Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 5
The penultimate part of the translation of the text of Julian Assange on Google and his leadership. Here the story will be mainly about Eric Schmidt, his political undertakings, and even a little about Russia. By the way, I can't say what this moment reveals something incredible, but it is possible to look at the latest foreign policy adventure a little bit wider.
Eric Schmidt is Hillary Clinton as a keynote speaker at the conference "Big ideas for a New America" (Big Ideas for a New America), conducted by the New America Foundation, where Schmidt presides and is the largest sponsor, may 16, 2014
Eric Schmidt was born in Washington, D.C., where his father worked as a Professor and was an economist in the Treasury under Nixon. He attended high school in Arlington, Virginia, and later received an engineering degree at Princeton.
In 1979, he went West to Berkeley, where he received his doctoral (PhD) degree [approx. the Wiki refers to a master's degree, however, with reference to "Kommersant", reason] before you join a spin-OFU Stanford/Berkeley Sun Microsystems in 1983. Sixteen years later he left the company, having become one of the acting managers.
Sun have also had significant contracts with the U.S. government, but only as long as Schmidt was in Utah as CEO of Novell that records which show that he had a strategic interest in the Washington political class. The financial records of the Federal [election] campaign say that on 6 January 1999 Schmidt has twice donated $ 1,000 to the Republican Senator from Utah Orin Hatch. On the same day, Schmidt's wife, Wendy, also donated to Senator Hatch twice a thousand.
By early 2001, more than a dozen other politicians and political action committees [approx. PACs, or “Political Action Committee”, Association for the financing of electoral campaigns, in particular for implicit financial support for specific politicians, including al Gore, George W. Bush, Dianne Feinstein (Dianne Feinstein) and Hillary Clinton received from Schmidt investments in total of more than 100 thousand dollars.
By 2013, Eric Schmidt, now publicly associated with the White House, Barack Obama, has become more Mature. Eight Republicans and eight Democrats directly funded by the two PAC'AMI. In April 32 $ 300 was sent to the Republican senatorial Committee (Republican Senatorial Committee).
A month later, the same amount 32 300 went to Democratic senatorial Campaign Committee (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee). Why is Schmidt donated a brand adekoya amount of money the two political parties 64 $ 600, remains a mystery. [note. data about payments received from Schmidt OpenSecrets.org and the us Federal election Commission (US Federal Election Commission).
Eric Schmidt is Hillary Clinton as a keynote speaker at the conference "Big ideas for a New America" (Big Ideas for a New America), conducted by the New America Foundation, where Schmidt presides and is the largest sponsor, may 16, 2014
Also in 1999 that Schmidt joined another Board: Fund "New America" (New America Foundation), Union of centrists with good connections. Fund and one hundred of his employees was using its network of national security, foreign policy and technological experts to place hundreds of articles and review materials in a year.
By 2008, Schmidt took the chair of the Board of Directors. As of 2013 the main sponsors of the New America Foundation, each of which has invested over a million dollars, includes the Eric and Wendy Schmidt, the State Department of the United States, and the bill and Melinda gates Foundation. ,
Next in the ranking of investors are Google, USAID (United State Agency forInternational Development, the United States Agency for international development) and Radio Free Asia [approx. radio "Free Asia" is a non – profit organization, something like "Voices of America" for the Asian region; partially financed from the budget of the United States].
Part of Schmidt at the New America Foundation places him firmly in the chain of the Washington ruling circles. Other Foundation Board members, seven of whom are members of the Council on foreign relations: Francis Fukuyama (Francis Fukuyama), one of the fathers of the neoconservative movement; Rita Hauser (Rita Hauser), a former employee of the Presidential analytical Advisory Council (President's Intelligence Advisory Board) under Bush and Obama; Jonathan Soros (Soros Jonathan), son of George Soros; Walter Russell Mead (Walter Russell Mead) is an American security analyst and editor of the American Interest; Helen Gale (Helene Gayle), and is involved in the Board of Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Department of the Department of state for foreign Affairs, Council on foreign relations, Center for strategic and international studies internship program the White House, Bono ONE campaign; and Daniel Yergin (Daniel Yergin), fuel geostrategy, former Chairman of the operational working group of the Department of energy for Strategic Energy Research and author of the book "Mining: world history fight for oil, money and power".
