Obama plans to "strangle the Russian"
Frightened hedgehog ... On Sunday, for some particularly trusted American journalists several White House officials on the team organized a meeting of the top "is not a record", which reported that the Obama administration is "working around the clock over how to punish Putin for the invasion of the Ukraine." In the confusion corridor of the west wing of the White House and in the silence of cabinets standing with him very close buildings Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where the majority of the staff unit of the current US president, a team of officials from the State Department, the Ministry of Finance and of the White House is developing a "menu of plans for economic attack "for Russia, and a list of measures against our country. These measures will be wider than those that were put in place by Bush's son after the war with Georgia in 2008. Among the targets - "high-ranking Russian military, business leaders, and Russian-speaking separatists in Ukraine».
In the words of the officials the Obama administration, "now there is a review of all trade and economic relations with the Russian Federation" and that "will take a long time to impose sanctions on Russia, but even more time will it take to get some kind of reaction by Russian President Putin. " Americans also do not want to embark on this venture alone; they want to win over the European Union countries, the actions were coordinated, and the effect - maximum. The task is not easy; 28 states in a minute "at attention" is not lined up, someone vzbryknёt yes, because of the sanctions "sanktsioneram" also have to pay a price.
Example. Europe more than 30% of all gas consumed it receives from Russia. Suppose all the EU countries have decided to abandon it. Where they are not only overnight, but in the medium term, to take those volumes? This is not the seeds! In the meantime, despite the political wailing, the export of Russian gas remains the same as last year. Over the year the volume of supply is likely to amount to about 160 billion cubic meters - roughly the same as in last year. Maybe more. Since the end of February - despite the warm weather, pumping our gas-CIS countries jumped almost 10 percent! Ukraine is stealing? By the grandmother did not go! Europeans pumped into storage for future use? Surely! But all's life has not uploaded!
And yet the Europeans need to somehow coerce the economic assistance "maydanutym." Time passes, and Kiev there is nothing from the West have not received.
But specific machinations of the White House.
Already minimized preparation of the summit, "Eight" in Sochi. Someone in Russia will cry about it? Nonsense! They threatened to expel us from the "Group of Eight" in general? Also officials are accustomed to travel at public expense to all sorts of talks no one to care no! Let's look realistically: "Seven" on this forum have something to talk about, but even Italy, by and large, there is also an extra. For us it is just another cocktail party and the opportunity to show off in front of photographers. It would be great if in under the pretext of the events around Ukraine and Russia more from the WTO came!
Sochi at all reminiscent of the adopted and widely used in the United States - particularly with regard to international economic sanctions - the notion of «exposure». This "exposure (without protection)," "exposure." A country or a company has its assets and offices in the United States? It is their exposure, "they were exposed," and States with a deterioration in relations with this country believe these laws to freeze assets, expropriate. Do you want to host an international forum and would like to Americans and their allies participated in it? This - exposure, an instrument of pressure on you. If only the Americans so no normal bilateral relations can not keep! I do not want to quarrel? Just ignore States and work elsewhere!
Another taken from the White House "car-r-rdinalnyh" solutions: canceled visit to Moscow by US Trade Representative - a sort of interagency coordinator in the executive office of the US president. Big shot!
Canceled invitation of the Russian delegation to visit Washington for talks on cooperation in the energy sector. Great! Less of our money will pilfer and settle in foreign banks.
Cancel scheduled talks on cooperation between the Russian Navy and the US Navy. And rightly so! States of us - not friends. Any attempt to "cooperation" with the Americans - particularly in the military sphere - the game one wicket. Equal partnership "Uncle Sam" did not understand and do not understand. Who wants to be his "junior partner," let him stands in the place in private - but he must understand that his nose rested into the back of Moldovans, Romanians, and the list goes on.
Officials diversion from the White House say that Obama has not yet made a decision on the modalities of the planned implementation of sanctions against the country. However, they made it clear that, apart from Russian government officials and the military, "targets" will be "organizations and individuals who contributed or contribute to fomenting unrest in Ukraine (of course, this is not about Independence -" JV "), both in the Crimea, as and beyond. " So there! And we all thought that the "drag and do not let go" primordially Russian habit! Group "Earthlings", choirs Kuban Cossacks and the Black Sea Fleet, bikers "Night Wolves"! Do you hear? It's aimed at you crooked his finger, "Uncle Sam"! You scared? Horror same!
