Life in the early 90's (36 photos)
Someone caught the years, and someone was born later in the period of "stabilization". Fragments of memories of life in the early 90s.
June 12 under 21 year anniversary of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR and the 20 years since the election of the first president of Russia. 1990 and 1991 now seem distant history. This is confirmed by "fresh" surveys of the population: only 29% of Russians may recall that then voted for Yeltsin.
Remembering the presidential election of 1991, the Russians, according to VTsIOM, more likely to report being voted "for" Yeltsin rather than "against" (29% vs. 12%). And for the past 15 years, the proportion of those who remember that Boris Yeltsin supported decreased (in 1996 the figure was 49%). 60% voted for Yeltsin chose him because he believed his election program. It is worth noting that even if respondents knew in advance about the results of the reign of Yeltsin, the majority of those who participated in the elections in 1991 (47%) would not change your choice - it clearly shows that there are no "Damned 90" in the memory of most Russians do not. 37% believe that if the first president of Russia became a different person, the country would live better. Almost a quarter of respondents believe that it would not change anything in the life of the country.
Today many, it appears that in 1990-91 the idea of the "new Russia" in the view of ordinary people based on humanitarian values - some "freedom of speech", a multiparty system, "Russia's entry into Europe." But in fact the vast majority of Russians do not like this, but just - out of poverty, public deficit, difficult life, crime and hopelessness. In Yeltsin then they saw not "ally Sakharov" with ideas, it is not clear 80% of the population, and honest manager who will establish water, make the roads and fill the shelves at least just a commodity.
Press the time and writing in her simple people (their spelling preserved)
allow good to see what lived in the years 1990-91 "grassroots Russia."
"We are living witnesses to the terrible war that was raging in the 1941-1945 g our country pozvlolim scum or they do not give another title nazevesh Great City, City of Heroes, City worker. The people did not let that happen. Hands are short. People demand hands off of Leningrad! Defend the city of Lenin! »
"On the basis of a meeting of the Khabarovsk morgue workers morgues and forensic Vladivostok, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Khabarovsk. Far tanatologiya going to discuss the markets (including foreign) sales organs from cadavers.
Average prices in world medical practice: the eyeball - $ 1,000, dura - 300 per square cm, kidney - 10-14 thousand., Liver - 15-20 thousand., Spleen - 1800.
Another problem of the Far Eastern thanatology - harassment law enforcement. However, the demands of the Assistant rayprokurora Galina Milanin produce documents authorizing trade GVH internal organs, Vedenyapin, according to her, replied that he "did not need any permits, as any forensic scientist has the right to do with the corpse of anything." Vedenyapin refers to the fact that in sovminovskom list of goods banned for export and sale abroad, there is no word about the bones, brains and eyeballs ».
"Two months have passed since the price reform. The ratio of domestic prices for food products, household appliances and consumer industry products nearer to the ratio prevailing in developed countries. This very important. Almost all groups of non-food goods price rises by 2-3 times, and in some goods and more.
To sucked "hot" money and make the current "wooden" ruble normal work safely during the current year for each per cent of increase spending increase in revenues should be 0, 6 per cent, not more.
It should be borne in mind that the amount of "hot money" to the end of the year will be about half the volume of retail trade turnover and paid services ».
"I call upon the people. People. countrymen Russians to our powers, Russia has stood ever vote - for Makashova! »
"All sold, we are slaves, slaves do not we, down city committees, regional committees, district committees is dormoedy, and we breed them like ants, executive committees, what they did for the homeland. drink so walk. country poor, many owners, but we have one king ».
"It hurts the liver, there is no alahola. Headache, no tsitramona, aching heart, no volidola. And that is? There is nothing ».
"All this is from the working people creates dissatisfaction and apathy work, indifference and resentment, family disorders, crime, and that makes basically our change - young people».
"You have something in the wording of people - competent enough as it is now referred to as politicized as to understand all this haosnom - plyurallizme to have rubochego not cool compass in his head?»
"But interestingly despite Pavlov on television at his portrait, because it a day then eat?»
"Speaking in front of their voters, and so behave, UTB, I think he is not worthy of etogo post it no one knows except the right to s-ka if the investigator».
"Look transmission in which peredovat that Raisa Gorbachev Foundation donated to a children's 100,000 dollorov and crept up with the idea, and where she got them so much money?»
"Sentenced to death three of the gang former tram driver Igor Kolchin: I. Kolchin, Kolchin and O. Malakhov»
[Chelyabinsk]: "Among the loot they met lipstick, a typewriter, a straw mat for 10 rubles, 30 hours per day bandit coolly shot a man to pick up his inflatable rubber boat. I. Kolchin committed for personal gain 15 intentional, particularly cruel and cynical murder. On account of his brother 9 banditry and participation in the murder ... »
"The Presidency of the City Council of St. Petersburg turned to businesses and organizations of the city to provide urgent assistance to the elderly of the city.
Currently in St. Petersburg and the region 1176000 elderly, most of whom live below the poverty line.
Association "Lenvest" has already announced that it will provide the most disadvantaged shoes for winter. It is planned to expand the network of soup kitchens and medical facilities for the elderly on the eve of the winter.
