Lieutenant Schmidt and his son
The true story of the son of a lieutenant of the Soviet people carefully concealed, and it gave a trump card scams. The revolutionary myth of a lieutenant and a vague memory that he was either the son or sons could easily feed more than a dozen rogues, touring the country of the Soviets with epic tales of heroic father. "Go to him do not let that asks, and it is to roll a complaint to the Party body, and then prishyut political short-sightedness," - talked about as bureaucrats on the ground, providing "sons" all necessary. To give its bureaucrats and state-owned. And in addition, do not forget yourself, attributed to sop "daze" Ochakovo character much more than actually perepadalo Shura Balaganov or Michael Samuelevich Panikovskyi ...
Name Lieutenant Pyotr Schmidt was known throughout Rossii.Nedarom in May 1917 his remains were ceremoniously reburied in Sevastopol.
Alexander Kerensky, who then held the post of Minister of War and Navy, even laid on his grave George Cross.
On the grave of the man did not take part in any battle ...
Surprisingly, the Soviet government, extols Schmidt as a hero at the same time did not forbid him to laugh at, as it did in Ilf and Petrov "Golden Calf". "Great" and "bloodless" February Revolution was marked by the massacre of the officers, including - marine. Brutal killing 120 sailors and officers admirals. Sailors had to prove that not all naval officers - and the feudal reactionaries, among them were "positive." And this role was "appointed" Schmidt.
He was born in 1867 to a family of sailors. His father - the hero of the defense of Sevastopol in the Crimean War, was promoted to Rear Admiral. The future revolutionary early lost his mother and stepmother hated. That, of course, impact on the psyche. Naturally, Peter Schmidt, following in the footsteps of their ancestors. He became a naval officer.
Young man characterized by great ability in school, well sung, played music and drawing. But along with all these good qualities we noted his increased nervousness and irritability. Hull and the school's bosses at the strangeness of the cadet and midshipman Schmidt then turned a blind eye, believing that over time all by itself is formed: the harsh practice of naval service fleet of etched "Fendrick" and more dangerous tendencies.
Relations with companions went wrong during his studies. Periods of euphoria gave way to his deep depression.
He absolutely could not adequately assess reality. This feature will continue his
for life. Sometimes he fancied himself the most valuable naval officer, then called law wife a woman with whom a correspondence. Out of all this sad - Lieutenant Schmidt appointed himself commander of the Black Sea Fleet.
Perhaps the most heroic moment in the biography Schmidt - that's marriage. He marries a street
Dominica prostitute Pavlova with a view to spiritual re-education. Peter was a well-read young man, so this is not surprising. The Russian literature of a prostitute - it is always passive, positive and even romantic image. However, among the officers did not share these views. Away from sin Schmidt resigns and enters the hospital ... the doctor-Sheba Mogilevich for nerve and dushevnobolnyh.Izvestie of marrying the son of a prostitute has reduced his father to the grave.
But he was my uncle - a full admiral and a member of the Admiralty Board. Uncle becomes patron of his ne'er-do-nephew.
Lack of money makes Peter Schmidt again requested the Navy. Uncle hurry up and took his nephew. Send it to the gunboat "Beaver", part of the Siberian fleet in the Far East. Family went after him, but Peter Petrovich this was worse. But his wife all his arguments and teachings priduryu believed in him did not put a penny and openly cheated on him. And again - hospital for nervous disorders. At this time in Nagasaki, where Schmidt gave a scandal with Japanese - the owner of the hotel, I had to intervene Russian consul. And once again comes to the aid of his uncle. He is seeking for Peter Schmidt's resignation, but with the right to serve in the commercial fleet.
Peter sat in the "Volunteer Navy," and from there went to the "Society of Shipping and Trade", becoming captain of the ship "Diana", which is engaged in the transport of cargo on the Black Sea. His wife stayed with him, but the family is actually collapsed: Domniki trailing plume of scandalous rumors, and Peter, fleeing from their home almost did not happen, most of the year in swimming and bezvylazno living in the captain's cabin to "Diana". Schmidt serves. Not bad feeling. But it starts the Russian-Japanese war.
Returning to Fleet Schmidt, who was then already forty years old, made the rank of lieutenant and was sent to the Baltic Sea. He was appointed a senior officer of the coal transport "Irtysh", is preparing to move to the Pacific theater of war in the squadron Rozhdestvensky. It is very hard: after visiting captain, the absolute master of the ship and crew, again go into someone's submission. And the position of "dragon ship" was not for Peter Petrovich. The duties of a senior officer of a warship is to maintain strict discipline and Lieutenant did not want to "tighten the screws": in his "Diana," he simply smoked with the sailors, read books, and they called him "Petro».
Captain "Irtysh" believed that the senior officer of the liberal decomposes discipline on board and wanted to get rid of this eccentric, fallen on his head in front of a distant ocean campaign. Fuel to the fire poured accident during the release of "Irtysh" in the sea: It happened during the watch Schmidt, and although his actions in light conditions actually saved the ship, according to an old naval tradition, "extreme" made the officer of the watch, and a report by Captain Squadron Commander Lieutenant put under arrest.
The reasons for the punishment of the senior officer can find plenty, because he is responsible for everything on the ship at once, and because foreclosure fell on the head of the unfortunate Peter Petrovich, both from the nightmarish cornucopia. The upshot was the case that docked in Port Said at the entrance to the Suez Canal, Lieutenant Schmidt "sickness" written off with "Irtysh" and sent to Russia. So it is the will of fate escaped death in the Battle of Tsushima