Biker I generally suggest seats exclusively on our "Ural" to America, no instance did not get. In the US, it has become so popular that almost all products Irbitsky plant leaves on the continent, and we have no choice. Brad Pitt, Ewan McGregor, Cher, Stallone and many other Hollywood stars to our "Ural" does not peel off! It's time to appreciate your own!
"Fair game" considers to be the White House those entrepreneurs and companies that "either participated in the invasion (!?) To Ukraine, or made efforts to destabilize the interim government, took the place of an ectopic President Yanukovych ..." For these gentlemen are provided "freezing of assets and ban visas. " I just hear the groan "Gazprom" strangling our gas to Ukraine, and "Road Service", which will build a road to the Crimea via the Kerch Strait.
Obama has not yet decided to pursue it themselves, "the Crimean separatists" or restrict "Russian to help the separatists." Remains unresolved and the question of "whether to focus on the situation in the Crimea, or throw net wider, looking for those responsible for the violence in other parts of Ukraine" .
Belodomovskie officials acknowledged that Russia's actions took them by surprise. Just be prepared measures against Yanukovych, but here such an embarrassment. Therefore, with the development of measures to counter we went zaminochka. Besides, it is necessary to collect evidence base for decision. For the publication of the executive decree of the president, for example, will have to show that the crisis is a serious threat to US national security. But it calmed, problems will not be - published the Executive Order and far less serious occasions.
Congress, too, is ready to lend a shoulder. McCain bustles expand "the list of Magnitsky." But the White House did not want to overdo the legislators. For example, on Capitol Hill are offering their additional sanctions. The same fussing about McCain that the US launched an immediate deployment of a missile defense system in Eastern Europe, which Obama allegedly "does not consider».
In general, however, the White House played a game called «game of chicken» - the game "on the weak", "coward in", in which two players carry any dangerous action, leading to a negative outcome. The loser is the one who first stop to perform this action. We are in Mexico or in Canada climbed US sanctions have not yet announced. So let them sit and keep quiet.
In the meantime, you need to stop the removal of the US cargo into orbit.
It is necessary to close the US military transit point in Ulyanovsk - let their imported goods and troops to Afghanistan and taken them out at least through the South Pole.
It should withdraw its foreign exchange reserves from the United States right now. Actually, yesterday.
Goodness, they still do not remember. Do not remember how Siluanov, when at the end of last year were in the States preddefoltnom state their reassured that the Russian central bank will not dump US government securities. In vain! It was necessary.
In January this year we have owned securities of the US Treasury in the amount of 164, 4 billion dollars. That they are our debtors, and not vice versa. And they need to dump government bonds on the market. Will not find it.
Source: svpressa.ru
In the words of the officials the Obama administration, "now there is a review of all trade and economic relations with the Russian Federation" and that "will take a long time to impose sanctions on Russia, but even more time will it take to get some kind of reaction by Russian President Putin. " Americans also do not want to embark on this venture alone; they want to win over the European Union countries, the actions were coordinated, and the effect - maximum. The task is not easy; 28 states in a minute "at attention" is not lined up, someone vzbryknёt yes, because of the sanctions "sanktsioneram" also have to pay a price.
Example. Europe more than 30% of all gas consumed it receives from Russia. Suppose all the EU countries have decided to abandon it. Where they are not only overnight, but in the medium term, to take those volumes? This is not the seeds! In the meantime, despite the political wailing, the export of Russian gas remains the same as last year. Over the year the volume of supply is likely to amount to about 160 billion cubic meters - roughly the same as in last year. Maybe more. Since the end of February - despite the warm weather, pumping our gas-CIS countries jumped almost 10 percent! Ukraine is stealing? By the grandmother did not go! Europeans pumped into storage for future use? Surely! But all's life has not uploaded!
And yet the Europeans need to somehow coerce the economic assistance "maydanutym." Time passes, and Kiev there is nothing from the West have not received.
But specific machinations of the White House.
Already minimized preparation of the summit, "Eight" in Sochi. Someone in Russia will cry about it? Nonsense! They threatened to expel us from the "Group of Eight" in general? Also officials are accustomed to travel at public expense to all sorts of talks no one to care no! Let's look realistically: "Seven" on this forum have something to talk about, but even Italy, by and large, there is also an extra. For us it is just another cocktail party and the opportunity to show off in front of photographers. It would be great if in under the pretext of the events around Ukraine and Russia more from the WTO came!