A number of committees of the City Council is developing a program for pensioners urgent humanitarian aid from abroad. Coordinator of the distribution of this assistance will be St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and the local councils of veterans. Recently in St. Petersburg to the elderly residents of humanitarian aid directed, in particular, Denmark - 13 tons of things and 1,200 tons of medicines. German magazine "Der Spiegel" has sent medical equipment to hospitals in the city ».
"And my aunt sent the old woman in Tchaikovsky parcel first time. pulled out of 1 liter. tushonki natolkali paper mailbags ».
"For example, if the power fails and place and the harm Duck why neimeet right to depose President atoms and nakozat. That's where the power is needed to clear the offenders! »
"People are waiting for ozazlenomy nedoverchivomi all day otodnya kakovoto dust and hatyat make good work».
"Where are these laws of right and justice, the discussing for months, will drive the people's money?»
"The trade unions set up properly working people to increase wages without improving labor. More dryazki began the formation of Deputies ».
"July 8 Ingush fighters attacked the mafia for another mine in the Magadan region and stole from the state 1 kg of gold. Previously, they were repulsed by 7 kg of gold.
Not being able to protect or prospectors or mined from the depths of the precious metal, Kolyma police allowed the state to arm the workers (before the weapon was only porters, the gangsters who for that reason did not touch) ».
"Living Tenkaevy in Saratov. Maximum weight keep mother and father - 5 irons (15 kg), the daughter Tatiana holds 3 iron on a baking sheet, and his son Kolya - baking and iron ».
"Nikolai Zykov, nicknamed Yakutёnok, known as the head of the Perm police mafia appealed unfair, in his opinion, the verdict: two years for" resistance to the authorities ».
At one of the workshops in Perm police high school was proposed scenario: Yakutёnka not to plant and pick for mayor of the city. This will solve the problem of crime, improve the economy by merging with a thriving underground economy, establish discipline. Yakutёnok on this occasion said: "The title is not for me - a man on a post shall cause inconvenience to another person, to deprive him of his liberty, to ensure respect for instructions. However, a merchant of me can go bad: fight the socialist law taught me in Vladimir Prison prominent dissident Vladimir Bukovsky ».
"Please, go in with zero. What's in the ground and under water, such as billions of tons of scrap metal ».
"And to these tanks from which to get the armor and give our farmers instead of tractors».
"The show Raisa Gorbachev on TV during her visit abroad dostoprimechatilnostey during each trip. Imagine how much elenergii leaves for 4-5 minutes throughout the Soviet Union. Would be better if these costs to email. energy turned to the needy elderly ».
"Chevozhe you still need lezite of the President, and the more just sick or just do neboleli».
"Do not machine - bike - frameless (feet hurt) I can not buy».
"The people of unbelief that Ryzhkov something good can zdelot when he's prices on all the products and goods in the newspaper that increased Pison».
"Here I am currently predstovite involid II groups. Styazhely hranicheskim Strength disease in 75 years, has grown meat 3, 5 tsenter and 20,000 eggs. Wife also pensionerka but Głowno a plus for the state ».
'42 Held in the forests of Belarus Ivan Bushilo, hiding from the prosecution authorities. He came out of the woods at the beginning of 1990, believing in the restructuring.
Bushilo slept in a tent on a sack stuffed with hay, eating mushrooms, berries, fished, set traps. He shaved regularly, so as not to lose the human form. From time to time read the papers left by relatives at the appointed place. For 42 years Bushilo forgotten how to write.
"Veteran sports from the Karelian town of Belomorsk V.Efimov chose a peculiar form of protest against the weak development of physical education in the country. In the summer of 1991, he undertook to throw the weight of the core 2, 5 kg from hand to hand. One hour pensioner made 14 thousand 350 shots, so peremetav 38 tons of metal ».
"The first children's business center. It was created in 1990 on the basis of summer camp, where the majority of counselors - students and staff of Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, with the support of the company finansovovoy "Menatep". Held the first economic game among schoolchildren "Manager". Children offered to live in a market economy. For each operation, they received money, named after sposora "tepami." They could buy sweets, toys, go to the video room, play on the computer or put in the bank at interest.
Children's camp ran the Senate, adult Commercial Director. Bankers, senators, presidents and employees of firms - children from 9 to 14 years. Even the most passive and shy become energetic and enterprising, gladly took up a job and did it on the conscience ».
"Russia's first private railway appeared in 1991 in the Yaroslavl region. This narrow-gauge railway length of 170 km with seven stops. Road belongs to the cooperative "Decor».
"In December 1991, in Moscow, opened the first hotel in the country church. The 5-storey building has 92 single and double rooms. There is in it a medical center, hairdresser, sauna, room everyday. The rooms - televisions, telephones, radio. There are non-smoking, and hang in the hall icons ».
"My first complaint Kagramanov Rudolph wrote, sitting in St. Petersburg" cross ", which came because sewed jeans at home (he was given a period of 8 years). So it went: a complaint to the prosecutor, the complaint to the court, the complaint to the warden, etc.
Kagramanov agency created to fight against bureaucracy, the only employee who was himself, held the first congress of the complainants, and invented zhalobometry byurokratometry.
In May 1991, he once again was released, having to his credit 6,000 complaints. A July 1, 1992, he had already 13.650 complaints. Kagramanov wrote a draft law on the complaint and sent it to President Yeltsin and the Supreme Council. According to the project, each evasion punishable by a fine of 5 thousand. Rubles each hour tape - 1 thousand. Rubles ».
"The governor of Sakhalin Valentin Fedorov identified Intermediate capitalist labor. They became a Japanese businessman tomy Haruiti. His portrait is set in the center of business cooperation "Sakhintsenter." Mr. Haruiti famously built on Sakhalin modern potato storage ».