The disease was clearly frivolous, or Schmidt would be written off to the beach and not to command a destroyer in the Black Sea, where no military action was not conducted. But vengeance was going revolutionary ferment. Lieutenant Schmidt sympathize with the revolution.
But sympathy is expressed in a strange way. He steals public money intended for those most disenfranchised sailors, which revolutionaries are supposed to protect. Later, Schmidt justified the money, they say, have lost.
Again, there is the ever-present guardian angel - my uncle, which covers embezzlement.
In October 1905, a crowd of people, excited by the tsar's manifesto of freedom, trying to free from prison inmates. The crowd shot. There are victims. At the funeral of those killed demonstrators Lieutenant Schmidt delivers a speech full of revolutionary romanticism. He is arrested, but soon released. Time of trouble, the authorities can not figure out how to behave in relation to the Manifesto.
Lieutenant Schmidt turns to the famous revolutionary. And just rebelled and drove out the officers, sailors from the cruiser "Ochakov". They turn to him for advice on what to do next.
The cruiser "Ochakov».
And then he sent to Schmidt "Ochakov" and proclaims himself the commander of the Black Sea Fleet.
It takes hostage officers from several ships and threatened to shoot them if at cruiser will make at least one shot.
At the same time, he says, incoherent speech that he was worth the whole Russian people, it requires from the king of the Constituent Assembly, and in case of failure of separate Crimea from Russia and there is the presidency of.
In addition to the speeches, Schmidt and taking some action. The rebels "Ochakovo" joined the destroyer "Ferocious." By order of the self-proclaimed commander of the Navy destroyer tried to capture and bring to the board "Ochakov" torpedo boat tender "Bug", which was 300 minutes.
A kind of blackmail. If you start to shoot at the "Ochakovo", then followed by an explosion that half of Sevastopol detonate.
However, the Black Sea fleet did not go for the brave lieutenant. The destroyer "Ferocious" was fired, and the seizure of "Bug" has failed. The next day, the squadron opened fire on the "Ochakovo". The rebellion was suppressed.
Schmidt argued that cruiser were being fired, did not know what world history. However, the cruiser somehow not only drowned, but did not receive any serious injuries. However, to know where Lieutenant Schmidt, successfully avoided the Battle of Tsushima, which is a fire in the naval battle?
Earlier historians have claimed that Schmidt, the last to leave the bridge. Now prove that first. Anyway, he was captured, tried and executed.
The wife and sister pytalais save him, convincing the judges in his insanity. However, the lieutenant stubbornly denied mental illness and assured that it is absolutely healthy. Life Peter Schmidt ended, began the legend.
On the "Ochakovo" with the lieutenant was his son. A real son of Lieutenant Schmidt - Evgeny Petrovich. He at that time was 16 years old, he studied at the real school. His fate is perhaps more instructive than the fate of his father.
In 1905, Eugene Schmidt fully captured by revolutionary ideas. He made it to the "Ochakovo" as soon as he learned about the beginning of the uprising. 40 days the boy was under arrest, but the court avoided. According to sources, he "rescued the relatives." None other than the ubiquitous Uncle Lieutenant Yevgeny which accounted grandnephew.
Peter Schmidt was a good father, despite the fact that sometimes rolled son tantrums.
Meanwhile, the revolutionary developments in the country continued to boil, and soon after the execution of Lieutenant at meetings of various parties began to appear young people who are called "son of Lieutenant Schmidt," on behalf of the deceased for the freedom of the father called to take revenge, to fight against the tsarist regime and provide all possible assistance revolutionaries, the organizers of the rally sacrificing much as you can. Under the "son of Lieutenant" revolutionaries made a good collection, but since there were many parties and everyone wanted to "seize the opportunity", the "sons" completely divorced obscene amount. Not only that: whence arose even "daughter Schmidt»!
Further - more, there were "sons" who did not have any relation to the parties and to work "for themselves." Newspapers that every day, wrote about catching the next "young man who called himself the son of Lieutenant Schmidt," and this formula literally navyazla newspaper in his mouth at the man in the street. About a year "children of Lieutenant" is quite flourished, and then, when with the decline of revolutionary fervor ran rallies and gatherings, which could circumvent a cap crowd, inflamed to madness speeches of speakers, they had disappeared, changing apparently repertoire. < br />
The cruiser "Ochakov" after the mutiny served twenty-seven years.
In November 1920, he left with the emigrants on board in Turkey, where he was interned.
In 1933 it was dismantled metal
February Revolution Petrograd cadet training school warrant engineering troops Eugene Schmidt also received with enthusiasm. He asks the Provisional Government resolution called not just Schmidt and Schmidt-Ochakovo. The interim government permits. That was in May. And in November 1917, after the October Revolution, Schmidt-Ochakovo asks in impotent rage: "For you died, my father!
Shall to thy son saw the crumbling foundations of Millennial state as a great nation is crazy how every day, like every minute a ride roughshod over those ideas for which you went to Calvary? »
Eugene Schmidt served in the White Army left the Crimea, together with the last part of Wrangel's army. In 1921, after the evacuation of Gallipoli, a part of the first hundred went to Gallipoli for the completion of higher education in Prague, where he graduated from the Higher Technical School. The Company was in Gallipoli in Prague, the Company Russian graduating from universities in Czechoslovakia.
The Soviet government has repeatedly offered to return the son of the famous revolutionary, but he always refuses.
Eugene Schmidt died in 1951 in Paris in poverty. In exile, he wrote memories of his father, which recognized that "making a complete reassessment of values." Alas, too late.

