On the National Pride of anti-Russian
Victor Marakhovskii writes:
Dear readers! Of course, you have already met in the network, these appeals. Written as a blueprint. "I am a Russian kivelyanin, a patriot of his country - Ukraine. And I appeal to you to - no need to release me! Subdue his dwarf themselves uymites. We, the Ukrainians themselves to cope with their problems. We do not need your cooperative "Lake" Your Chechen battalion, your false propaganda and suffocating your brotherly love. We chose to build its own destiny in the family of free nations, cool down. Live in slavery, but do not drag us to the same ».
Previously, still wrote "do not need your oligarchs", now is awkward. But these are trifles.
Interestingly another. These proclamations "patriotic Ukrainians" did not start writing after Putin received the go-ahead for the deployment of troops and Crimea sail. They them to us en masse, and in the same tone they sent well before the current events - about any small conflict. And, for example, Kazakhs and Belarusians did not write and write. Although the conflict is also the sea, but squeal and pathos no breaks.
If you wonder why everything is so - let's talk about this.
We must start with a simple statement. Ukrainians - a Russian.
Continued under the cut ...
And it's not that at Turchynov Russian their native language, and the bandit and star Yutuba Sashko Bilyi general of Perm. Yuri Timoshenko Trofimovich (Tarapunka that with a plug) mother tongue was Ukrainian, and that? The fact that they are - our generation of Russian civilization. Togo protracted historical-geographical process that the last thousand years, creates the zhitomirtsa Korolev and Gorians Stalin, sumchanina Makarenko of Baku Landau, then from Kiev Bulgakov and Petrograders-berdyantsa-Kherson Ephraim. But sometimes, the load - Solzhenitsyn, Khodorkovsky or are these.
Eighteen months ago, I was in Ivano-Frankivsk. There's been my guides Svidomo the most can not a married couple. Between explaining to me that the Muscovites - is baptized Vladimir Finno-Finns and Ukrainians are not native, twisted pair in the car everything albums VS Vysotsky
I mentioned the non-Russian characters - not ethnic or cultural. It consists in the fact that they refused to be ours. Their slogan - a refusal to participate in the Russian civilization and the historical process. In our civilization.
They are sure that stay in it - they do not build their own destiny.
That's the difference between them and consists of Belarusians and Kazakhs. You can be sincere patriot of Belarus, and to consider themselves part of civilization, making Ephraim and Vysotsk. You can be a patriot of Kazakhstan and consider themselves part of the same story with Korolev and Makarenko. Without any internal conflict, tears and cries, because Belarus and Kazakhstan consider themselves heirs to the same full and builders of our civilization, as well as the Russian Federation. And sometimes even the best. In Belarus, in general, in the apt words of Alexander Lukashenko, build "the same Russia, but with the quality mark". And the chief ideologist of the Eurasian integration have called Nursultan Nazarbayev. And all this - without any strain and wailing. Even when the fighting raging around Uralkali or Baikonur.
Batthёrt and tear from Russian occur then and there, when and where they begin to build - for lentil cookies or just stupidity - some antirossiyu.
... In fact, nothing exceptional in that antirossii that are built in Ukraine, no. Technology run-out there on different Baits. To make any Russian territory antirossiey, its very development of the population should be lowered. It is desirable - in colonial miroooschuschenie. And it needs to make it wildly, and as quickly as possible.
Therefore, the role of the cultural code of any antirossii always acts terry rural folk (embroidery, ladybugs, idyllic, folk songs like obyazalovke). On the role of the glorious history - imposed a set of episodes, when ancestors fought against the Russian civilization. And the role of values, fully aspiring to the future - a set of practical doctrines about the sanctity and infallibility LGBT fatwas Washington that it was more convenient to use anti-Russian white masters.
This, of course, broken world - LGBT folk village lies just under way. But, in fact, this problem is not to work. A consistent capacity to act should be a viable world civilization. And for the territory, whose task is to be antirossiey - enough for a set of mutually exclusive mantras that go nowhere and often stupid lie. In the end, were the ideological antirossy Ukrainians forthcoming signing evroassotsiatsii as a "step in Europe." Although - there is no such close.