June 12 under 21 year anniversary of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR and the 20 years since the election of the first president of Russia. 1990 and 1991 now seem distant history. This is confirmed by "fresh" surveys of the population: only 29% of Russians may recall that then voted for Yeltsin.

Remembering the presidential election of 1991, the Russians, according to VTsIOM, more likely to report being voted "for" Yeltsin rather than "against" (29% vs. 12%). And for the past 15 years, the proportion of those who remember that Boris Yeltsin supported decreased (in 1996 the figure was 49%). 60% voted for Yeltsin chose him because he believed his election program. It is worth noting that even if respondents knew in advance about the results of the reign of Yeltsin, the majority of those who participated in the elections in 1991 (47%) would not change your choice - it clearly shows that there are no "Damned 90" in the memory of most Russians do not. 37% believe that if the first president of Russia became a different person, the country would live better. Almost a quarter of respondents believe that it would not change anything in the life of the country.

Today many, it appears that in 1990-91 the idea of the "new Russia" in the view of ordinary people based on humanitarian values - some "freedom of speech", a multiparty system, "Russia's entry into Europe." But in fact the vast majority of Russians do not like this, but just - out of poverty, public deficit, difficult life, crime and hopelessness. In Yeltsin then they saw not "ally Sakharov" with ideas, it is not clear 80% of the population, and honest manager who will establish water, make the roads and fill the shelves at least just a commodity.

Press the time and writing in her simple people (their spelling preserved)
allow good to see what lived in the years 1990-91 "grassroots Russia."
"We are living witnesses to the terrible war that was raging in the 1941-1945 g our country pozvlolim scum or they do not give another title nazevesh Great City, City of Heroes, City worker. The people did not let that happen. Hands are short. People demand hands off of Leningrad! Defend the city of Lenin! »
"On the basis of a meeting of the Khabarovsk morgue workers morgues and forensic Vladivostok, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Khabarovsk. Far tanatologiya going to discuss the markets (including foreign) sales organs from cadavers.
Average prices in world medical practice: the eyeball - $ 1,000, dura - 300 per square cm, kidney - 10-14 thousand., Liver - 15-20 thousand., Spleen - 1800.