Executive Director of the Foundation, appointed in 2013 – Anne-Marie slaughter (Anne-Marie Slaughter), is the former chief Cohen in the state Department and Princeton a nerd on the part of law and international relations. At the time of writing it is everywhere, calling on Obama to respond to the Ukrainian crisis not only by deploying U.S. armed forces under cover inside the country but also by dropping bombs on Syria, on the grounds that it could serve as a message to Russia and China. Along with Schmidt, she is a member of the Bilderberg conference 2013, as well as sitting on the Board of international Affairs of the US State Department.
[note. "The decision of the Ukrainian crisis is partly in Syria. It is time prezedent Barack Obama to show that he can go on the offensive by force in conditions other than secret drone attacks or covert operations. The result may be a change in the strategic calculations not only in Damascus but in Moscow not to mention Beijing and Tokyo." Anne-Marie Slaughter, “Stopping Russia Starts in Syria”, Project Syndicate, 23 April 2014]
There is nothing that would indicate political Nezalejnosti Schmidt. I was too impatient, having noticed at first the political simplicity of an engineer from Silicon Valley, seeing in it the information of the graduate faculty from the West coast, as a relic of the good old days.
However, this is not the person that attends the Bilderberg conference four years running, who regularly visits the White House, or is holding "conversations by the hearth" at the world Economic Forum in Davos. The emergence of Schmidt as a "foreign Minister" Google's lush and ceremonial visits at the geopolitical fault line, and it didn't come from nowhere; it was prophesied years of assimilation with the American governmental networks of reputation and influence.
On a personal level, Schmidt and Cohen are perfectly likable people. But the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Google is a classic "head of industry", with all the ideological baggage attached to this role. Schmidt's perfect for your place: at the point where the centrist, liberal and imperialist aspirations meet in American political life.
Apparently, Google's bosses genuinely believe in the civilized power of enlightened multinational corporations, and they see this mission as continuous shaping the world according to common sense "benevolent superpower". They will tell you that the breadth of views is a virtue, but all perspectives aspirations into American foreign policy will remain unnoticed by them. This is the impenetrable banality of "don't be evil". They believe that they are doing good. And that's the problem.
By me unnoticed news from the second of March: Eric Schmidt appointed head of the Council for innovation under the Ministry of defense.
In short: the Council will make recommendations on the development and implementation of all technological pieces, and created due to the recent history of the Apple/FBI. This appointment looks quite dull on the background stated, among others, by Google of solidarity with Apple on this issue.published
See also: Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 1
Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 2
Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 3
Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 4
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: megamozg.ru/post/24950/

Eric Schmidt is Hillary Clinton as a keynote speaker at the conference "Big ideas for a New America" (Big Ideas for a New America), conducted by the New America Foundation, where Schmidt presides and is the largest sponsor, may 16, 2014
Eric Schmidt was born in Washington, D.C., where his father worked as a Professor and was an economist in the Treasury under Nixon. He attended high school in Arlington, Virginia, and later received an engineering degree at Princeton.
In 1979, he went West to Berkeley, where he received his doctoral (PhD) degree [approx. the Wiki refers to a master's degree, however, with reference to "Kommersant", reason] before you join a spin-OFU Stanford/Berkeley Sun Microsystems in 1983. Sixteen years later he left the company, having become one of the acting managers.
Sun have also had significant contracts with the U.S. government, but only as long as Schmidt was in Utah as CEO of Novell that records which show that he had a strategic interest in the Washington political class. The financial records of the Federal [election] campaign say that on 6 January 1999 Schmidt has twice donated $ 1,000 to the Republican Senator from Utah Orin Hatch. On the same day, Schmidt's wife, Wendy, also donated to Senator Hatch twice a thousand.
By early 2001, more than a dozen other politicians and political action committees [approx. PACs, or “Political Action Committee”, Association for the financing of electoral campaigns, in particular for implicit financial support for specific politicians, including al Gore, George W. Bush, Dianne Feinstein (Dianne Feinstein) and Hillary Clinton received from Schmidt investments in total of more than 100 thousand dollars.
By 2013, Eric Schmidt, now publicly associated with the White House, Barack Obama, has become more Mature. Eight Republicans and eight Democrats directly funded by the two PAC'AMI. In April 32 $ 300 was sent to the Republican senatorial Committee (Republican Senatorial Committee).
A month later, the same amount 32 300 went to Democratic senatorial Campaign Committee (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee). Why is Schmidt donated a brand adekoya amount of money the two political parties 64 $ 600, remains a mystery. [note. data about payments received from Schmidt OpenSecrets.org and the us Federal election Commission (US Federal Election Commission).

