Questions that you should definitely ask when Interviewing

When you hire a person to any permanent or project work - no matter whether turner, sales representative or director of production - it makes sense to ask the applicant is required to, among other things, one simple question:
-What Are three things that I can check are your main reason for pride for the last 3-5 years?
Exactly in this formulation. You can just change - for example, like this: "What are three things that I can check you most proud of in the last 3-5 years?" - But the highlights (3 things as a reason for pride, their opportunity to check in during the 3- 5 years) should be retained.
Despite the apparent simplicity, this question allows us to understand a number of things about the job seeker - and yet, even knowing the essence of verification, it is not so easy to fool. And if you do not know how much more difficult.
So, you asked the applicant recommended by me the question "What are three things that I can check you most proud of in the last 3-5 years?" And got the answer. Let's see what information you can extract from the answer.
1) The system of priorities
Success in any field will tell the applicant? Family ("had a baby"), sports ("received a black belt"), science ("defended his doctoral"), career ("became head of the department"), work ("made the project"), something else? If touches several areas that remembers the first?
Rather, it is in the sphere of which the man says, and his interests lie. Knowing the 'right' answer, the person can adjust to your expectations, but it's not always easy to do.
Why to know about the system of priorities? This lets you know that he values over which it operates. Rather, it is in the sphere, which is a priority, people will invest efforts in the first place. In all the others - rather as a residual.
And in the case of conflict of interest - with high probability will choose what is a higher priority for him. And if you see that
priority №1 - a family, in the case of the birth of a child or of a crisis in the family, in the case of large amounts of overtime or travel - is likely to suffer job.
If all reason to be proud, to call a man, lie outside the professional sphere (and not zero length) - do we need a worker?
2) Sanity
Can a man do exactly what he was asked? Or he would lead the conversation in the opposite direction, would be not answer that question, change the subject? Talk about verifiable things as requested - or about the rich inner world, or about the secret underground championships in Hong Kong?
If your request is not executed - whether sane man? Will he be able, if you take it to work, to perform its tasks? Or even not be able to perceive them?
3) the level of achievement
What level of achievement is voiced by the applicant? This achievement level "itself without mom went to the store?" Or is it some ordinary level projects? Or is it a breakthrough projects? Or even withdrawal of the company to a new level, a new market, a new type of product, and the like?
The same questions appropriate to ask about reaching out and working sphere. Applicant won the championship of the school - or the championship of Russia? Visited Turkey - or traveled around the world?
If any person believes things cause for pride - it is obvious that this peak results for him. And if you will hire him, in the best case, it will keep working here at this level, but rather - at a lower level.
Oh yes - and yet the level of achievement indirectly speaks about the level of ambition.
4) "Protsessnik" or "rezultatchik»
Another important thing - whether a person says that he did, or what he did and what the result was obtained.
"I taught every day for 10 English word" - a "protsessnik" people tuned to the process performance. "I learned English so that business and free to read fiction" - a "rezultatchik." This matter, as it does the job, it is only important that it is done or not.
One replica is not significant. But if you see that a person says different things in one way, you will be easy to understand with whom you are dealing.
Whom to hire - "protsessnika" or "rezultatchika"? It depends on what works for you need it. Say, collector or operator likely to be "protsessnikom", but as a sales manager or a project manager, I would rather expect to see "rezultatchika».
5) "measurability-specific" or "generalized»
Does a person of some growth or improvement in general terms, without details, or call specific numbers, dates, amounts, etc.? Whether he speaks about the growth of sales - or sales growth at 32.5 percent? About learning English - or a certification IELTS / TOEFL?
If you hire employees to get results, not "to sitting and smiling," it is better to take "measurable-specific" because answers "in general" usually indicate that the actual achievement was modest, so substantively nothing to boast.
6) Answer or care to answer?
Separately, consider the situation where the applicant is trying to be clever and starts to walk away from the answer by asking counter-questions like, "You type of people that they work or that they were proud of?" Note, not clarifying questions ("are you interested in working to achieve, sports or any else ? "), namely to leave a reply. In my opinion, it's not a very good sign - because the same way he will behave in the future. I would not take such a person on any whatsoever responsible job.
It's not all that allows you to understand a simple question about the "three reason for pride" - but these are the basic things that can be learned from the response. And of course, if we are talking about the important work, the answers of the applicant makes sense to check to make sure its veracity.
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