The fight in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (8 photos + video)

Once again, the battle continues ... The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the fight broke out again.
March 19 grappled deputies from the Party of Regions and "Freedom." The bone of contention was the question of language again.

After the speech in the Verkhovna Rada Party of Regions faction leader Oleksandr Yefremov opposition faction
"Freedom" headed by Oleg Tyagnibok and Irina Fahrion blocked the rostrum of the parliament.

The leader of the Party of Regions faction Oleksandr Efremov came to the podium and began to speak in Russian,
which caused great dissatisfaction Svoboda. They have six minutes shouting "Ukrainian!".
Regional called neo-fascists and political opponents finished his speech.

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