I do not know why I remembered. From the "Hard to Be God"

A Arkanar everything changed! There was some kind of a new, regularly acting factor. And it looks as if Don Reba deliberately inciting to scientists all dullness in the kingdom. All though only slightly raised above the mean gray level, it is threatened. You listen to Don Kondor, this is not the emotions are facts! If you're smart, educated in doubt, say unusual - just do not drink wine at last! - You are at risk. Any shopkeeper has the right to hunt you even death. Hundreds of thousands of people are outlawed. They are caught stormtroopers and hung along the roads. Naked, upside down ... Yesterday on my street sounded boots the old man knew that he was competent. Trample on, say, two hours blunt with sweaty animals' snouts ... - Rumata restrained and finished calmly: - In short, Arkanar soon there will be no competent.