Sochi at all reminiscent of the adopted and widely used in the United States - particularly with regard to international economic sanctions - the notion of «exposure». This "exposure (without protection)," "exposure." A country or a company has its assets and offices in the United States? It is their exposure, "they were exposed," and States with a deterioration in relations with this country believe these laws to freeze assets, expropriate. Do you want to host an international forum and would like to Americans and their allies participated in it? This - exposure, an instrument of pressure on you. If only the Americans so no normal bilateral relations can not keep! I do not want to quarrel? Just ignore States and work elsewhere!
Another taken from the White House "car-r-rdinalnyh" solutions: canceled visit to Moscow by US Trade Representative - a sort of interagency coordinator in the executive office of the US president. Big shot!
Canceled invitation of the Russian delegation to visit Washington for talks on cooperation in the energy sector. Great! Less of our money will pilfer and settle in foreign banks.
Cancel scheduled talks on cooperation between the Russian Navy and the US Navy. And rightly so! States of us - not friends. Any attempt to "cooperation" with the Americans - particularly in the military sphere - the game one wicket. Equal partnership "Uncle Sam" did not understand and do not understand. Who wants to be his "junior partner," let him stands in the place in private - but he must understand that his nose rested into the back of Moldovans, Romanians, and the list goes on.
Officials diversion from the White House say that Obama has not yet made a decision on the modalities of the planned implementation of sanctions against the country. However, they made it clear that, apart from Russian government officials and the military, "targets" will be "organizations and individuals who contributed or contribute to fomenting unrest in Ukraine (of course, this is not about Independence -" JV "), both in the Crimea, as and beyond. " So there! And we all thought that the "drag and do not let go" primordially Russian habit! Group "Earthlings", choirs Kuban Cossacks and the Black Sea Fleet, bikers "Night Wolves"! Do you hear? It's aimed at you crooked his finger, "Uncle Sam"! You scared? Horror same!
Biker I generally suggest seats exclusively on our "Ural" to America, no instance did not get. In the US, it has become so popular that almost all products Irbitsky plant leaves on the continent, and we have no choice. Brad Pitt, Ewan McGregor, Cher, Stallone and many other Hollywood stars to our "Ural" does not peel off! It's time to appreciate your own!
"Fair game" considers to be the White House those entrepreneurs and companies that "either participated in the invasion (!?) To Ukraine, or made efforts to destabilize the interim government, took the place of an ectopic President Yanukovych ..." For these gentlemen are provided "freezing of assets and ban visas. " I just hear the groan "Gazprom" strangling our gas to Ukraine, and "Road Service", which will build a road to the Crimea via the Kerch Strait.
Obama has not yet decided to pursue it themselves, "the Crimean separatists" or restrict "Russian to help the separatists." Remains unresolved and the question of "whether to focus on the situation in the Crimea, or throw net wider, looking for those responsible for the violence in other parts of Ukraine" .
Belodomovskie officials acknowledged that Russia's actions took them by surprise. Just be prepared measures against Yanukovych, but here such an embarrassment. Therefore, with the development of measures to counter we went zaminochka. Besides, it is necessary to collect evidence base for decision. For the publication of the executive decree of the president, for example, will have to show that the crisis is a serious threat to US national security. But it calmed, problems will not be - published the Executive Order and far less serious occasions.
Congress, too, is ready to lend a shoulder. McCain bustles expand "the list of Magnitsky." But the White House did not want to overdo the legislators. For example, on Capitol Hill are offering their additional sanctions. The same fussing about McCain that the US launched an immediate deployment of a missile defense system in Eastern Europe, which Obama allegedly "does not consider».
In general, however, the White House played a game called «game of chicken» - the game "on the weak", "coward in", in which two players carry any dangerous action, leading to a negative outcome. The loser is the one who first stop to perform this action. We are in Mexico or in Canada climbed US sanctions have not yet announced. So let them sit and keep quiet.
In the meantime, you need to stop the removal of the US cargo into orbit.
It is necessary to close the US military transit point in Ulyanovsk - let their imported goods and troops to Afghanistan and taken them out at least through the South Pole.
It should withdraw its foreign exchange reserves from the United States right now. Actually, yesterday.
Goodness, they still do not remember. Do not remember how Siluanov, when at the end of last year were in the States preddefoltnom state their reassured that the Russian central bank will not dump US government securities. In vain! It was necessary.
In January this year we have owned securities of the US Treasury in the amount of 164, 4 billion dollars. That they are our debtors, and not vice versa. And they need to dump government bonds on the market. Will not find it.

Source: svpressa.ru