"The occupation of Ukraine"
Hard: «occupation of Ukraine»
Wonderful hysterical now blogs. Crying, gnashing of teeth and a call to prevent the occupation of the Ukraine-Russia war between fraternal peoples. Let's talk about the occupation. War has long been conducted differently.
Countries occupied not by troops and armored vehicles. This is the most extreme case has, at the failure of a peaceful occupation. Why waste the lives of its soldiers to fight if possible with the help of the soldiers of another country?
Why even open the occupation, if the practice has long shown that it is impossible to keep the occupied territories? Look at the British Empire. Hold, retain and still lost.
So why contrive wars of aggression, to ensure the loyalty of large areas, if you can just grab the top of the state? And - your country, you're white and fluffy, rulish other countries that thinks it is sovereign and independent. Why servants say they are slaves? This is not right, they have this desire to appear not to be slaves. Let them think that they are free. This does not prevent manage and manipulate.
I write officers of Ukraine: what do we do? We will not shoot at the Russian, but what about the oath and orders? How can we be?
It's very simple: anybody who to shoot is not necessary. None of what war speech and does not go.
And about the occupation of Ukraine by Russian forces - too.
First of all, because that Ukraine is already occupied. "Mene, mene, tequila UPHARSIN» ©.
No need to be a rocket scientist, so as not to see the whole scenario and its sequel.
First peaceful protest, then tightened radicals made a peaceful protest non-peaceful, seized the initiative, made their own protest, seized power. This - the standard script for all the upheaval.
The comments people write, 'Oh, we have considered appropriate person, and you the one to blame US! »...
No problem, let's see whether States were made at least once in the constitutional system of any country? And if you were - that was the protest? And there, where they supported the protest, threatening finger at the country's leadership, "show strength, we get" turned a blind eye to the "little mischief" protesters - that was? Neprichem course, yeah ...
What is the most obvious extension of this scenario? Start a massacre and genocide in the east of Ukraine, including Crimea.
Next US angrily condemned those who so recently supported, and begin their "little bomb." Then come the peacemakers (by the way, how many times you remember when UN peacekeepers to preserve the territorial integrity of the country in which they "mirotvorili"?), And then - the division of Ukraine ...
At the same time the United States will control both parts - east and west. Although both are considered to be very independent.
Well, what happens now? Russia beats the main element of the script - the genocide and the massacres in the Crimea. And it is clearly marked - it will not. Why all this hysteria? Stories about the war between the brotherly peoples? It's a pity the money spent on the revolution? I would like to bring his plan to end?
This is stupid Serbian script that is not changing, they want to apply to Ukraine. For Ukraine, which is already occupied without the invasion, no military operations and bombings. Is it possible to occupy the occupied country?
Source: www.ridus.ru/news/155687
Wonderful hysterical now blogs. Crying, gnashing of teeth and a call to prevent the occupation of the Ukraine-Russia war between fraternal peoples. Let's talk about the occupation. War has long been conducted differently.

Countries occupied not by troops and armored vehicles. This is the most extreme case has, at the failure of a peaceful occupation. Why waste the lives of its soldiers to fight if possible with the help of the soldiers of another country?
Why even open the occupation, if the practice has long shown that it is impossible to keep the occupied territories? Look at the British Empire. Hold, retain and still lost.
So why contrive wars of aggression, to ensure the loyalty of large areas, if you can just grab the top of the state? And - your country, you're white and fluffy, rulish other countries that thinks it is sovereign and independent. Why servants say they are slaves? This is not right, they have this desire to appear not to be slaves. Let them think that they are free. This does not prevent manage and manipulate.
I write officers of Ukraine: what do we do? We will not shoot at the Russian, but what about the oath and orders? How can we be?
It's very simple: anybody who to shoot is not necessary. None of what war speech and does not go.
And about the occupation of Ukraine by Russian forces - too.
First of all, because that Ukraine is already occupied. "Mene, mene, tequila UPHARSIN» ©.
No need to be a rocket scientist, so as not to see the whole scenario and its sequel.
First peaceful protest, then tightened radicals made a peaceful protest non-peaceful, seized the initiative, made their own protest, seized power. This - the standard script for all the upheaval.
The comments people write, 'Oh, we have considered appropriate person, and you the one to blame US! »...
No problem, let's see whether States were made at least once in the constitutional system of any country? And if you were - that was the protest? And there, where they supported the protest, threatening finger at the country's leadership, "show strength, we get" turned a blind eye to the "little mischief" protesters - that was? Neprichem course, yeah ...
What is the most obvious extension of this scenario? Start a massacre and genocide in the east of Ukraine, including Crimea.
Next US angrily condemned those who so recently supported, and begin their "little bomb." Then come the peacemakers (by the way, how many times you remember when UN peacekeepers to preserve the territorial integrity of the country in which they "mirotvorili"?), And then - the division of Ukraine ...
At the same time the United States will control both parts - east and west. Although both are considered to be very independent.
Well, what happens now? Russia beats the main element of the script - the genocide and the massacres in the Crimea. And it is clearly marked - it will not. Why all this hysteria? Stories about the war between the brotherly peoples? It's a pity the money spent on the revolution? I would like to bring his plan to end?
This is stupid Serbian script that is not changing, they want to apply to Ukraine. For Ukraine, which is already occupied without the invasion, no military operations and bombings. Is it possible to occupy the occupied country?
Source: www.ridus.ru/news/155687