. When the blues found on domu- we went to a Russian cafe :)

Maghazi saleswoman decided sfotkatsya well and I arrived :)

About Volkova Street.
This is the road to paradise or hell paved with vice and alcohol. There's dancing till you drop and do the devil understand that. Gulevanit Volkov every day can be at one uslovii- you are a tourist for 10 days.

But in the meantime we are heading to the garden Miniatures Mini Siam. Located in the Naklua On Sukhomvite



Cathedral which a mother?

instead of whether to go to Pisa?

there will

Pride pst

traditional village

Bangkok is


Royal Palace

And there could not have done without it


mngo all there so that we can all do
Hotel Post

Fishermen-Biter. Terribly tickled, 100 baht (then found 50)

Children's competition beauty- vacation packages you never posestite such Arragement but generally not necessary. They sang, danced traditional tantsa- was fun.
Thus began a national holiday Loy Krathong - the spirit of the water, which that year coincided with one to another with heavenly. everyone ought to become run paper lanterns and vdnye fonariki- that day in the PTT sluchlsya international festival of fireworks

Our poplyl- it is made of colored dough

We are trying for the first time in his life to start torch

After 10 meters, he hung on the rescue rig and burned :( To the joy I have one within a radius of 50 meters was lighter, and I ran more Lantern 20 then becoming extremely prof. Launcher

On the palate creates Fier I crappy photographer, I could not pass that, but Now imagine hundreds of thousands of lights in the night sky against the backdrop of the glittering city



And then we went in search of rock Buddhas huge.

We wandered into a quiet hotel-there are houses in daleke- 22 thousand per month, and this hotel, with all the cleaning and chores. Looking ahead skazhu- Friends turisty- how can we fool the operators ... Shocking


It is preparing to svadbe- simply placed in the courtyard of the scene on the day of the city, how to lay the table for 600 people and the whole village gulevanit- so accepted. after having visited in the DR taytsa- I ponyal- gulnut that they do not druaki

Buddha in the day was not found. so we went to dilfinariy- carry zheny- dream to swim with dolphins


It came out not quite what I wanted. For 2000 baht you shift the bit to participate in the show and the dolphin 2 laps with a flat snout dragged you in a circle


A PPT stepped Stage International Cup on jet skis !!!

Before performances stuntman was rather unclear even for skuchno- schёom nothing but spray in all directions. But these guys otozhgi to complete. Here it is necessary to watch video. do not show

The park

This is the famous thing to fly over the water

Riding on the solid surface, we came across a wonderful place- pier, where tourists simply do not go. Excellent views of the Temple of Truth. Pierce far acts Bay

That we have exotic palm

During low tide, the ships at the feast, just lie on the bottom

And in the restaurant you can eat such snacks here (the restaurant is very pretentious and expensive) can not be said about his raspolozhenii- well, then type the most svezhak. there are huge aquariums and there

All that is in this picture


While riding back, we met Pacos among high-rise buildings elephants. Asia with

Meanwhile, we gathered at the foamy disco in the Hard Rock hotel-entrance 500 baht and my Soviet thumps up vhoda- for 25 ml. Vodka 150 baht

About swimming in the PPT. Yes 500 thousand city on the water does chistoy- I personally would at the center. PPT in the water did not go. swimming are 2 different versions, for the time and money the same way. 1. Koh Landau from the central pier othodtya ferry (30 baht 40 Minto on the way) High-speed ferries (150 bat- 40 minutes but on the other side of the island and back and forth, the most stupid variant is such a drowned recently) and AIDS boty- 20 minutes from 250 to 600 baht hell knows some reason quickly, shaking fun with booze. We certainly went for 30 baht paromah- for more fun and cheaper, and we have nowhere to rush
Posted in [mergetime] 1392671892 [/ mergetime]
2. This is a military version of the beach-it is the south entrance near pattai- 60 bat- in general, that is what comes out. We are in search of the beach managed to infiltrate the base of the navy and oversees training of marine infantry they zveri- heat 40 of any form through the floor of obstacles ... Shocking. And yet seen the landing. like so proizoshlo- hell znaet- Do not know where the pictures, look for

It is time to leave the Russians can vyalitsya strany- in Thailand 30 days- then need to go abroad and return. Or make a long-term visa but we felt that nafig. So Cambodia!
Posted in [mergetime] 1392672085 [/ mergetime]
Then you realize why the Thais love how his god korolya- around them in the states shaped fucked up, and Cambodia has horosha- what is happening in Burma and Laos all hell to explain

We took a tour of 2300 bat- is extremely cheap even by our greedy mordam- we drove, fed, we lived 2 days. This hovel lake people


Just out of the boat on the move jumped the woman with a basket edy- and is now trying her for vtyuhivat Ouen dolyar

They are born, live and die without going ashore

Creatively reworked Toyota Carina

special paint I will not say that these places are amazing. Google Angkor Wat

It's all been absorbed by the jungle for centuries


In both

2 at the beginning of the millennium in this town have lived 1.2 million people ... just imagine



It was very very hot, take it with a hat and it's not shutka- zonty- I almost died out there

not just in concrete nurnul

All the heat went to the roof. This is the way a pool for ritual ablutions ... A thousand years ago they had the pools were ...

Posted in [mergetime] 1392672845 [/ mergetime]
stage in these temples are made in such a way that you can only climb the face and go down, too - so no ass gods

After we went to the Festival of speed in Bang Scientology I made a separate topic here, but it has not passed :) so tcho little bit



These thien bich- funniest sh to look at to the Lana

I increased sharpness

Budget for those who want a scooter and there is no money

Rebyatushki- is everything. Then there was much more, if it is interesting to tell.
That rule nekotrye long life to tae
1. Forget what you do not merge turist- loot right and left
2. Look for options to save money - they always have, and often surpass even more expensive
3. Be friends with mestnymi- they are always prompt
4. Buha with turistami- they poedut- home and you sopёshsya :)
5. Do not be sad at home - there will still
6. Do not scoff at your friends who winter :)