Name Lieutenant Pyotr Schmidt was known throughout Rossii.Nedarom in May 1917 his remains were ceremoniously reburied in Sevastopol.
Alexander Kerensky, who then held the post of Minister of War and Navy, even laid on his grave George Cross.
On the grave of the man did not take part in any battle ...

Surprisingly, the Soviet government, extols Schmidt as a hero at the same time did not forbid him to laugh at, as it did in Ilf and Petrov "Golden Calf". "Great" and "bloodless" February Revolution was marked by the massacre of the officers, including - marine. Brutal killing 120 sailors and officers admirals. Sailors had to prove that not all naval officers - and the feudal reactionaries, among them were "positive." And this role was "appointed" Schmidt.
He was born in 1867 to a family of sailors. His father - the hero of the defense of Sevastopol in the Crimean War, was promoted to Rear Admiral. The future revolutionary early lost his mother and stepmother hated. That, of course, impact on the psyche. Naturally, Peter Schmidt, following in the footsteps of their ancestors. He became a naval officer.
Young man characterized by great ability in school, well sung, played music and drawing. But along with all these good qualities we noted his increased nervousness and irritability. Hull and the school's bosses at the strangeness of the cadet and midshipman Schmidt then turned a blind eye, believing that over time all by itself is formed: the harsh practice of naval service fleet of etched "Fendrick" and more dangerous tendencies.

Relations with companions went wrong during his studies. Periods of euphoria gave way to his deep depression.
He absolutely could not adequately assess reality. This feature will continue his
for life. Sometimes he fancied himself the most valuable naval officer, then called law wife a woman with whom a correspondence. Out of all this sad - Lieutenant Schmidt appointed himself commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

Perhaps the most heroic moment in the biography Schmidt - that's marriage. He marries a street
Dominica prostitute Pavlova with a view to spiritual re-education. Peter was a well-read young man, so this is not surprising. The Russian literature of a prostitute - it is always passive, positive and even romantic image. However, among the officers did not share these views. Away from sin Schmidt resigns and enters the hospital ... the doctor-Sheba Mogilevich for nerve and dushevnobolnyh.Izvestie of marrying the son of a prostitute has reduced his father to the grave.

