In the shoes of Ukrainian officer
The officers of the army and law enforcement agencies - are employees of the state, the government has promised to protect it for the money. You've got to understand the two concepts, the first - to "protect." This concept includes the risk of their own lives and (maybe even harder) the need to kill.
The second concept - the state. What is it? Whatever it may be, but the money collected from the people, that the people pay, therefore, it is necessary to protect the people of this state - it is the state. However, mass-officer is too difficult, he knows full well that the money received for the execution of orders of superiors - so the officer easier, and greater revenues. Well, so be it. But here it is important that the order was lawful. Leave aside all the nuances of the law and to isolate the main thing - that the chief who gave the order, he is obliged to be legitimate.
Here is a pertinent example. During Soviet times, one of the destroyers of the Baltic served as political officer enthusiastic, dissatisfied with the weak communistic ruling Communist Party. Persuaded sailors arrested the captain and turned destroyer heading for Leningrad to, for example, "Aurora" in the Soviet Union to lift a popular uprising against the Communist Party. And when he realized that alerted Navy and Air Force will not let him in Leningrad, then he turned and drove the destroyer to save his own skin in Sweden. Then the rest of the officers and sailors of the destroyer came to, lawful commander released, and the latter-day arrest. This political officer after the trial, of course, was shot, but was shot and put him in prison, and the sailors who carried his team. How else? Teams should only be done legally commanders, even if unlawful want something very, very good. And who is the rightful boss? Anyone who took the position of the law, and not by choice.
And be here today Ukrainian officer?
The people of Ukraine in the Constitution decided to share power in the country into three parts, independently of one another. Two of the people elect the government itself - the legislature (the Parliament) and the executive (the President). The third part - the judiciary - was elected the first two parts. Supreme Commander of the Army, and all law enforcement agencies is not the Parliament and the President. Only he has the right to give instructions to officers to go at your own risk and kill the one who tells the President.
Understandably, smelly media persuaded the people to elect the President of Ukraine is the shit that it can not be called by shit and since both of shit is good, both on fertilizer. Bastard ran away, leaving his troops. But in this case, when the president is unable to perform his duties according to the Constitution of Ukraine executes the duties of President, Prime Minister, and it is where? But he was expelled illegal armed groups in Kiev.
But then, someone here who today calls himself acting President? And he kind of political officer from the destroyer. Parliament, surrounded by illegal armed groups (which do not produce Deputies of Kyiv under threat of death for them and their families), arbitrarily changed the Constitution and its speaker, appointed by the President. But the fact that the Constitution only allowed to change all three branches of government simultaneously, and the Parliament, again as the political officer, personally changed the Constitution and became the commander of Ukraine, saying that all men are required to perform its team. (Whether Rada team, whether the team commanders of illegal armed groups, commanders Rada).
What Ukrainian officer? That's right, you need to pretend that you are stupid and can not see anything and do not understand, just exactly execute commands immediate superiors. Somehow it blows over. Well, if the acting The President will order for someone to shoot? Well, then you have to shoot, and the rulers are to blame.
After all, it is so, but only the men, playing team commissar, too, thought that the blame will only political officer. But shot them, too, because, like it or not like a fool nor pretend, and the commander was something illegal!
And I will say that America and Europe says President and parliament of the law! E-mine! And whom they did not consider legitimate? Saddam Hussein when he was at war with Iran? Or Gaddafi? Or Milosevic? Or Vietnamese allies that they not only did not evacuate, and also lists their left partisans that would order them it was easier to shoot, and that these America's allies in the US do not reach and benefits are not asked. For these lawyers, legal what is advantageous. It will cease to be profitable, and will cease to be legal. Vaughn Yatsenyuk himself admitted that they are the government of suicides, only one did not tell him it's time.
In addition, because it is necessary to evaluate the people in parliament, their self-appointed leaders. After all, these are the people who saw the "Golden Eagle", losing the wounded and killed, practically unarmed defending Ukrainian state from illegal armed groups, as a dedication to his duty for Ukraine. As a result, these "deputies of the people" in the parliament announced fighters "Berkut" criminals. That is, there is, in the parliament, selected little people, who for the sake of themselves, loved ones, betray anyone, especially betray, in their understanding, redneck, serving in the army. Good commanders! It is, in fact, Sasha White, not without reason said that these should be hung.
Bad, of course, is that the officers are a good formula for myself, "You - the chief, I - fool." This remarkable formula allows you to disable the brain and then the cap is sitting on the head more convenient. And do not be this formula, the officers would have asked ourselves the question - how common words, essentially called the enemy of Ukraine, trampling on her land? Armed with foreigners? No. After armed foreigners can be allies, and together with their enemies in the army can fight compatriots. That is, fundamentally speaking, the enemy trampling ground of your homeland, is the one who is unlawfully weapons on your land - an illegal armed formation.
Here is the article 17 of the Constitution of Ukraine: "On the territory of Ukraine prohibits the establishment and operation of any - any armed formations not envisaged by law." And those armed gangs who captured Kiev and a number of areas, how they are provided by law? No ?? And it is in front of the officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ??