... That is why the Russian, in a comfortable living arrangement in antirossii antirossom become so twitches and hysteria. It sits on two chairs relentlessly travels. On the one hand, he was still listening to Vysotsky as some, but on the other - has declared its withdrawal from the generating process Korolev, Stalin and Vladimir Vysotsky.
And he can not, crooked all that is, to answer the dreaded question:
- Well, now you become a part of the process, generating Wiener, Hitler and Lennon? And you can bring it on themselves?
(Just in case: the intellectual and cultural contribution liberated "New Europe" into the European civilizational process in the last quarter of a century - there is something in the area of statistical error. Of course, the notion of "British Music" and "French cinema" added the concept of "Czech porn star" but in a different way).
... Antirossov tragedy is that all this if they do not know the feeling. They consciously or subconsciously - to know what their role and place in the "family of free nations».
And that is why, by the way, so fiercely anti-Russian Ukrainian deny the existence of their own citizens who were storming the local state administration under the Russian flag. "In the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Russian raised his flag !!!" - they scream, ignoring the fact that even the Russian flag over the Kharkiv Regional State Administration actually raised the three of them, and they are now hundreds hover over the whole South-East.
Antirossam unbearable the thought that among Ukrainians there are so many who do not pass their Russian identity.
... I have it all, in fact, useless. When we're slightly ofigev, seeing tens of thousands of Ukrainians onto the area of South-East under the Russian flag - we need to understand one simple thing.
That they come under its flag. It means that they are not going to give up their rights to a great civilization, generating Makarenko, Korolev, Stalin, and even though the group "Lube." They do not intend to give up their rights to the flag over the Reichstag and the 2014 Olympics. They know that there are loads Solzhenitsyn with Deripaska, but understand that without a large legacy encumbrances does not happen.
And they go under the flag of the largest of the fragments of their civilization, asserting their right to inheritance, and their participation in Russian history.
And by the way: passing the Ukrainians legalize the Russian tricolor in Russia. For a long time many former "Yeltsin cloth of anything».
Because beneath the first time in recent history in public, to the whole world, the Russian did not give up.
Dear readers! Of course, you have already met in the network, these appeals. Written as a blueprint. "I am a Russian kivelyanin, a patriot of his country - Ukraine. And I appeal to you to - no need to release me! Subdue his dwarf themselves uymites. We, the Ukrainians themselves to cope with their problems. We do not need your cooperative "Lake" Your Chechen battalion, your false propaganda and suffocating your brotherly love. We chose to build its own destiny in the family of free nations, cool down. Live in slavery, but do not drag us to the same ».
Previously, still wrote "do not need your oligarchs", now is awkward. But these are trifles.
Interestingly another. These proclamations "patriotic Ukrainians" did not start writing after Putin received the go-ahead for the deployment of troops and Crimea sail. They them to us en masse, and in the same tone they sent well before the current events - about any small conflict. And, for example, Kazakhs and Belarusians did not write and write. Although the conflict is also the sea, but squeal and pathos no breaks.
If you wonder why everything is so - let's talk about this.
We must start with a simple statement. Ukrainians - a Russian.
Continued under the cut ...

And it's not that at Turchynov Russian their native language, and the bandit and star Yutuba Sashko Bilyi general of Perm. Yuri Timoshenko Trofimovich (Tarapunka that with a plug) mother tongue was Ukrainian, and that? The fact that they are - our generation of Russian civilization. Togo protracted historical-geographical process that the last thousand years, creates the zhitomirtsa Korolev and Gorians Stalin, sumchanina Makarenko of Baku Landau, then from Kiev Bulgakov and Petrograders-berdyantsa-Kherson Ephraim. But sometimes, the load - Solzhenitsyn, Khodorkovsky or are these.
Eighteen months ago, I was in Ivano-Frankivsk. There's been my guides Svidomo the most can not a married couple. Between explaining to me that the Muscovites - is baptized Vladimir Finno-Finns and Ukrainians are not native, twisted pair in the car everything albums VS Vysotsky
I mentioned the non-Russian characters - not ethnic or cultural. It consists in the fact that they refused to be ours. Their slogan - a refusal to participate in the Russian civilization and the historical process. In our civilization.