But he was my uncle - a full admiral and a member of the Admiralty Board. Uncle becomes patron of his ne'er-do-nephew.
Lack of money makes Peter Schmidt again requested the Navy. Uncle hurry up and took his nephew. Send it to the gunboat "Beaver", part of the Siberian fleet in the Far East. Family went after him, but Peter Petrovich this was worse. But his wife all his arguments and teachings priduryu believed in him did not put a penny and openly cheated on him. And again - hospital for nervous disorders. At this time in Nagasaki, where Schmidt gave a scandal with Japanese - the owner of the hotel, I had to intervene Russian consul. And once again comes to the aid of his uncle. He is seeking for Peter Schmidt's resignation, but with the right to serve in the commercial fleet.
Peter sat in the "Volunteer Navy," and from there went to the "Society of Shipping and Trade", becoming captain of the ship "Diana", which is engaged in the transport of cargo on the Black Sea. His wife stayed with him, but the family is actually collapsed: Domniki trailing plume of scandalous rumors, and Peter, fleeing from their home almost did not happen, most of the year in swimming and bezvylazno living in the captain's cabin to "Diana". Schmidt serves. Not bad feeling. But it starts the Russian-Japanese war.

Returning to Fleet Schmidt, who was then already forty years old, made the rank of lieutenant and was sent to the Baltic Sea. He was appointed a senior officer of the coal transport "Irtysh", is preparing to move to the Pacific theater of war in the squadron Rozhdestvensky. It is very hard: after visiting captain, the absolute master of the ship and crew, again go into someone's submission. And the position of "dragon ship" was not for Peter Petrovich. The duties of a senior officer of a warship is to maintain strict discipline and Lieutenant did not want to "tighten the screws": in his "Diana," he simply smoked with the sailors, read books, and they called him "Petro».
Captain "Irtysh" believed that the senior officer of the liberal decomposes discipline on board and wanted to get rid of this eccentric, fallen on his head in front of a distant ocean campaign. Fuel to the fire poured accident during the release of "Irtysh" in the sea: It happened during the watch Schmidt, and although his actions in light conditions actually saved the ship, according to an old naval tradition, "extreme" made the officer of the watch, and a report by Captain Squadron Commander Lieutenant put under arrest.
The reasons for the punishment of the senior officer can find plenty, because he is responsible for everything on the ship at once, and because foreclosure fell on the head of the unfortunate Peter Petrovich, both from the nightmarish cornucopia. The upshot was the case that docked in Port Said at the entrance to the Suez Canal, Lieutenant Schmidt "sickness" written off with "Irtysh" and sent to Russia. So it is the will of fate escaped death in the Battle of Tsushima
The disease was clearly frivolous, or Schmidt would be written off to the beach and not to command a destroyer in the Black Sea, where no military action was not conducted. But vengeance was going revolutionary ferment. Lieutenant Schmidt sympathize with the revolution.
But sympathy is expressed in a strange way. He steals public money intended for those most disenfranchised sailors, which revolutionaries are supposed to protect. Later, Schmidt justified the money, they say, have lost.
Again, there is the ever-present guardian angel - my uncle, which covers embezzlement.

In October 1905, a crowd of people, excited by the tsar's manifesto of freedom, trying to free from prison inmates. The crowd shot. There are victims. At the funeral of those killed demonstrators Lieutenant Schmidt delivers a speech full of revolutionary romanticism. He is arrested, but soon released. Time of trouble, the authorities can not figure out how to behave in relation to the Manifesto.
Lieutenant Schmidt turns to the famous revolutionary. And just rebelled and drove out the officers, sailors from the cruiser "Ochakov". They turn to him for advice on what to do next.

The cruiser "Ochakov».
And then he sent to Schmidt "Ochakov" and proclaims himself the commander of the Black Sea Fleet.
It takes hostage officers from several ships and threatened to shoot them if at cruiser will make at least one shot.