Another problem of the Far Eastern thanatology - harassment law enforcement. However, the demands of the Assistant rayprokurora Galina Milanin produce documents authorizing trade GVH internal organs, Vedenyapin, according to her, replied that he "did not need any permits, as any forensic scientist has the right to do with the corpse of anything." Vedenyapin refers to the fact that in sovminovskom list of goods banned for export and sale abroad, there is no word about the bones, brains and eyeballs ».
"Two months have passed since the price reform. The ratio of domestic prices for food products, household appliances and consumer industry products nearer to the ratio prevailing in developed countries. This very important. Almost all groups of non-food goods price rises by 2-3 times, and in some goods and more.
To sucked "hot" money and make the current "wooden" ruble normal work safely during the current year for each per cent of increase spending increase in revenues should be 0, 6 per cent, not more.
It should be borne in mind that the amount of "hot money" to the end of the year will be about half the volume of retail trade turnover and paid services ».

"I call upon the people. People. countrymen Russians to our powers, Russia has stood ever vote - for Makashova! »
"All sold, we are slaves, slaves do not we, down city committees, regional committees, district committees is dormoedy, and we breed them like ants, executive committees, what they did for the homeland. drink so walk. country poor, many owners, but we have one king ».
"It hurts the liver, there is no alahola. Headache, no tsitramona, aching heart, no volidola. And that is? There is nothing ».
"All this is from the working people creates dissatisfaction and apathy work, indifference and resentment, family disorders, crime, and that makes basically our change - young people».
"You have something in the wording of people - competent enough as it is now referred to as politicized as to understand all this haosnom - plyurallizme to have rubochego not cool compass in his head?»

"But interestingly despite Pavlov on television at his portrait, because it a day then eat?»
"Speaking in front of their voters, and so behave, UTB, I think he is not worthy of etogo post it no one knows except the right to s-ka if the investigator».
"Look transmission in which peredovat that Raisa Gorbachev Foundation donated to a children's 100,000 dollorov and crept up with the idea, and where she got them so much money?»
"Sentenced to death three of the gang former tram driver Igor Kolchin: I. Kolchin, Kolchin and O. Malakhov»
[Chelyabinsk]: "Among the loot they met lipstick, a typewriter, a straw mat for 10 rubles, 30 hours per day bandit coolly shot a man to pick up his inflatable rubber boat. I. Kolchin committed for personal gain 15 intentional, particularly cruel and cynical murder. On account of his brother 9 banditry and participation in the murder ... »

"The Presidency of the City Council of St. Petersburg turned to businesses and organizations of the city to provide urgent assistance to the elderly of the city.
Currently in St. Petersburg and the region 1176000 elderly, most of whom live below the poverty line.
Association "Lenvest" has already announced that it will provide the most disadvantaged shoes for winter. It is planned to expand the network of soup kitchens and medical facilities for the elderly on the eve of the winter.
A number of committees of the City Council is developing a program for pensioners urgent humanitarian aid from abroad. Coordinator of the distribution of this assistance will be St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and the local councils of veterans. Recently in St. Petersburg to the elderly residents of humanitarian aid directed, in particular, Denmark - 13 tons of things and 1,200 tons of medicines. German magazine "Der Spiegel" has sent medical equipment to hospitals in the city ».
"And my aunt sent the old woman in Tchaikovsky parcel first time. pulled out of 1 liter. tushonki natolkali paper mailbags ».
"For example, if the power fails and place and the harm Duck why neimeet right to depose President atoms and nakozat. That's where the power is needed to clear the offenders! »
"People are waiting for ozazlenomy nedoverchivomi all day otodnya kakovoto dust and hatyat make good work».

"Where are these laws of right and justice, the discussing for months, will drive the people's money?»
"The trade unions set up properly working people to increase wages without improving labor. More dryazki began the formation of Deputies ».
"July 8 Ingush fighters attacked the mafia for another mine in the Magadan region and stole from the state 1 kg of gold. Previously, they were repulsed by 7 kg of gold.
Not being able to protect or prospectors or mined from the depths of the precious metal, Kolyma police allowed the state to arm the workers (before the weapon was only porters, the gangsters who for that reason did not touch) ».
"Living Tenkaevy in Saratov. Maximum weight keep mother and father - 5 irons (15 kg), the daughter Tatiana holds 3 iron on a baking sheet, and his son Kolya - baking and iron ».