They are sure that stay in it - they do not build their own destiny.
That's the difference between them and consists of Belarusians and Kazakhs. You can be sincere patriot of Belarus, and to consider themselves part of civilization, making Ephraim and Vysotsk. You can be a patriot of Kazakhstan and consider themselves part of the same story with Korolev and Makarenko. Without any internal conflict, tears and cries, because Belarus and Kazakhstan consider themselves heirs to the same full and builders of our civilization, as well as the Russian Federation. And sometimes even the best. In Belarus, in general, in the apt words of Alexander Lukashenko, build "the same Russia, but with the quality mark". And the chief ideologist of the Eurasian integration have called Nursultan Nazarbayev. And all this - without any strain and wailing. Even when the fighting raging around Uralkali or Baikonur.
Batthёrt and tear from Russian occur then and there, when and where they begin to build - for lentil cookies or just stupidity - some antirossiyu.
... In fact, nothing exceptional in that antirossii that are built in Ukraine, no. Technology run-out there on different Baits. To make any Russian territory antirossiey, its very development of the population should be lowered. It is desirable - in colonial miroooschuschenie. And it needs to make it wildly, and as quickly as possible.
Therefore, the role of the cultural code of any antirossii always acts terry rural folk (embroidery, ladybugs, idyllic, folk songs like obyazalovke). On the role of the glorious history - imposed a set of episodes, when ancestors fought against the Russian civilization. And the role of values, fully aspiring to the future - a set of practical doctrines about the sanctity and infallibility LGBT fatwas Washington that it was more convenient to use anti-Russian white masters.
This, of course, broken world - LGBT folk village lies just under way. But, in fact, this problem is not to work. A consistent capacity to act should be a viable world civilization. And for the territory, whose task is to be antirossiey - enough for a set of mutually exclusive mantras that go nowhere and often stupid lie. In the end, were the ideological antirossy Ukrainians forthcoming signing evroassotsiatsii as a "step in Europe." Although - there is no such close.
... That is why the Russian, in a comfortable living arrangement in antirossii antirossom become so twitches and hysteria. It sits on two chairs relentlessly travels. On the one hand, he was still listening to Vysotsky as some, but on the other - has declared its withdrawal from the generating process Korolev, Stalin and Vladimir Vysotsky.
And he can not, crooked all that is, to answer the dreaded question:
- Well, now you become a part of the process, generating Wiener, Hitler and Lennon? And you can bring it on themselves?
(Just in case: the intellectual and cultural contribution liberated "New Europe" into the European civilizational process in the last quarter of a century - there is something in the area of statistical error. Of course, the notion of "British Music" and "French cinema" added the concept of "Czech porn star" but in a different way).
... Antirossov tragedy is that all this if they do not know the feeling. They consciously or subconsciously - to know what their role and place in the "family of free nations».
And that is why, by the way, so fiercely anti-Russian Ukrainian deny the existence of their own citizens who were storming the local state administration under the Russian flag. "In the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Russian raised his flag !!!" - they scream, ignoring the fact that even the Russian flag over the Kharkiv Regional State Administration actually raised the three of them, and they are now hundreds hover over the whole South-East.
Antirossam unbearable the thought that among Ukrainians there are so many who do not pass their Russian identity.
... I have it all, in fact, useless. When we're slightly ofigev, seeing tens of thousands of Ukrainians onto the area of South-East under the Russian flag - we need to understand one simple thing.
That they come under its flag. It means that they are not going to give up their rights to a great civilization, generating Makarenko, Korolev, Stalin, and even though the group "Lube." They do not intend to give up their rights to the flag over the Reichstag and the 2014 Olympics. They know that there are loads Solzhenitsyn with Deripaska, but understand that without a large legacy encumbrances does not happen.
And they go under the flag of the largest of the fragments of their civilization, asserting their right to inheritance, and their participation in Russian history.
And by the way: passing the Ukrainians legalize the Russian tricolor in Russia. For a long time many former "Yeltsin cloth of anything».
Because beneath the first time in recent history in public, to the whole world, the Russian did not give up.