At the same time, he says, incoherent speech that he was worth the whole Russian people, it requires from the king of the Constituent Assembly, and in case of failure of separate Crimea from Russia and there is the presidency of.

In addition to the speeches, Schmidt and taking some action. The rebels "Ochakovo" joined the destroyer "Ferocious." By order of the self-proclaimed commander of the Navy destroyer tried to capture and bring to the board "Ochakov" torpedo boat tender "Bug", which was 300 minutes.

A kind of blackmail. If you start to shoot at the "Ochakovo", then followed by an explosion that half of Sevastopol detonate.
However, the Black Sea fleet did not go for the brave lieutenant. The destroyer "Ferocious" was fired, and the seizure of "Bug" has failed. The next day, the squadron opened fire on the "Ochakovo". The rebellion was suppressed.

Schmidt argued that cruiser were being fired, did not know what world history. However, the cruiser somehow not only drowned, but did not receive any serious injuries. However, to know where Lieutenant Schmidt, successfully avoided the Battle of Tsushima, which is a fire in the naval battle?

Earlier historians have claimed that Schmidt, the last to leave the bridge. Now prove that first. Anyway, he was captured, tried and executed.
The wife and sister pytalais save him, convincing the judges in his insanity. However, the lieutenant stubbornly denied mental illness and assured that it is absolutely healthy. Life Peter Schmidt ended, began the legend.
On the "Ochakovo" with the lieutenant was his son. A real son of Lieutenant Schmidt - Evgeny Petrovich. He at that time was 16 years old, he studied at the real school. His fate is perhaps more instructive than the fate of his father.
In 1905, Eugene Schmidt fully captured by revolutionary ideas. He made it to the "Ochakovo" as soon as he learned about the beginning of the uprising. 40 days the boy was under arrest, but the court avoided. According to sources, he "rescued the relatives." None other than the ubiquitous Uncle Lieutenant Yevgeny which accounted grandnephew.

Peter Schmidt was a good father, despite the fact that sometimes rolled son tantrums.
Meanwhile, the revolutionary developments in the country continued to boil, and soon after the execution of Lieutenant at meetings of various parties began to appear young people who are called "son of Lieutenant Schmidt," on behalf of the deceased for the freedom of the father called to take revenge, to fight against the tsarist regime and provide all possible assistance revolutionaries, the organizers of the rally sacrificing much as you can. Under the "son of Lieutenant" revolutionaries made a good collection, but since there were many parties and everyone wanted to "seize the opportunity", the "sons" completely divorced obscene amount. Not only that: whence arose even "daughter Schmidt»!

Further - more, there were "sons" who did not have any relation to the parties and to work "for themselves." Newspapers that every day, wrote about catching the next "young man who called himself the son of Lieutenant Schmidt," and this formula literally navyazla newspaper in his mouth at the man in the street. About a year "children of Lieutenant" is quite flourished, and then, when with the decline of revolutionary fervor ran rallies and gatherings, which could circumvent a cap crowd, inflamed to madness speeches of speakers, they had disappeared, changing apparently repertoire. < br />

The cruiser "Ochakov" after the mutiny served twenty-seven years.
In November 1920, he left with the emigrants on board in Turkey, where he was interned.
In 1933 it was dismantled metal
February Revolution Petrograd cadet training school warrant engineering troops Eugene Schmidt also received with enthusiasm. He asks the Provisional Government resolution called not just Schmidt and Schmidt-Ochakovo. The interim government permits. That was in May. And in November 1917, after the October Revolution, Schmidt-Ochakovo asks in impotent rage: "For you died, my father!
Shall to thy son saw the crumbling foundations of Millennial state as a great nation is crazy how every day, like every minute a ride roughshod over those ideas for which you went to Calvary? »

Eugene Schmidt served in the White Army left the Crimea, together with the last part of Wrangel's army. In 1921, after the evacuation of Gallipoli, a part of the first hundred went to Gallipoli for the completion of higher education in Prague, where he graduated from the Higher Technical School. The Company was in Gallipoli in Prague, the Company Russian graduating from universities in Czechoslovakia.
The Soviet government has repeatedly offered to return the son of the famous revolutionary, but he always refuses.
Eugene Schmidt died in 1951 in Paris in poverty. In exile, he wrote memories of his father, which recognized that "making a complete reassessment of values." Alas, too late.