But on the other hand, the cap something more important!
And under all these circumstances, where do poor Ukrainian officer to go?
The second concept - the state. What is it? Whatever it may be, but the money collected from the people, that the people pay, therefore, it is necessary to protect the people of this state - it is the state. However, mass-officer is too difficult, he knows full well that the money received for the execution of orders of superiors - so the officer easier, and greater revenues. Well, so be it. But here it is important that the order was lawful. Leave aside all the nuances of the law and to isolate the main thing - that the chief who gave the order, he is obliged to be legitimate.
Here is a pertinent example. During Soviet times, one of the destroyers of the Baltic served as political officer enthusiastic, dissatisfied with the weak communistic ruling Communist Party. Persuaded sailors arrested the captain and turned destroyer heading for Leningrad to, for example, "Aurora" in the Soviet Union to lift a popular uprising against the Communist Party. And when he realized that alerted Navy and Air Force will not let him in Leningrad, then he turned and drove the destroyer to save his own skin in Sweden. Then the rest of the officers and sailors of the destroyer came to, lawful commander released, and the latter-day arrest. This political officer after the trial, of course, was shot, but was shot and put him in prison, and the sailors who carried his team. How else? Teams should only be done legally commanders, even if unlawful want something very, very good. And who is the rightful boss? Anyone who took the position of the law, and not by choice.
And be here today Ukrainian officer?
The people of Ukraine in the Constitution decided to share power in the country into three parts, independently of one another. Two of the people elect the government itself - the legislature (the Parliament) and the executive (the President). The third part - the judiciary - was elected the first two parts. Supreme Commander of the Army, and all law enforcement agencies is not the Parliament and the President. Only he has the right to give instructions to officers to go at your own risk and kill the one who tells the President.
Understandably, smelly media persuaded the people to elect the President of Ukraine is the shit that it can not be called by shit and since both of shit is good, both on fertilizer. Bastard ran away, leaving his troops. But in this case, when the president is unable to perform his duties according to the Constitution of Ukraine executes the duties of President, Prime Minister, and it is where? But he was expelled illegal armed groups in Kiev.
But then, someone here who today calls himself acting President? And he kind of political officer from the destroyer. Parliament, surrounded by illegal armed groups (which do not produce Deputies of Kyiv under threat of death for them and their families), arbitrarily changed the Constitution and its speaker, appointed by the President. But the fact that the Constitution only allowed to change all three branches of government simultaneously, and the Parliament, again as the political officer, personally changed the Constitution and became the commander of Ukraine, saying that all men are required to perform its team. (Whether Rada team, whether the team commanders of illegal armed groups, commanders Rada).
What Ukrainian officer? That's right, you need to pretend that you are stupid and can not see anything and do not understand, just exactly execute commands immediate superiors. Somehow it blows over. Well, if the acting The President will order for someone to shoot? Well, then you have to shoot, and the rulers are to blame.
After all, it is so, but only the men, playing team commissar, too, thought that the blame will only political officer. But shot them, too, because, like it or not like a fool nor pretend, and the commander was something illegal!
And I will say that America and Europe says President and parliament of the law! E-mine! And whom they did not consider legitimate? Saddam Hussein when he was at war with Iran? Or Gaddafi? Or Milosevic? Or Vietnamese allies that they not only did not evacuate, and also lists their left partisans that would order them it was easier to shoot, and that these America's allies in the US do not reach and benefits are not asked. For these lawyers, legal what is advantageous. It will cease to be profitable, and will cease to be legal. Vaughn Yatsenyuk himself admitted that they are the government of suicides, only one did not tell him it's time.
In addition, because it is necessary to evaluate the people in parliament, their self-appointed leaders. After all, these are the people who saw the "Golden Eagle", losing the wounded and killed, practically unarmed defending Ukrainian state from illegal armed groups, as a dedication to his duty for Ukraine. As a result, these "deputies of the people" in the parliament announced fighters "Berkut" criminals. That is, there is, in the parliament, selected little people, who for the sake of themselves, loved ones, betray anyone, especially betray, in their understanding, redneck, serving in the army. Good commanders! It is, in fact, Sasha White, not without reason said that these should be hung.
Bad, of course, is that the officers are a good formula for myself, "You - the chief, I - fool." This remarkable formula allows you to disable the brain and then the cap is sitting on the head more convenient. And do not be this formula, the officers would have asked ourselves the question - how common words, essentially called the enemy of Ukraine, trampling on her land? Armed with foreigners? No. After armed foreigners can be allies, and together with their enemies in the army can fight compatriots. That is, fundamentally speaking, the enemy trampling ground of your homeland, is the one who is unlawfully weapons on your land - an illegal armed formation.
Here is the article 17 of the Constitution of Ukraine: "On the territory of Ukraine prohibits the establishment and operation of any - any armed formations not envisaged by law." And those armed gangs who captured Kiev and a number of areas, how they are provided by law? No ?? And it is in front of the officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ??
But on the other hand, the cap something more important!
And under all these circumstances, where do poor Ukrainian officer to go?