Eric Schmidt is Hillary Clinton as a keynote speaker at the conference "Big ideas for a New America" (Big Ideas for a New America), conducted by the New America Foundation, where Schmidt presides and is the largest sponsor, may 16, 2014
Also in 1999 that Schmidt joined another Board: Fund "New America" (New America Foundation), Union of centrists with good connections. Fund and one hundred of his employees was using its network of national security, foreign policy and technological experts to place hundreds of articles and review materials in a year.
By 2008, Schmidt took the chair of the Board of Directors. As of 2013 the main sponsors of the New America Foundation, each of which has invested over a million dollars, includes the Eric and Wendy Schmidt, the State Department of the United States, and the bill and Melinda gates Foundation. ,
Next in the ranking of investors are Google, USAID (United State Agency forInternational Development, the United States Agency for international development) and Radio Free Asia [approx. radio "Free Asia" is a non – profit organization, something like "Voices of America" for the Asian region; partially financed from the budget of the United States].
Part of Schmidt at the New America Foundation places him firmly in the chain of the Washington ruling circles. Other Foundation Board members, seven of whom are members of the Council on foreign relations: Francis Fukuyama (Francis Fukuyama), one of the fathers of the neoconservative movement; Rita Hauser (Rita Hauser), a former employee of the Presidential analytical Advisory Council (President's Intelligence Advisory Board) under Bush and Obama; Jonathan Soros (Soros Jonathan), son of George Soros; Walter Russell Mead (Walter Russell Mead) is an American security analyst and editor of the American Interest; Helen Gale (Helene Gayle), and is involved in the Board of Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Department of the Department of state for foreign Affairs, Council on foreign relations, Center for strategic and international studies internship program the White House, Bono ONE campaign; and Daniel Yergin (Daniel Yergin), fuel geostrategy, former Chairman of the operational working group of the Department of energy for Strategic Energy Research and author of the book "Mining: world history fight for oil, money and power".
Executive Director of the Foundation, appointed in 2013 – Anne-Marie slaughter (Anne-Marie Slaughter), is the former chief Cohen in the state Department and Princeton a nerd on the part of law and international relations. At the time of writing it is everywhere, calling on Obama to respond to the Ukrainian crisis not only by deploying U.S. armed forces under cover inside the country but also by dropping bombs on Syria, on the grounds that it could serve as a message to Russia and China. Along with Schmidt, she is a member of the Bilderberg conference 2013, as well as sitting on the Board of international Affairs of the US State Department.
[note. "The decision of the Ukrainian crisis is partly in Syria. It is time prezedent Barack Obama to show that he can go on the offensive by force in conditions other than secret drone attacks or covert operations. The result may be a change in the strategic calculations not only in Damascus but in Moscow not to mention Beijing and Tokyo." Anne-Marie Slaughter, “Stopping Russia Starts in Syria”, Project Syndicate, 23 April 2014]
There is nothing that would indicate political Nezalejnosti Schmidt. I was too impatient, having noticed at first the political simplicity of an engineer from Silicon Valley, seeing in it the information of the graduate faculty from the West coast, as a relic of the good old days.
However, this is not the person that attends the Bilderberg conference four years running, who regularly visits the White House, or is holding "conversations by the hearth" at the world Economic Forum in Davos. The emergence of Schmidt as a "foreign Minister" Google's lush and ceremonial visits at the geopolitical fault line, and it didn't come from nowhere; it was prophesied years of assimilation with the American governmental networks of reputation and influence.
On a personal level, Schmidt and Cohen are perfectly likable people. But the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Google is a classic "head of industry", with all the ideological baggage attached to this role. Schmidt's perfect for your place: at the point where the centrist, liberal and imperialist aspirations meet in American political life.
Apparently, Google's bosses genuinely believe in the civilized power of enlightened multinational corporations, and they see this mission as continuous shaping the world according to common sense "benevolent superpower". They will tell you that the breadth of views is a virtue, but all perspectives aspirations into American foreign policy will remain unnoticed by them. This is the impenetrable banality of "don't be evil". They believe that they are doing good. And that's the problem.
By me unnoticed news from the second of March: Eric Schmidt appointed head of the Council for innovation under the Ministry of defense.
In short: the Council will make recommendations on the development and implementation of all technological pieces, and created due to the recent history of the Apple/FBI. This appointment looks quite dull on the background stated, among others, by Google of solidarity with Apple on this issue.published
See also: Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 1
Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 2
Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 3
Julian Assange: Google is not what it seems from the sandbox. Part 4
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: megamozg.ru/post/24950/