"Nikolai Zykov, nicknamed Yakutёnok, known as the head of the Perm police mafia appealed unfair, in his opinion, the verdict: two years for" resistance to the authorities ».
At one of the workshops in Perm police high school was proposed scenario: Yakutёnka not to plant and pick for mayor of the city. This will solve the problem of crime, improve the economy by merging with a thriving underground economy, establish discipline. Yakutёnok on this occasion said: "The title is not for me - a man on a post shall cause inconvenience to another person, to deprive him of his liberty, to ensure respect for instructions. However, a merchant of me can go bad: fight the socialist law taught me in Vladimir Prison prominent dissident Vladimir Bukovsky ».
"Please, go in with zero. What's in the ground and under water, such as billions of tons of scrap metal ».
"And to these tanks from which to get the armor and give our farmers instead of tractors».
"The show Raisa Gorbachev on TV during her visit abroad dostoprimechatilnostey during each trip. Imagine how much elenergii leaves for 4-5 minutes throughout the Soviet Union. Would be better if these costs to email. energy turned to the needy elderly ».

"Chevozhe you still need lezite of the President, and the more just sick or just do neboleli».

"Do not machine - bike - frameless (feet hurt) I can not buy».
"The people of unbelief that Ryzhkov something good can zdelot when he's prices on all the products and goods in the newspaper that increased Pison».
"Here I am currently predstovite involid II groups. Styazhely hranicheskim Strength disease in 75 years, has grown meat 3, 5 tsenter and 20,000 eggs. Wife also pensionerka but Głowno a plus for the state ».
'42 Held in the forests of Belarus Ivan Bushilo, hiding from the prosecution authorities. He came out of the woods at the beginning of 1990, believing in the restructuring.
Bushilo slept in a tent on a sack stuffed with hay, eating mushrooms, berries, fished, set traps. He shaved regularly, so as not to lose the human form. From time to time read the papers left by relatives at the appointed place. For 42 years Bushilo forgotten how to write.

"Veteran sports from the Karelian town of Belomorsk V.Efimov chose a peculiar form of protest against the weak development of physical education in the country. In the summer of 1991, he undertook to throw the weight of the core 2, 5 kg from hand to hand. One hour pensioner made 14 thousand 350 shots, so peremetav 38 tons of metal ».
"The first children's business center. It was created in 1990 on the basis of summer camp, where the majority of counselors - students and staff of Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, with the support of the company finansovovoy "Menatep". Held the first economic game among schoolchildren "Manager". Children offered to live in a market economy. For each operation, they received money, named after sposora "tepami." They could buy sweets, toys, go to the video room, play on the computer or put in the bank at interest.
Children's camp ran the Senate, adult Commercial Director. Bankers, senators, presidents and employees of firms - children from 9 to 14 years. Even the most passive and shy become energetic and enterprising, gladly took up a job and did it on the conscience ».

"Russia's first private railway appeared in 1991 in the Yaroslavl region. This narrow-gauge railway length of 170 km with seven stops. Road belongs to the cooperative "Decor».
"In December 1991, in Moscow, opened the first hotel in the country church. The 5-storey building has 92 single and double rooms. There is in it a medical center, hairdresser, sauna, room everyday. The rooms - televisions, telephones, radio. There are non-smoking, and hang in the hall icons ».

"My first complaint Kagramanov Rudolph wrote, sitting in St. Petersburg" cross ", which came because sewed jeans at home (he was given a period of 8 years). So it went: a complaint to the prosecutor, the complaint to the court, the complaint to the warden, etc.
Kagramanov agency created to fight against bureaucracy, the only employee who was himself, held the first congress of the complainants, and invented zhalobometry byurokratometry.
In May 1991, he once again was released, having to his credit 6,000 complaints. A July 1, 1992, he had already 13.650 complaints. Kagramanov wrote a draft law on the complaint and sent it to President Yeltsin and the Supreme Council. According to the project, each evasion punishable by a fine of 5 thousand. Rubles each hour tape - 1 thousand. Rubles ».
"The governor of Sakhalin Valentin Fedorov identified Intermediate capitalist labor. They became a Japanese businessman tomy Haruiti. His portrait is set in the center of business cooperation "Sakhintsenter." Mr. Haruiti famously built on Sakhalin modern potato storage ».